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The idea of killing people in this game is simply barbaric, which may provoke certain conflicts in reality. The artificial intelligence is nothing short of appalling, their ecstatic ferocity and sanguinorous demeanour really may provoke ambivalent views.

As a substitute for killing in this game, you should either be able to knock them out or brutally torture them until the only thing left is an overheated stun carbine.

Or maybe pacifism is the answer, and maybe you should be able to have picnics with them instead. The extortionate bloodlust and concomitant appalling framerate really does make this game appalling.

Rating: 10/10


My post didn't make sense. I am new to the forums. Hi. Please discuss this topic.

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:aiee: Such prolixity is not necessary, for it can lead to confusion, for example "sanguinorous" pertaining to Blood or Red. It could also be "sanguivorous" meaning blood sucking. Didst thou have a thesaurus shoved up thine fundament this fine morn?

You say the frame rate is appalling making the game appalling, yet you gave it 10/10.

Edited by Purgatorio


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Game has alignment status and bonuses. Otherwise order for those towards lightside or darkside would be absent. And with killing or harming, it is more of how it is positioned as priority in game. Which is summed up in dialogue between Jolee and Sunry back in KotOR on water planet of Manaan where difference between darkside and lightside is killing in cold blood and doing so only for defending oneself from being harmed, either potentially or fatally.

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Brutal torture over killing? LOL, you make killing seem the better option. Now why would you prefer brutal torture which is much worst, sadistic and painfull over killing? I dont see your logic when you are complaining how killing is bad. Killing in the Star Wars galaxy is the way life, I see where your comming from where you say it would trigger something else off, and it does sometimes, but most times you do the killing secretly, or kill everyone off so no one can squeal on you.

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I wouldn't say there is excessive bloodlust, it's conflagatorical to have excessive bloodlust anyway. Bloodlust of any kind would already be divorced from reason, it's like saying the crescendo increased in volume till it reached a crescendo.

I like a little torture in star wars, but torturing people doesn't get you accurate information, and it's bad... so umm, yeah. :crazy:


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That's a nice review. My rate is 10 for game play, 8 for graphic (Without codes as it lags on Dantooine.) 8 for crew (ESP. Goto.) 10 for story.


It's a good game, but remember: The alignment is vital--if you choose the destructive way, you're a DS. if you choose peaceful way, it's a LS.


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Savoir, conqueror, hero, villian...You're all those things...--Emperor Skywalker to CSI, redeemed Darth Nihilus.

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I wouldn't say there is excessive bloodlust, it's conflagatorical to have excessive bloodlust anyway. Bloodlust of any kind would already be divorced from reason, it's like saying the crescendo increased in volume till it reached a crescendo.

I like a little torture in star wars, but torturing people doesn't get you accurate information, and it's bad... so umm, yeah. :crazy:


I think that torture should be left to other games, its not really needed in KotOR extensively, when you have such things as persuade, and of course the trusty force.

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As a substitute for killing in this game, you should either be able to knock them out or brutally torture them until the only thing left is an overheated stun carbine.


Every other argument in your post was fine .. but this is gold! :sorcerer:


but this seems like an eloquent bot to me - especially because of how the sentences are sequenced.

Edited by Rosbjerg

Fortune favors the bald.

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Maybe it's some leftover of Go-To's programming...

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Assassination would be easier than a frenzied rampage of untamed bloodlust. Otherwise, stealth effect of assassins would become redundant in game, anyhow. For sake of not being able to find another more accurate instance, Kreia could be one, especially with her way of manipulating people in story.

Edited by vaxen83

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



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It would be a very strange bot if it is one.


One of the strangest indeed. :lol:


But why you didn't say "killing is my business and business is good."


It would've fitted into topic too ^_^

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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