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Picked up REmake

Child of Flame

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I found it today at Target for $20. It was the last copy, and I really shouldn't have spent the money, but it looked quite lonely on the shelf, and keeping in mind that I had been told by another internet friend that for whatever reason copies of Resident Evil for the Gamecube have become somewhat hard to find, and the low price, I bought it anyway.


Basically what I am asking before I open the package and play it is is this a good game?


I also made a fool of myself in front of the pretty Arabian lady with the oh so thick accent and soft voice, but that is another story.



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Now I am asking can you be objective when talking about Resident Evil?


My gut instinct is no, but I'm about to open the package anyway seeing as how I lack self control!



When I've seen it being discussed, it was nothing but positive. I've not played it myself, but I'm willing to bet it's pretty good.

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


"I have also been slowly coming to the realisation that knowledge and happiness are not necessarily coincident, and quite often mutually exclusive" - meta

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Now I am asking can you be objective when talking about Resident Evil?


My gut instinct is no, but I'm about to open the package anyway seeing as how I lack self control!



Bah, do what you ******* want then. :)





I was just teasing you Ms. Valentine. :-"


So far, it is really pretty, and the really long cutscenes have me intrigued, but the crippling controls (this was expected, I knew the control system was wonky) and the zombie at the end of the hall keep killing me.


I beat him once, but I was all limping and stuff. Is there a way to lay the smackdown on him that I've missed?


Also, I seem to need an ink ribbon to save my game and I'm not seeing one. :huh:

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1) Run from the first zombie... go back toward the main hall.


2) Ink ribbons are near typewritters. The first ones are on the table across from it.. I think.


Edit: Hey they changed the boards... now we have an "edited" inkstamp :)

Edited by Darque
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Darque, the controls are freaking stupid.


There's no reason that you shouldn't be able to move around like in a normal third person shooter, if they were so keen on ensuring that you could walk backwards as well as forwards, change the mapping of the controller so that the L trigger when held down makes the control stick function like it already does. I can kind of sort of understand why you can't shoot and run at the same time (builds tension) but that is stupid as well, better to make you accuracy take aheavy hit when running and shooting, so it's not worth it. The way it is now just breaks my suspension of disbelief and makes me think "Hey I'm playing a game!"


I should totally be a game designer at Capcom as my ideas would work better than theirs.


EDIT: Also if you use the L trigger as a toggle, mapping the Y button as what it does currently would work fine, as the only thing L trigger does right now is Auto Aim and Defense. Defense isn't done unless you're all in the Zombie's arms already, and the firing while using auto-aim can be pulled off easily enough by rolling your thumb.


The graphics are still beautiful though. :)

Edited by Child of Flame
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....your undead to me now

Fixed :(

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I couldn't resist :(


A) It's Darque, local liason for all things shuffling and horror survival and B) As a grinning skull, I'm partial to undeads :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Do what I said and the controls would be golden.


Only thing that annoys me about the game besides that is the weird movie-ish camera they have going throughout the entire game. In places where the camera view is about to change but it hasn't yet it makes it really hard to see what's going on.

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I always wanted to pick this up, but bad controls drive me batty.


Exactly why I can't finish Grim Fadango

I think Daque is biased.




I think you suck :)


I've listed the flaws with the resident evil games in the past, not my fault if you can't remember them :)


Oh yes, that's right, I "must" be biased. :blink:

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Could you list them again as I've never ever seen them?


Lack of story depth (improved a bit in the transition from RE to REmake)

Horrible voice acting (greatly improved from RE to REmake)

Pointless puzzles (more added in REmake :blink: ) Though to be fair the whole game is "one big puzzle" if you think about it.

Weak "Bosses" (other than Plant 42 I didn't find them very challenging)


That's all I can think of off the top of my head, I'm busy doing other things at the moment, so that's the best you get for now.


Personally I've never understood the complaint about the controls. It might be challenging to get the hang of with a DPad, but it's pathetically easy with a stick.


As for the camera angle, this is a cinematic game, not a FPS.

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Yet you are often required to fire blindly at things you can't see due to poor camera angles that you have zero control over.


With shooting being such a huge gameplay mechanic, and not being able to see what you're firing at compounds with very limitied ammo, you've got a recipe for player frustration.

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