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Woohoo, the Leafs got a very important win tonight, against one of our fiercest rivals, the Tampa Bay Lightning! Still out of a playoff spot, but only one point behind the Islanders and Carolina. Of course, nipping at our collective heels are the Rangers and Montreal, both one point behind the Leafs.


Great game by the captain though. This is important since the Leafs usually win when our captain has that fire in his eyes. This season has been pretty slow for him so far.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Ninth straight loss! I think the Leafs managed eight straight losses earlier in the season before they turned it around..


At least Robert Nilsson looked good.. and you'll get some of your 11 (!!) injured players back soon.


Or.. if you lose the remaining 11, you might get a top five pick at the next draft..?




Important game for the Leafs tonight. One of those difficult must-win games. For some reason, the Leafs always has a tough time against Washington. They can't seem to be able to stop the Alex's. But if they win this one, they'll move into a position for the play-off race for real! Right now they're one point out of the play-offs, but with two games less played than Carolina (eight right now). GO LEAFS GO!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Just play Toronto. We helped Washington break their nine game losing streak tonight. Aren't we kind?


Tucker is such a goon. He falls while taking a shot and then decides to pick a fight with Latendresse. And somehow Montreal gets the extra penalty on the call. :lol:


Hahaha! Tucker just got rocked 3 times on the same shift by 3 different Montreal players. :D

Edited by Deraldin
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Whoo! Halak had an awesome game tonight. The second goal probably should have been stopped, but he made a lot of other awesome saves to make up for it. The Leafs had been lucky to make it out of that first period tied with the way they were playing. I think if Montreal had come out of that up a goal or two it likely wouldn't have gone to overtime.


The Habs are still technically behind the Leafs because of the game in hand unfortunately. I predict that it'll come down to the final game of the season between the two of them to decide who comes out on ahead.

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Well, the Oil managed to lose again, but at least they came close.


And watching last night's highlights, where's the suspension for Mike Modano? He gets run over cleanly by Jordan Tootoo, then as soon as he gets up, he takes a one handed whack at Tootoo's head. Of course, Tootoo was busy knocking out Stephan Robidas, but that's another story altogether.


Three to one says Tootoo gets suspended for defending himself, and Modano doesn't get a thing. Total bull****.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Nice win against New jersey Devils tonight! We're out of the playoffs (as usual) but now we're at least very much in the race again. There are like.. five (or so) teams within one or two points of each other. And we're all battling for those last two playoff spots.



Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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"Nice fight at the Ranger game."


Disgusting barbarism. Fighting should be banned in the NHL just like it is off the ice. R00fles!


Well.. At least the Rangers are kickin' butt. King Lundqvist is just too SWEET!!! :teehee:


And, the Oilers are getting what they deserve.. Couldn't keep Pronge rhappy, and got rid of a greta player at the rtade deadline is what gets them where they are today. HAHAH!


GO RANGERS GO! :thumbsup:


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Three to one says Tootoo gets suspended for defending himself, and Modano doesn't get a thing. Total bull****.



Tootoo suspended FIVE games for that knock-out punch! That's two more than Janssen got for slamming Kaberle's head into the boards after that jump-hit of his.


Yeah, got to love NHL referees and rules. Total bull****.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Isn't Tootoo a repeat offender? It does seem a bit odd...it was a fight that turned out badly. If they are going to allow fighting, it seems pretty random to suspend folks when someone gets hurt. I mean, they are punching each other. It's not going to end well every time.


I'm not a fan of fighting. I just wish they weren't so dang popular. I'd love to see them take it out of the game, but I'm not sure if the NHL can handle losing the drunken idiot fanbase.

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I can't really say I'd call that a fight. Robidas had no chance to do anything due to the speed at which he was charging towards Tootoo. Plus Tootoo moved like freakin' Spiderman!


Tootoo has been suspended before, yes.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Just watched what happened on Youtube. That was definitely not a fight. Robidas came in to start one, but Tootoo punched him in the face with his gloves still on. And what swipe were you referring to from Modano? From the hand with the stick or the one without?


Mkreku: Not sure which you are angry at here, that Tootoo got more or that Janssen got less. Janssen should definitely have received a larger suspension for his hit though.


On a lighter note, Montreal has now scored 4 goals in seven minutes to go up 6-3 against Boston. :blink:

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I'm talking about his one handed girly sissy swing , with teh stick. that grazed Tootoo. I know that it wouldn't have hurt Tootoo, since Modano probably can't hit harder than an eight year old schoolgirl, but how was that not intent to injure?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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And we rebounded against Buffalo! Don't you try to take the NHL lead in our building, damn Sabres!




Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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