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How did you always imagine KOTOR 2 to be?

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When I heard the minds behind Planescape : Torment were behind KoTOR II, I breathed a sigh of relief.


Planescape : Torment, Such fond memories

(I don't think PS:T graphics are dated. The grahpics are still great in their own way.)


I didn't really have any problems with KoTOR I. I loved every minute of it! I actually clapped at the end of the LS ending. It was just that good for me.


I don't think KoTOR II will let me down. I'll probably find myself clapping again!

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Heh... well, I thought everything was good except for the ending, hehe. Unless they make a KotOR III, they had BETTER tie up the loose ends better this time... GRRRR :angry: :ph34r:


I didn't mean that Tyrell was complaining; but he was following that trend in saying that anything not of Half-Life 1-2 type advancement wasn't a proper sequel, and I wondered what on earth would actually satisfy people as a sequel.

Edited by nightcleaver
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Meh. KOTOR 2 looks like it's shaping up to be everything KOTOR tried to be but wasn't. Like... Um... An RPG, maybe?


^Sorry, I have to bring that up every post I make; it's union regulations.


Anyway, when did they say they were re-balancing the weapons? That's good news. Maybe a blaster rifle will do a bit better than 25.5% more damage than a blaster pistol, and maybe ranged weapons will be worth using. The SKILLS will be worth getting, so that's always good news.


KOTOR 2's storyline looks so much better than KOTOR 1's. So very much better. I just hope they use it properly, rather than playing the whole "you're being hunted across the galaxy" thing, just to allow you to walk around on Sith-controlled planets and nobody notice/care (like with Bastila on Taris).


I'm happy with the way KOTOR 2 is looking. It's no more an expansion to KOTOR 1 than Fallout 2 was to Fallout 1.

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Blah, I didn't want to change the topic.


But yeah, overall I'm hoping/expecting this to follow somewhat along the lines of PS: T and be a better story. No offense to Bio-people; I know that sort of fantasy has a wide market, and I respect that people like that sort of story more. I don't, though; there were a number of situations (this could've been bad VO, I'm not sure) that I just felt like the writing/VO was trivializing the situation. The outcasts on Taris, the tortured and killed wookie on Kashyyk, the confrontation with Bandon, and more I can't think of right now. There was a somewhat cartoony feel to the first one, and I'm hoping/expecting the second one to at least have a darker cartoonish feel, with a little more of the feel of Episode 5.

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Blah, I didn't want to change the topic.


But yeah, overall I'm hoping/expecting this to follow somewhat along the lines of PS: T and be a better story.  No offense to Bio-people; I know that sort of fantasy has a wide market, and I respect that people like that sort of story more.  I don't, though; there were a number of situations (this could've been bad VO, I'm not sure) that I just felt like the writing/VO was trivializing the situation.  The outcasts on Taris, the tortured and killed wookie on Kashyyk, the confrontation with Bandon, and more I can't think of right now.  There was a somewhat cartoony feel to the first one, and I'm hoping/expecting the second one to at least have a darker cartoonish feel, with a little more of the feel of Episode 5.

its expected to be a whole lot darker and more erm indepth for want of a better word :p

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nightclever's post got me thinking (although probably off-topic) about what constitutes an expansion pack and what constitutes a full-blown sequel.


the problem is, most of the time, couldn't one be interchangable with the other? a sequel (atleast what I perceive as the definition) is a follow up story to the original, sort of continuing the timeline and keeping continuity. but then isn't that what an expansion pack tends to do? is it the number of new features that separates one from the other? new graphics? new characters?


to be perfectly honest, i could care less if TSL ends up being more or less an expansion pack to KOTOR 1, as long as the story makes for an interesting game. I thoroughly enjoyed KOTOR 1 and as long as I get my new story and some new and improved features (which appears to be the case), I'd dish out my cash whether it was a full blown sequel or just an "expansion".

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nightclever's post got me thinking (although probably off-topic) about what constitutes an expansion pack and what constitutes a full-blown sequel.


the problem is, most of the time, couldn't one be interchangable with the other?  a sequel (atleast what I perceive as the definition) is a follow up story to the original, sort of continuing the timeline and keeping continuity.  but then isn't that what an expansion pack tends to do?  is it the number of new features that separates one from the other?  new graphics?  new characters?


to be perfectly honest, i could care less if TSL ends up being more or less an expansion pack to KOTOR 1, as long as the story makes for an interesting game.  I thoroughly enjoyed KOTOR 1 and as long as I get my new story and some new and improved features (which appears to be the case), I'd dish out my cash whether it was a full blown sequel or just an "expansion".

an expansion pack is usually just to make more money, "aha our game is a smash hit, how can we make more money from it in double quick time? i know an expansion pack" which dont get me wrong is no bad thing, after all games are a business, and at the end of the day everyones happy until the true sequel comes out. But expansions are usually exactly what the say they are: expansions of the original game. TSL however IS a true sequel however, not only because its set 5 whole years after the original, but you are a different character, a whole different storyline, brand spanking new characters, and much much more. now just because it uses the same graphics engine (good call in my book) dosnt make it KotOR 1.5! anybody agree? ;)

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1) Better story.

2) More/better animations in combat.

3) Better inventory management.

4) More freedom of choice.

5) Better customization of items.

6) More useful skills.

7) Consequences for your choices (goes hand in hand with freedom of choice)

:wub: More feats, powers, and classes to customize your character with.


Of those eight things, only the last is something that a typical expansion pack will include. Everything else is above and beyond the call of duty. KOTOR 2 is a true sequel.

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