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Yuthura Ban can be turned to the LS?

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I read in a post form someone that you can turn Yuthura Ban from the Sith Academy to the LS. If this is true then I want to try it out. Explanations? :p

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No, not true, I had tried every option, with both alignments, its not possible.


It is true. Choose to stay on Yuthura's side and poison the Academy master. Afterwhich you will emerge triumphant and Yuthura will fight you. Spare her life and she will realize that even with her DS powers the LS can still triumph. Naturally, you have to be LS. If Dantooine hasnt been destroyed by then you can even visit her at the Jedi Academy.

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The only way to turn her to the ls, is if she considers you a friend. You need her to talk about her past, until she calls you a friend, only then will she think about turning.


If you don't manage to do that, she will either return to the Academy or leave it without really turning.

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What is interesting is that on Dantooine you can ask her to come with you, but dont get your hopes up, she always says she cannot follow your path :ermm: she would have been a good replacement for Mission or T3 :shifty: (There are mods that make her playable :lol:)


You can also persuade another sith student to join the Jedi on Dantooine, tho you must visit Korriban before you find the 3rd Star Map. The student will spawn in the room where you build your light saber (I think his name is Kel Ulgwin)

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You can also persuade another sith student to join the Jedi on Dantooine, tho you must visit Korriban before you find the 3rd Star Map. The student will spawn in the room where you build your light saber (I think his name is Kel Ulgwin)


yeah that wuss one

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Dont you wish you could actally be a jedi knight w/the jedi council and be able to train A padawa. I think that'd be cool. But i dont want that in K3. Anyways yes it is true, one thing u cant do is tell master uthar about what yuthara is doing.

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so you want it, but then you DONT want it in k3 :unsure:


and im pretty sure you where bascally a master in k2 who was training the 'lost jedi'

but Kreia was your master was she not? and another question, when you leave to go to dantooine after your 3rd star map, do you get abducted by Saul? :(

If money is the root of all evil.....why is the world not destroyed?

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going korriban last is cool, revealing that your revan to uthar win is cool, for he believes you (at the end)


So does Yuthara, although I think you would have to gain LS points for that (I do that LS anyway, I let Yuthara live and tell her I am Revan). Its a shame you cant tell them you are Revan *then* kill them both. I think that by that stage if you tell the students you are Revan, you should gain their loyalty, not them saying "I dont believe you" then slaughter them all.

Edited by aerowars617
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Well, I started a new file to get through and have Yuthura go LS...and it wasn't all that interesting. Although what made it a tad interesting was talking to her about herself while in the Sith academy, makes turning her LS a bit later seem like the right thing to do.

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