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When i read yesterday the News that there was going to be a Kotor MMO different feelings confronted me;I was happy because Bioware/Lucasarts didn't forget the Kotor-series and I knew that Bioware could make a great game with a good story but otherwise I asked myself:Why don't they end the trilogy,we stil don't know what happend to Revan,can they transform such a good Singleplayer game into an MMO?Look to Final Fantasy XI:FFXI was nothing compared to the other singleplayer RPG's like FFVII,FFX,....and it was from a developer of huge class,just like Bioware,Square Enix.I dont say that im not enthousiastic about the KOTOR MMO but please Bioware/Lucasarts/Obsidian listen to your fans,and announce KOTOR 3!


PLEASE Bioware/Lucasarts/Obsidian LISTEN TO YOUR FANS!

If you're with me,just sign'Count me in or something....'


not signed



for the lulz

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)




Its Xard, he doesnt mean, he`s just mean :p


As far as you "idea goes" I share the sentiment. But you`re fighting windmills lol. There is actally some petition with a couple 10k signatures for K3 floating around me thinks... Ppl have been talking to the hand for 4 years, but the face, it aint listening :p


As much as I'd like a single player KotOR3 to be developed by Obsidian, this suggestion is both pointless and way, way too late. If Riccitiello is quoted correctly and LA and Bioware are working on KotOR MMO, then the decision has already been made - the existence of the project (though we didn't know what it was then) was revealed half a year ago, which presumably means that storyboards, plot development and programming has long since begun. LA will not throw all that to the winds.


Besides, internet-campaigns never succeed and are always pointless. So don't waste your time. I hate the idea of a KotOR MMO, and I can say right now that I won't be paying monthly fees for playing such a game. I think it's a bad idea for LA to alienate the KotOR fanbase, which so far praises the KotOR games for their immersive, epic single-player plotlines and experiences. But unfortunately, if LA has decided on this course, then the ONLY way to make them see the error of their ways will be when the game tanks and Kotorians slash the finished (!) product and refuses to buy it. Gaming execs are no different than movie execs - no argument will ever persuade them that their terrible ideais just that except the cold, hard facts of failure and lost profits... sadly. :x


They really dont give a ******* **** what we have to say, as long as someone gives 'em their money. And ************* monthly supscriptions are apparently the new method of money acquisition.

  Hurlshot said:
In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.




Due to internet campaigning and lobbying we got moar levels in K2


And look what it did to game balance

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)




NO!You can't think so!You can announce a forum action(like:no reactions on the forum the hole 21st of July or something) because we are the fans hwo bring all the money to the developers!


There has been petitions for K3 through all these years. Obsidian has wanted to make one since K2.


But OE has nothing to do with all this. You'd do better by whining at bio forums (and getting banned, lol)


Besides, read this for lulz


That was actually petition that had chances

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



  Xard said:
There has been petitions for K3 through all these years. Obsidian has wanted to make one since K2.


But OE has nothing to do with all this. You'd do better by whining at bio forums (and getting banned, lol)


Besides, read this for lulz


That was actually petition that had chances

yeah i am at the bioware forums too but Bioware is making the MMO(Star Wars:The Old Republic)for quite sure so i thought that Obsidian could do it because i think from the hole Obsidian community the most are KOTOR fans

  2060Belgium said:
yeah i am at the bioware forums too but Bioware is making the MMO(Star Wars:The Old Republic)for quite sure so i thought that Obsidian could do it because i think from the hole Obsidian community the most are KOTOR fans


Well, first, thanks. We like to think that is true of us, obviously. However, as Xard points, Obsidian has no say in this. Sadly, I might add, since Obsidian wanted to do a content patch for TSL (which LA shut down) and has stated several times they wanted to do K3. Had it been up to Obsidian, development of K3 would long since have begun. Heck, given how quickly they did TSL despite having more than a 10th of the schedule cut, we'd probably all be playing K3 by now.


But Obsidian has no say in this, except to whether they want to do the game or not. And we know that they did. If you want to lobby for this, you need to direct your attention towards Lucasarts. They own Star Wars, and whatever they decide is law for the franchise, both as the publisher and as the owner of the franchise. Neither Obsidian nor Bioware has any say in this. They own neither the universe nor the characters in it.


I went to the Bioware forums and was disappointed in how many people have no mind or good opinions at all. I read a forum and it went something like this "kotor 3 should be battle front 3 and dey shoul ave a jedi"


""Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan

  Xard said:
But OE has nothing to do with all this. You'd do better by whining at bio forums (and getting banned, lol)


Yeah, they're pretty strict about this. But, surprisingly, they're not locking down every thread about this.



  Bass-GameMaster said:
I went to the Bioware forums and was disappointed in how many people have no mind or good opinions at all. I read a forum and it went something like this "kotor 3 should be battle front 3 and dey shoul ave a jedi"


Yeah, we have alot of idiots over there. [cough]Vader4444[/cough] :biggrin:

  Hurlshot said:
In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



  Bass-GameMaster said:
I went to the Bioware forums and was disappointed in how many people have no mind or good opinions at all. I read a forum and it went something like this "kotor 3 should be battle front 3 and dey shoul ave a jedi"


Well, I peeked at Lucasforums and was positively surprised that they seemed to share most of the sentiments expressed here. Funny, though, since my visits to that place has not left me with the best of impressions of that crowd...

Guest The Architect
  random n00b said:
Yeah, being part of the intellectual elite is such a bummer.




Was that supposed to be intellectual?


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