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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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Carth could be dead, yes, but Darth Revan will be alive and will have been instrumental in Saul Karath's death regardless. I don't see a downside plotwise in this.

But Carth IMHO would have to be made an important person in that game so I think it would be bad if you select Revan to be DS and the whole "Carth killed your father out of revange" should then be skipped.

I don't suppose you would like a storyline and the quest "find Carth Onasi" would take up just a few minutes do you?

I mean, finding a republic admiral is no easy task and it would be bad if the game just covers it up with "the Lonna Vash" strategy.

Master Vandar lives!

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Carth could be dead, yes, but Darth Revan will be alive and will have been instrumental in Saul Karath's death regardless. I don't see a downside plotwise in this.

But Carth IMHO would have to be made an important person in that game so I think it would be bad if you select Revan to be DS and the whole "Carth killed your father out of revange" should then be skipped.

I don't suppose you would like a storyline and the quest "find Carth Onasi" would take up just a few minutes do you?

I mean, finding a republic admiral is no easy task and it would be bad if the game just covers it up with "the Lonna Vash" strategy.


The idea is that you would be gunning for Revan for your revenge, not Carth. Yes, Carth may have killed Saul, but he would never have been able to do that without Revan and Bastila, so they are just as much to blame, if not more so.


But hey, if you don't like it, then fair enough... I'm not married to the idea or anything...


How about the idea of a mandalorian jedi? His DS choice could be to kill Canderous, become the new Mandalore, and then lead them as a mandalorian *and* a jedi!

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All known npc characters should be still alive in KotOR III. A lot of people (including me) would be disappointed, if they found out, that one of their favorite comrades already died somehow.


However, you should be able to change the fate from most of the known Charakters, while progressing in the game. Just the way you could kill Bastila in KotOR I. Only this time you should be able to kill more comrades. This would make the decision to walk the path of the dark side more dramatic. It was the same in Episode III, when Anakin turned against the Jedi and infiltrated the Jedi Temple.

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All known npc characters should be still alive in KotOR III. A lot of people (including me) would be disappointed, if they found out, that one of their favorite comrades already died somehow.


The problem with that is that if Revan is DS, then some of them - certainly Jolee, Juhani, Mission, Zaalbar - must be dead, possibly Carth as well.


However, you should be able to change the fate from most of the known Charakters, while progressing in the game. Just the way you could kill Bastila in KotOR I. Only this time you should be able to kill more comrades. This would make the decision to walk the path of the dark side more dramatic.


Gruesome! Especially since you just argued for not killing the companions. Still, I like it for a DS option :p


It was the same in Episode III, when Anakin turned against the Jedi and infiltrated the Jedi Temple.


"infiltrated" ?!?!? :-:blink::blink::blink:

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Feat: Lightsaber: deflect force lightning

HK47: Commentary: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blasters warm, meatbags.

Bastila to Revan: You are easily the vainest, most arrogant man I have ever met!

Canderous to Bastila: Insults? Maybe if your master had trained your lightsaber to be as quick as your tongue you could have escaped those Vulkars, you spoiled little Jedi princess!

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Guest The Architect

Good idea about your poll hawk. Actually, have you been keeping track of the poll results? I'd like to know who is winning, anyway, can I vote for more than one? Because I'd vote for...


5, 7, 9, 11 or 15. But I especially like 5 and 15...


Now, today I've got the day off, so I'm going to dedicate my free time to work on my K3 story and get started on my first three chapters, when I've finished writing the first three chapters, I'll announce it on the forums and if you ask me through PM, I'll post you the first three chapters of my K3 story.

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I guess I have to make another post to explain something here.


To Jediphile about being the child of Saul Karath: Well, I like it but I think it cannot be executed that well because of the Carth 'problem'.

And about the Mandalorian Jedi. Well, it should be done in another way. I don't think it would be good to fight for becoming Mandalore.


Maybe you could begin to know more what is the difference between a Mandalorian and a human. And why your people attacked the republic. But somehow I think this role would be better served as a role for a party member. Not for the main character.

Still I guess there would be ways to make the main character the mandalorian Jedi, but to fight for the title of Mandalore? No, in Kotor III we should fight the true Sith.


And to Architect. Thanks for your votes. I'll put your votes in 5 and 15.

Okay, I guess that's all right.

Everyone gets 2 votes.


Poll standing:


Darth Malak's child 5) 2

Saul Karath's child 15) 2


I will post this poll in the Bioware boards today as well and maybe also on other Kotor related forums.

Master Vandar lives!

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Guest The Architect

The Latest Poll Standings Are...


Table 1 Latest Poll Standings


I (35)

K (33)

F (15)

J (12)

A (7)

L (6)

H (4)

B (4)

N (3)

M (3)

D (2)

G (1)

C (1)

E (1)


Table 2 Latest Poll Standings


R) 64

Q) 47

P) 12


I'm now going to introduce this poll into the BioWare Forums...

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Don't know about everybody else, but I must admit that I'm very tired of the idea of people with power in Star Wars all being each other's brothers and sons and daughters and great-grand aunts and what not. It all goes back to Luke and Leia being Vader's children, and we've never quite gotten rid of it. It automatically points to a "chosen one" plot where your most significant skill as the pc is simply being a relative of someone else rather than because of anything you do or know or learn or choose. I want K3 to be based on decision, not background that I have no control over as a player.

