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Kotor Tv Series, I wish

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Hi o:) Long time lurker, first time poster. :ph34r:


I am a die hard fan of a Female Revan but this really is creating conflict in my ressolve....



Darth Revan replica costume


The guy wearing the costume is hot!! :ermm:


If i was somewhat not as poor as I am now I would buy it, just prolly would need the chest piece moded



Anyways, in actuality, I identify more with the Exile and Kreia, especially Kreia, not the evil manipulative ways, but more her cynic views. I don't know but despite the controversies about the ending and such, I love TSL a lot because the charachters had a lot more human nature than other SW archetypes I even got a a bit chocked up when I confronted the council and Kreia did the "You were whole" bit.With that jedi theme in the background it was quite moving to me.


After seing that costume come to life like that, makes me wish the SW TV series that is coming out was based in that time period. I Would be soooo happy to see a RL Revan and some cool kick butt Exile girl wack things around with their glow sticks. I am not a huge fan of EP I II and III but a tv series could give these charachters I love so much more depth if Lucas could go find a happy medium between his old writting style and his new found toys.


The set up is perfect with a Canon LS Revan and Exile, you have a jedi order in complete and total disarray if not near complete extintion.Many jedi who are either hiding, DS, walked away from the teachings or live Jolee style. You also have this huge threat that can strike at any time, with the Republic very weak from 2 huge wars. "true Sith" who could be wicked nasty and incredibly powerful, sort of like a Sidius x 10. Bastila, Handmaiden, Mecal, and specially Visas (personal party fav) and new jedi charachters have to train and restart the order. The first Season could rock, the exile just come back from seing Revan, and warning the republic about the war that is coming. Some of the things Kreia said at the end (I love her ending speech but I am a bigger fan of the ending that got cut) and at other points in the game could be perfect for how powerful these sith really are "children with lightsabers to them" I think and other stuff.

At the season finale we finally see Revan come back :( and the true might of the true Sith.


I wasn't a huge SW fan until Kotor, I loved Ep IV V and VI but never really got too much into the rest of the stuff. I played kotor while I was recuping from surgery, now I am addicted to Kotor 1 and 2 and SW. From what I read on the net, it seems Revan has taken on a life of her/his own as far as fans. I hope that would give enough sway to the flannel one. It is a nice idea I wish LucasFilm had.

Edited by Beccaali
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First off, welcome to the forums ;)




1) I know this is only your second or so post, but try to put it in the right forum. The 'Spoilers' section is for things that may give away an ending or part of the storyline to the game. This picture doesn't.

2) Use the search button next time. There was a topic about this around 3 days ago. Post your ideas about the Revan costume on Ebay here.

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No. A KOTOR TV series would inevitably mess up what we already know about the series. I don't want a TV series about Revan and/or the Exile because they only exist as I know them in the games I played as them.

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No.  A KOTOR TV series would inevitably mess up what we already know about the series.  I don't want a TV series about Revan and/or the Exile because they only exist as I know them in the games I played as them.



Exactly! We all have our own perceptions as to how the characters are in our minds..I for one would hate to see something such as film (or worse) a TV show. If I want a Revan/and/ or Exile fix, then I load the game up... :D


Besides, since when does a TV show, or movie ever get the characters right?




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First off, welcome to the forums :p




1) I know this is only your second or so post, but try to put it in the right forum. The 'Spoilers' section is for things that may give away an ending or part of the storyline to the game. This picture doesn't.

2) Use the search button next time. There was a topic about this around 3 days ago. Post your ideas about the Revan costume on Ebay here.





I put the post here since when i was done writting, I had included the "true sith" part. Thought that qualified as a spoiler. On the search, my bad.

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No.  A KOTOR TV series would inevitably mess up what we already know about the series.  I don't want a TV series about Revan and/or the Exile because they only exist as I know them in the games I played as them.

Yes no tv series. It would probably end up as some lame cartoon.

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While a Star Wars TV show would be cool (not a cartoon but one with actors and CGI) I wouldn't want one about Revan or the Exile




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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Hint about the series


There most likely will be one, since the force.net seem to be a reliable source, but I doubt it will be anywhere near the kotor story or timeline. If the series do materialize about whatever about SW, I hope Lucas hires decent writers.

Lucas can write it himself. :o

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or live Jolee style.


Don't you mean, "or pulling a Bindo."?



"Learn to harness your anger and control your fear. Dominate your emotions! But do not let them overcome you; for they can surely cause you to fall to the dark side.

If you expect to win against a Sith then you need to fight like a Sith! If you do not, you will always be met with defeat."

-- Jedi Master Seraphis Dakari

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I don't want a TV series about Revan and/or the Exile because they only exist as I know them in the games I played as them.

Exactly! We all have our own perceptions as to how the characters are in our minds...


Guys, you have to remember that these games (and yes, even the main characters) do have a canon storyline. If a t.v. show were to be then I would fully expect them to follow said canon, and go no further.


And to Beccaali, canon dictates that both Revan and Exile were both male. Sorry.


But to actually add to this conversation;

I wouldn't want so much to see a movie or t.v. show about this, but I would love to see an official, canon, novelization to each games (and the possible third). (TSL consisting of all Jedi-turning party members with a male Jedi exile. (That would mean adding Mical to that party. Although he is not part of the male party in-game, he is still an official party member and should be added.)

Edited by Jedi Master Dakari

"Learn to harness your anger and control your fear. Dominate your emotions! But do not let them overcome you; for they can surely cause you to fall to the dark side.

If you expect to win against a Sith then you need to fight like a Sith! If you do not, you will always be met with defeat."

-- Jedi Master Seraphis Dakari

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Why would female Revan hide the fact she's a woman? Especially in SW, where the genders are equal. Don't quite understand the logic.

And yes, I agree that both Mical and Brianna should be in Exile's party in the canonical story. Although I hope Leland Chee will sucessfully "push" for the female Exile.

Edited by Sikon
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because maybe the soldiers would doubt a woman, I dont know, still better than no reason at all I think

The story is Revan is a charismatic leader, why would they doubt a charismatic leader if Revan was a female? Sex is irrelevent in SW. Some of the top Jedi are females. Military and politcal leaders are female. It's nothing like Earth.

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