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Star Wars KOTOR III: The Fight For The Force.

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  • 3 months later...

I will play as Atton Rand.





ATTON: I came into bastila's quarters and started medditing next to her. I tried listening for and echo in the force, i had lots of trouble since my master the exile said he would complete my training but never returned. Then finally, i heard it, vissas had once told me that she could feel it trough the force. It was the exile that made that disturbence. Then all of a sudden my medditation was broken when we heard the sound of a ships tractor beam pulling us toward it. We were trapped!



P.S. This was my first time doing this so cut me some slack plz.

Edited by red47
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i dont get whats happening... uh can i be visas???


ahh i understand. haha cool


my life for yours


oh wait theres already a visas. some one give me a female non haindmaiden part please

Edited by seejai

"She was short, she was furry, she was loud, and she was determined to sell him a melon"- random passage from Spector of the Past by Timothy Zahn

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u guys should keep this thread going cus i dont really know how to do it but i think it looks pretty sweet

"She was short, she was furry, she was loud, and she was determined to sell him a melon"- random passage from Spector of the Past by Timothy Zahn

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T3 becomes conscious again and realizes that all of his receptors are gone... destroyed? Yes, something had destroyed them all. All that is left is his core processor. He feels... lonely, even though he knows that droids shouldn't really feel emotion. So lonely he feels... it becomes pain, or what T3 assumes pain would be like from what he heard in his lifetime.


He wants to be put out of his misery. He does whatever he can to communicate his sorrow, but to no avail. He is cut off from the outside world, stuck in this swamp of pain and torture.


For some reason, he cannot even deactivate himself. He pleads for help inside his enclosed processing core. A robot had never plead so hard. Help from anyone he asks. From... suddenly, an abstract idea runs through his core: a moderator? His only hope?


Yes, yes a moderator could help, if only the moderator saw him in this state and... another abstract idea... closed this thread? YES! THAT IS IT! "PLEASE CLOSE THIS THREAD!" T3 screams with all his mechanical capability.

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Since the original poster seems to have abandoned this game, and since it looks like it might turn into a spamfest, I think it's time to put this thread out of its misery.


Any new, supported, RP threads are welcome though.



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