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NWN 2 DM Client will not ship with the game

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Its hardly crying, Lare, I am just fed up about games being released half arsed. Once I can forgive, but twice now?!?!?


Just how long did it take for the first patch of KotOR 2 to be released? Just how long did it take Obsidian to release the media patch? This is adding a whole quarter of a game as a patch. How long will it take them? A year? 2 years?

Edited by Judge Hades
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there's more to life than gaming, and more to NWN2 than the DM client.


Bah, that's like saying to a frenchman that there's more in life than culture and love.


Stay true to your nature, fellow gamer :shifty:

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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"I've never played a NWN game with the DM Client, and i dont feel like i'm missing out on anything."


Outside of strictly single player games, if you played any sort of on line NWN like PWs; you've likely taken advamntage of the Dm Client. Remember, a lot of modmakers also make use of the DM Client to test their mods - SP or otherwise. I know I do.


On top of this, the DM Client even more then the toolset or the MP is what sets it apart and above other RPGs of this ilk. It's also why NWN is the closest thing you'll find to real pnp as you'll get a DM.


Still, I will buy the game 'cause it's still offering enough of what I want a game.


However, it's another example of things being cut 'cause it isn't the first.


And, people should stop trying to blame Atari for these cuts. Afterall, originall teh word from Obsidian was that the Dm Client would be 'untouched' now they aren't evenr eleasing a major feature of the game, and that is exactly what it is. Even if only 15-25% take advantage of the DM Client in any way; it's still a blow.


NWN will still sell a million copies though. They won't delay the game over it because Sepember is the due date most likely. However, they've had and will have plenty of time to make the game. 2+ years just like BG2 whose SP was/is much long than the NWN2 OC will be.


It's sloppy poor project management on the part of Obsidian. Good thing they'll be getting 90% of the game right so that's cool.




Edited by Volourn


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Yet, the DM client *is* a big part of NWN nevertheless. If I still planned on DMing, I'd be pretty upset too. If a delay in its release means Hades will get it only after it gets patched in, so what? I probably might have, if I still valued the DM client. Would I whine about it? I'd be disappointed, yes, but I'd rather they take the time to add in all that new functionality such as adjusting dynamic lighting on the fly and a lot more control in various aspects rather than just put in NWN1's *EXTREMELY LIMITED* DM client and be done with it.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Yeha, problem with it being a part of the patch though it's no longer something we pay for; but a free add on. So, now when buying NWN2 you aren't guaranteed the DM Client.


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In which case people like Hades won't end up buying it anyway. If you buy a product that you consider incomplete and end up disappointed, then it's your own fault.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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"First a rather short campaign. Second the lack of DM Client.. What will be the third? Lack of Toolset? Vista Exclusive title?"


I think NWN2 will be great. It'll be a fun game where I the OC 2-3 times, and probably enjoy playing mods (and posisbly making one when I finally finish my NWN1 or with RP if he's still interested).


However, I do NOT see Obsidian supporting this post release like BIO did. That's not meant as offense; but just an observation. BIo went above, and beyond what we fans should expect for post release support.


Too bad too. I thoguht NWN2 would uphold that (brief) NWN franchise tradition...


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Oh well, what s done is done. There is nothing we can do about it anyway. People who don't care if they get an incomplete product will buy it on release while those who want a full product will wait til the DM Client is in the game. It seems that once again Obsidian bit more than they can chew.

Edited by Judge Hades
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However, I do NOT see Obsidian supporting this post release like BIO did. That's not meant as offense; but just an observation. BIo went above, and beyond what we fans should expect for post release support.

Depends if they dedicate a live team to it or not similar to what Bio is doing. With income flowing in from DD content, they could keep the game supported for everyone, even those who won't buy a single DD mod.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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"I've never played a NWN game with the DM Client, and i dont feel like i'm missing out on anything."


Outside of strictly single player games, if you played any sort of on line NWN like PWs; you've likely taken advamntage of the Dm Client. Remember, a lot of modmakers also make use of the DM Client to test their mods - SP or otherwise. I know I do.


On top of this, the DM Client even more then the toolset or the MP is what sets it apart and above other RPGs of this ilk. It's also why NWN is the closest thing you'll find to real pnp as you'll get a DM.


Still, I will buy the game 'cause it's still offering enough of what I want a game.


However, it's another example of things being cut 'cause it isn't the first.


And, people should stop trying to blame Atari for these cuts. Afterall, originall teh word from Obsidian was that the Dm Client would be 'untouched' now they aren't evenr eleasing a major feature of the game, and that is exactly what it is. Even if only 15-25% take advantage of the DM Client in any way; it's still a blow.


NWN will still sell a million copies though. They won't delay the game over it because Sepember is the due date most likely. However, they've had and will have plenty of time to make the game. 2+ years just like BG2 whose SP was/is much long than the NWN2 OC will be.


It's sloppy poor project management on the part of Obsidian. Good thing they'll be getting 90% of the game right so that's cool.




Quit being silly, of course its Atari's fault.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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Yeah, KOTOR2 was Atari's fault too.


Sneaky ones, aren't they? :shifty:

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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"Depends if they dedicate a live team to it or not similar to what Bio is doing. With income flowing in from DD content, they could keep the game supported for everyone, even those who won't buy a single DD mod."


Honestly, I doubt it. I don't think they're interested in supporting those who plan to use the game besdies those who buy it just for the OC. Obsidian has made it clear the 10-30% of buyers who do play the game outside of the OC simply aren't that important.


They'll make the campaign great (I hope). They'll patch once or twice. And, that's it, barring another official in store expansion.


I don't see them 'wasting time' on a Live Team when only a 'handful' of customers take advantage of it.


Afterall, as successful as the DD BIO modules have apparantly been, I doubt BIO has gotten rich off them 'cause only the hardcore NWN players buy them - not the majority of players who buy a game, play the camapign once, and then move.


I'll be pleasantly surprised now if I wa sproven wrong about this. I was very optimistic before.


P.S. Like i said, I'm still buying the game, 'cause it will likely be worth it in my view, but people ar ekididng themselves if they think that obsidian views NWN2 as a long term product like BIO obviously viewed NWN1. Not too surprising considering that BIo had to fight tooth and nail just to get the game released while Obsidian had a million + seller handed to them. It's not 'theirs' so to speak.


The campaign will rock at least... as long as nothing else is cut... :ph34r:



P.S.S. Crap. I'm sounding way too pessmistic now.... Too negative. That was *not* my intent when I first heard the news. LOL :D


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