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Crazy Athlon64 Deal


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  • This is a mail-in rebate from TigerDirect and OnRebate. Several people have had unpleasant experiences with the duo.
  • The processor is a Socket 754 Athlon64 (the socket Semprons use today), so make sure you have a compatible motherboard before buying. I'm not sure if all Sempron motherboards support an Athlon64.
  • It's an "Athlon", but it has only 256KB cache. However, AMD's number ratings (3300 in this case) are usually good performance estimates that take both clock speed and cache size into account. This CPU runs at 2.4GHz.



Here's the deal: Athlon64 3300+ for $29.99 AR. (w00t)


My HTPC has a Sempron64 2600+, and I know for a fact that my mobo will take this processor, so I have taken the leap (despite TD's questionable rep). If I don't get the MIR, I will swallow my pride and console myself that I spent a bit more than I should have on a reasonably good procesor. If I do get the MIR, it would be an awesome deal.


I will let you folks know what happens.

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Because I didn't remember the AM2 when I posted (mostly because I didn't really know about it).


Having said that, a socket 939 is still better than the Socket 754, and IMO the AM2 isn't really all that huge of an upgrade over the 939...not compared to the improvement the 939 saw over the 754.

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The main advantage AM2 has over 939 is not only that it's DDR2-compatible, but also because if you buy a huge, expensive AM2-processor now, you can upgrade to a AM3-socket in the future and still keep your old processor for a while. Ok, so that may not be a huge advantage, but if you're like me (who enjoy upgrading your system one piece at a time) it's still an advantage ;))

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But IMO the advantages of the DDR2 memory, at least now (and on AMD platforms) seemed a bit lackluster.


Though I'll admit that once I bought my new computer, I didn't care much for computer hardware so the AM2 came and went without me caring.


Though I find that I'd be more likely to replace a CPU before I replace a motherboard, so I'm not sure how much of an advantage it would be for me to be able to keep an AM2 CPU with an AM3 motherboard. The only times I really upgrade my motherboard is when better CPUs for my original motherboard are no longer available. An exception could be graphics cards, but PCI-Express is still very new, so I don't see it getting replaced any time soon.

Edited by alanschu
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But IMO the advantages of the DDR2 memory, at least now (and on AMD platforms) seemed a bit lackluster.

Yes, in fact AMD (and Intel, for that matter) had to go through a lot of tweaking and fine-tuning to get DDR2 performance levels up to the DDR levels. Typical applications we run seem much more latency-sensitive than bandwidth-intensive. Of course, bandwidth is becoming more important with the increasing number of cores per socket.

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My HTPC has a Sempron64 2600+, and I know for a fact that my mobo will take this processor, so I have taken the leap (despite TD's questionable rep). If I don't get the MIR, I will swallow my pride and console myself that I spent a bit more than I should have on a reasonably good procesor. If I do get the MIR, it would be an awesome deal.


I will let you folks know what happens.


How would I be able to tell if my socket 754 mobo would support an Athlon64?

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Hey, I think it's silly to beat yourself up after a purchase. ...But sure as hell don't beat yourself up for ten bucks. Tell you what, I'll think of you the next time I buy a couple coffees at Starbucks.


Hehe, I'm already starting preliminary planning for the new computer. I mean, my wife is due for an upgrade early next year and I can give her my current computer and build a new one for myself.

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Hey, I think it's silly to beat yourself up after a purchase.  ...But sure as hell don't beat yourself up for ten bucks.  Tell you what, I'll think of you the next time I buy a couple coffees at Starbucks.



I mean, my wife is due for an upgrade early next year and I can give her my current computer and build a new one for myself.

Or, you can be a gentleman and give her the new one. :D

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I would go for this if I lived in the states, as my mobo meets the requirements.

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