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Freedom Force

Nameless One

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when it was released I didn't want to play it for some reason (at least that's what I think, considering the fact that I heard of it, it's labled RPG, but I haven't played it yet), but now I can't remember why


can someone enlighten me about the qualities of that game? (or, for that matter, shortcomings)

is it any good?

is it any rpg?

and what about the sequel?



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Go buy them both, Herr Nameless, they're awesome! There're also playable demos available, though they don't reach the full version quality. You can also find a bunch of reviews at http://www.gamerankings.com/

Though, keep in mind they aren't RPGs a'la Baldurs Gate, more like story driven, mission based, squad based tactical whatever strategy blabla games.... :blink:


Edit: Oh, and don't forget to get the English versions.... because I heard the German dubbed versions are a catastrophe.

Edited by Morgoth
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is it any good?


It's a nice game that basically uses the Silver Age of Comics as a theme complete with corny one-liners, outrageous costumes and stereotypical characters, but it's done in a very charming way. Every hero that becomes available to you will have an introduction vignette, rendered in a Jack Kirby style.


Basically it's a squad-based tactical game. Initially you play just one superhero, Minuteman but as you progress more heroes join your cause against commies, robots, monsters and all else that's evil. It plays out in realtime but you can pause the action to issue orders. Every hero has different types of powers available to them but the core types are melee, projectile and area-effect.


One of the highlights of the game, although it isn't used as good as it could've been, is that the environments are very interactive. Want to hit four thugs at the same time? Rip out a street lamp and whack them. Don't have the power to jump to the top of a building to bash the thug firing at you? Kick the building down. Does getting trough an obstacle take too long? Pick up a taxi... And throw it at the obstacle.


Another nice touch is that depending on how you complete mission objectives, you'll gain prestige points, which you can later use to 'buy' other heroes to join your cause. This happens because not every hero will immediately join you, and you have to recruit them to your team.


is it any rpg?


The only RPG you'll get from it is the ability to customize your heroes via experience points awarded after each mission, where you can then improve statistics or purchase new powers.


and what about the sequel?


Haven't played it yet so I can't comment, but going by what I've heard it's pretty much an update on the first game in terms of graphics and control, while gameplay supposedly remains the same. This can be good or bad depending on what you felt about the first game, obviously.

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i played the first one for a while, I thought it was great!! Morgoth and RP pretty much hit the nail on the head, but here is the official website, which should hopefully answer some of your questions. And El Diablo for teh win!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Every hero that becomes available to you will have an introduction vignette, rendered in a Jack Kirby style.


Nitpick mode: Not every hero, just those introduced to you through the storyline. There are a few additional ones that don't have a vignette.


Anyway, they are both great games. RPGs they are not, but still great fun. It helps if you like superhero comics of course, even more so if you're familiar with the comics they pay tribute to.


If you're interested, here is a review I once wrote for the sequel. Most of it is true for the original game as well (apart from the story comments I think).

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the second game is quite good.. you get almost all the heros introduced by a small movie, those not introduced by the storyline somtimes have them. others (like liberty boy) dont.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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thanks...sounds like a game I will enjoy (even though I'm not familiar with superhero-comics)

I will buy them as soon as this semester ends.

and thanks for the hint with the bad german version...that sure would have made me not like them


so why haven't I already played them?...a mystery

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You won't be disappointed, just make sure to get the English versions.... it's a game about Silver/Golden Age Super-Hereos after all! And Germans imitated by American Voice-actors always ends up into hilarious amusement. (w00t)


Just in case you can't scare them up, you can try your luck at www.dschungel.at or www.gameware.at, they still should have English versions available for a relatively cheap price and deliver within 2-3 days to Germany.

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