Well. It only adds an element to the story, on which you can react at. The other option would be that you are a Jedi who isn't related to anyone. And then you have 3 very powerful Jedi in the galaxy. Revan, the Exile and you, the third character who is like, pick one:


Kyp Durron

Corran Horn

Tahiri Veila

Kyle Katarn

Jaden Korr

Mara Jade


Anyone else not related to another but very powerful from the new Jedi Order?

I don't really have a problem with these characters but if we could for instance play as the son of Darth Malak, it gives you a reason to want to go DS or that you want to find Revan. In Kotor I, I didn't really saw reason to go DS. In Kotor II, I did see reason for it.


And now that I mention it. If I got a build a story concerning the role of the son of Malak, I don't think I would want to reveal it as a surprise mid game. Maybe for a chance it is better to say about it at the start. Maybe your character allready knows and wants to go after Revan. To either take revenge or to ask why he killed your father.

Master Vandar lives!

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Well. It only adds an element to the story, on which you can react at. The other option would be that you are a Jedi who isn't related to anyone. And then you have 3 very powerful Jedi in the galaxy. Revan, the Exile and you, the third character who is like, pick one:


Why do I need to play a powerful jedi? Why can't I just play a jedi that simply grows to some power from his experiences and the circumstances? Revan and Exile will be the great jedi. If there is a third great jedi, then it should be Bastila, not my main pc.


Anyone else not related to another but very powerful from the new Jedi Order?

I don't really have a problem with these characters but if we could for instance play as the son of Darth Malak, it gives you a reason to want to go DS or that you want to find Revan. In Kotor I, I didn't really saw reason to go DS. In Kotor II, I did see reason for it.


Why do you need a reason to play dark side? You don't. People will simply play it if they prefer it. Besides, the DS reason in K1 was that Malak usurped your power and your leadership of the sith, and you wanted it back. I mean, he stabbed (shot) you in the back, so he deserves it, doesn't he?


And now that I mention it. If I got a build a story concerning the role of the son of Malak, I don't think I would want to reveal it as a surprise mid game. Maybe for a chance it is better to say about it at the start. Maybe your character allready knows and wants to go after Revan. To either take revenge or to ask why he killed your father.


Malak's son: "Revan, why did you kill my father?"


Revan: "He betrayed me, tried to kill me, abused my power, left me for dead to the jedi, then tried to kill me repeatedly and even bombarded entire planets to get rid of me, once he found out. He deserved it."


Malak's son: "Ah, okay. Good point..."




Sorry, doesn't quite work for me - it's obvious why Revan might want revenge on Malak.

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I agree completely with Jediphile on this.


Most parodies of Star Wars poke fun at the Father/Brother/sister/son thing. Nobody even uses it in movies anymore because it has become super cliched and even ridiculous in stories as a plot twist/cliffhanger.


Away with it I say!


I would like the PC to come to a crossroad in the story: Either CHOOSE to become a Jedi/Sith in order to solve a major problem in his/her life or CHOOSE to find another way as an "ordinary" person, that could be force sensitive depending on the choices he/she previously made in the game.

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Stormtroopers = clone troopers...at least at this stage.


I wouldn't be surprised if many of the Stormtroopers in ep 4/5/6 were still cloned.

There was some discussion in the Ep 2 DVD commentary about having the actor for the Clone Troopers (his name eludes me at the moment) do new voice tracks for the Storm Troopers in Ep 4-6 in a DVD release, so, yeah ... some, if not all, Storm Troopers were cloned. In almost all the pre-prequel EU source material I've read (quite a bit, but not all) the Storm Troopers' background was always left mysterious.

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Stormtroopers = clone troopers...at least at this stage.


I wouldn't be surprised if many of the Stormtroopers in ep 4/5/6 were still cloned.

There was some discussion in the Ep 2 DVD commentary about having the actor for the Clone Troopers (his name eludes me at the moment) do new voice tracks for the Storm Troopers in Ep 4-6 in a DVD release, so, yeah ... some, if not all, Storm Troopers were cloned. In almost all the pre-prequel EU source material I've read (quite a bit, but not all) the Storm Troopers' background was always left mysterious.


That doesn't sound right given how long it took the Kaminoans to "grow" the clone army. Besides, there are several instances in the EU of stormtroppers being perfectly ordinary people. Although I'm sure there would still be some of the original clone troopers left in the imperial forces. But I do think we got stormtroopers instead of clonetroopers because many among their ranks were no longer clones. Besides, Han and Biggs were in the imperial academy and Luke wanted to join, and last I checked, TIE pilots were sort of stormtroopers too.

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Stormtroopers = clone troopers...at least at this stage.


I wouldn't be surprised if many of the Stormtroopers in ep 4/5/6 were still cloned.

There was some discussion in the Ep 2 DVD commentary about having the actor for the Clone Troopers (his name eludes me at the moment) do new voice tracks for the Storm Troopers in Ep 4-6 in a DVD release, so, yeah ... some, if not all, Storm Troopers were cloned. In almost all the pre-prequel EU source material I've read (quite a bit, but not all) the Storm Troopers' background was always left mysterious.


That doesn't sound right given how long it took the Kaminoans to "grow" the clone army. Besides, there are several instances in the EU of stormtroppers being perfectly ordinary people. Although I'm sure there would still be some of the original clone troopers left in the imperial forces. But I do think we got stormtroopers instead of clonetroopers because many among their ranks were no longer clones. Besides, Han and Biggs were in the imperial academy and Luke wanted to join, and last I checked, TIE pilots were sort of stormtroopers too.


Also, according to SWBF2 Stormtroopers are not all human. Some are other thingies.

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