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Centre - counter-clockwise

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Right - clockwise


That is, if I remember it accurately.

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.




You get less XP

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)




I got a new charecter (jedi gaurdain) and I went in the sublevels with atton and dur-nor or what ever his name is and I'm stuck were there is literetly like 10 of those deadly bud dudes and i've tried using all my strength and stanama and my mandolorain melee sheild and still die this is my first planet so what do I do?


Which planet are you stuck at currently?

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



Posted (edited)

Here is just a suggestion. You could go to Dantooine's kinrath cave and keep on fighting kinraths near crystal formations to level up till your PC can reach level 15 which will prompt Kreia to ask you to choose a Prestige class. After killing kinrath, swop a party member to another and run away from crystal location, and you will find kinraths spawning once again. Can do it as many times as you want. There is a large crystal formation where a personal crystal can be obtained from.


Getting to level 24 would suffice, if you decide to level up.


Ensure you have Master Force Barrier as a force power to reduce physical damage. If you want to upgrade your weapons, you could go back to EH ship and use workbench over there, but might have to confront Visas if you have not done so yet. Master Energy Resistance will reduce damage from her lightsaber attacks.


Also, find a Rodian vendor selling items in the administration building. Save game before talking to him, and try to locate items that give strength bonuses which might be sold. Reload and talk to him again if you cannot find such items till you can.


Bring Kreia with you as her force powers can assist while you work your way through the Enclave sub-level. Decide if you want her to use light side powers or dark side powers. Either kind will suffice. Her mentor bonus will provide a slight increase to Exp points, even when trying to level up against Kinrath.


Use upgraded vibroswords for all characters as weapons (Equip characters with single vibroswords as hit rate is higher than for double-bladed weapons). Lightsabers would probably be available only later after meeting Vrook and talking to Bao-Dur. Bao-Dur's skills will allow him to create items for upgrade. There is a workbench in a room of the Enclave sublevel. Once you find it, use Bao-Dur to upgrade your weapons. Also, create Biorestorative underlays for your armour or robes so that characters can have life regeneration.


For your PC, make sure your base strength is at least 16. With an Eriadu Strength amplifier, your Str would be around 18. Just give your PC a single vibrosword so that your hit rate is relatively accurate. Master Speed will enable you to have multiple attacks for each turn in a fight. Power implants give +2 to Strength. Your minimum base Constitution has to be around 14 to use it. Go for either Master Critical Strike or Master Flurry as hit rate is not reduced.


A third party member to bring with you apart from Kreia is Bao-Dur as his skills will allow mines to be disarmed and locked doors to be opened. Stuck doors can only be opened by attacking them.


Check all rooms in sub-level so that you don't really miss out on whatever is there. Disciple is in the Enclave library. Also, there is a datapad near statue in the library that tells how Vrook has been taken hostage.


(By the way, there is a room where there are around 6-7 droids in it. Repair them all using Bao-Dur so that they will become walking suicide troopers to get rid of some laigreks roaming around in a part of Enclave's corridor.)

Edited by vaxen83

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.




Force crush you learn after defeating the Jedi Masters on Dantoonie. If you are darkside.

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Posted (edited)

I just did now what do I got to do? I'll have to do that part later because im in the sith tomb now

Edited by chos echo

For the tomb, there are two paths for left and right. Both lead to puzzles that have to be solved in order to get items from stone boxes near a computer console for each one.


Answer for puzzle on left is Module C.


Think answer for puzzle on right is 6 x 2 - 4 +5 X 1. (See if this answer is accurate and save game before even trying)


Collect items in boxes after puzzles are resolved.


There is an inactive droid on right path. If you have either T3 or Bao-Dur, use Repair to activate it.


Use workbench there to upgrade armour and weapons.


Through the door straight ahead from path that leads on from tomb entrance, clear out Sith troops. There is another door ahead, and three Sith/Dark Jedi. Just use Energy Resistance, Master Speed, and Force Wave if possible to take them out. Mandalore deals substantial damage if he is in your party and has vibrosword weapons


Two paths go left and right from there. Get to either one and pull lever to open door to Freedon Nadd's resurrection ritual. Clear Sith enemies and find yourself confronting three Sith Masters. Activate Energy Resistance and depending on which party member those Sith chase, lead them around ritual area in circles. Then, once in a while, Force wave them. Even half damage from force powers helps.


Keep using your party leader to heal other characters (assuming party leader has gained Jedi levels)


And if all this does not work, then make sure that your party leader can still run around the pool of water.


If you had equipped your lead character with Biorestorative underlays for either robes or armour, healing would not be difficult.

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



Posted (edited)

Ok, look at how many forms you have learned. Do you have a total of 7 forms under your Force power menu? First four forms would be Force Channel, Determination, Contention and Resilience. Remaining three forms are each taught by a Jedi master (Master Vrook, Zez-Kai Ell and Kavar). And there is also a Jedi master who is dead and whose corpse lies in Sith academy on Korriban although no saber form is learnt from locating her body (Master Vash). Have you been there and discovered her corpse yet? Does not really matter whether any of the masters have been killed at all.


If you have a total of 7 forms (including first four above), and have discovered dead Jedi master's corpse in Korriban's Sith academy, go back to Dantooine'e Jedi enclave. The door on left side where kath hounds and horned hounds were initially defeated by your PC will be open. If it isn't, it means that something from above mentioned tasks has yet to be completed.


And assuming that you can enter through enclave's left door, you will come to a junction with four paths. Those paths don't really lead very far. Just try them out, as one of them leads to a yard where remaining Jedi masters that were not killed will be waiting for you. Kreia will also walk in and wait for your PC.


Even if any of the three masters were killed, you will have still learned a certain lightsaber form from each. As long as lightsaber/force forms are learned and you have a total of 7 forms and have discovered Master Vash on Korriban, then you can go to Dantooine's enclave.


And save your game before talking to remaining Jedi masters in Enclave as there may be bugs. If there aren't any masters waiting there, then they have basically been killed.

Edited by vaxen83

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



Ok, look at how many forms you have learned. Do you have a total of 7 forms under your Force power menu? First four forms would be Force Channel, Determination, Contention and Resilience. Remaining three forms are each taught by a Jedi master (Master Vrook, Zez-Kai Ell and Kavar). And there is also a Jedi master who is dead and whose corpse lies in Sith academy on Korriban although no saber form is learnt from locating her body (Master Vash). Have you been there and discovered her corpse yet? Does not really matter whether any of the masters have been killed at all.


If you have a total of 7 forms (including first four above), and have discovered dead Jedi master's corpse in Korriban's Sith academy, go back to Dantooine'e Jedi enclave. The door on left side where kath hounds and horned hounds were initially defeated by your PC will be open. If it isn't, it means that something from above mentioned tasks has yet to be completed.


And assuming that you can enter through enclave's left door, you will come to a junction with four paths. Those paths don't really lead very far. Just try them out, as one of them leads to a yard where remaining Jedi masters that were not killed will be waiting for you. Kreia will also walk in and wait for your PC.


Even if any of the three masters were killed, you will have still learned a certain lightsaber form from each. As long as lightsaber/force forms are learned and you have a total of 7 forms and have discovered Master Vash on Korriban, then you can go to Dantooine's enclave.


And save your game before talking to remaining Jedi masters in Enclave as there may be bugs. If there aren't any masters waiting there, then they have basically been killed.

I did korribon but the door still isn't able for me to open so..... now what? I only need naar shaada left do I have to do that? oh ya now I remember.....


You have to complete all planets before getting into enclave

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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