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This Is a discussion of how US President FDR and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine compare and contrast.


To start in both of their terms of office both received extra executive powers to deal with their crisis. For example Congress gave FDR blank cheek powers to create legislation needed to relieve the people from the great Depression.

Chancellor Palpatine was given emergency powers so that he could protect the republic from the separatist.


FDR's "Court Packing Skyrme" albeit it didn't work was an attempt to replace the conservative justices on the supreme court with Justices that would be corporative with FDR's New Deal plan.

Palpatine on the other hand practically controlled the senate legitimately and illegitimately


Both Palpatine and FDR stayed in office longer than other elected officials. War was a primary reason both rulers stayed in power.

FDR was the only US president to be elected 4 times. His 3rd and 4th terms were won because the American people didn't want a newbie leading the country through the war.

Palpatine probably stayed in power for the same reasons but I don't think their's not enough evidence to be sure.


I thought about this topic for two reasons

one I'm taking US History in school

two I remember George saying something about how George put some political themes in Star Wars.


Well anyways have a good discussion.

Your not all ways being honest when your telling the truth.


Everything slows down when water's around.

Posted (edited)

Thats an interesting idea, but if Palpatine was basied on any US president I should think it was Nixon.


George Lucas did admit to being influenced by the events that were going on while he was writing the scripts. However, the script was written during the 70's and Vietnam and the themes are much more likely to have been influenced by the events of that time. Rather than events and people during world war two.


If you compare Papitine with Nixon you can draw some parallels; Both were (or in Nixons case seemed to be) obsessed with gaining and holding onto power-you could call them mad, if not insane to some degree. Both were also willing to use illegal activities to further their goals-Nixon had Watergate. Palpitine had the trade confederation (although as far as we know no one ever worked that out).


This is a general impression, since I've never had to take US history (I'm not American) and haven't read up on a lot..ok...most US history in general. (I did the Industrial revolution and the Corn Laws....pity me). I would, however, imagine that comparing FDR with Palpatine might not sit to well with many people.......

Edited by Darth Mortis

OK maybe Nixon is a better choice but I haven't gotten to to the 70's yet so I picked FDR because were in WWII right now.

Also notice the sub heading is compare and CONTRAST

Your not all ways being honest when your telling the truth.


Everything slows down when water's around.


I think Palpatine is inspired Albert Einstein and Sokrates. They both had wrinkles. YA RLY



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- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)




I thought everyone was comparing Palps to Dubya now...




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.

the main difference between Palpatine and Dubya is that Palpatine is more charmistic than Dubya.





Comes to intelligence, that is debateable. For the minority do think that Dubya is very smart but my impression of the majority is that they believe that he is a complete dumbass.




Palpatine is very smart and equally as cunning.

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