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Okay, I think this is where I got the numbers from. I got them a bit off.




The association found that the most expensive system to develop for is Sony's PlayStation 2, at 139 million yen ($1.2 million) a game. That's more than double the cost of a typical title on Sony's PSP handheld, at 63 million yen ($541,000) a game. On the other end of the spectrum, developing a Nintendo DS game costs a relatively modest 39.8 million yen ($342,000).


It deserves mention that those are costs for Japanese developers though. Costs for American developers need not be the same (especially since I've seen the numbers $5-10 thrown aorund more than once as the approximate cost to develop a AAA game in the US).


The graphics programming will be larger on a platform that has a more complex graphical system. So, all other things being equal (i.e. assuming that a game of similar complexity and length on all platforms), the platform with the more complex graphics will cost significantly more.


Otherwise graphics wouldn't be an issue: all games would have the best graphics available. Which isn't the case.





From what Ive heard from the Nintendo fanboys, the DS comes with an SDK not unlike Macromedia Flash or Multimedia fusion where no actual programming is required and production of art assets is quick and standardised.



If that is true, a DS game could be made in a month and cost no more than the wages of the 5 or so people involved in creating it.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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