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and also its free, how could you beat that?

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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@astr0creep: Are the glands under your armpits swollen too?




Only lower right side of my neck, where the shoulder meets the neck. And I have a bigger one under the jaw, below the right ear.



@other funny posters: I needed to share my concern. I know I can't really get a decent, straight answer here.

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I'm looking for reassurance here, I will go see a doctor.


This morning I woke up after a long, steamy night. It was about 25 degrees celcius and I didn't sleep very well, tossing and turning. I also had a massive headache that went away almost as soon as I got out of bed. Oh yeah, I'm diabetic.

While doing my usual morning scratches I discovered 3-4 lumps on the right side of my neck, about 1/8 of an inch in diameter each, one of them is between the shoulder bone and the thick muscle on top of the shoulder and that one is about 1/4 of an inch and slightly painful from the poking and massaging.

My wife told me they were knots because of the bad night and my job, which forces me to sit at a desk all day, barely moving my right arm for the mouse(I do CAD work).

There is no pain aside from the pokings and they are below the skin, slightly squishy.


Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Has anyone ever had this?


The internet searches moslty talk about throat lumps and cancers and I haven't found anything seemingly related to what I have.


Anyway I'm somewhat scared and needed to share. Advice is welcome.



I would go to the doctor just to get the bumps checked out,im not really sure what they are but the could be lymph nodes or bug bites.And if your back is hurting at work try getting your boss to buy a more comfortable chair,or bring your own he/she is a power yungry mean greedy boss.Hope you feel better!

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