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Jade Empire Bombed


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I still fail to see how this relates to people that claim to be hardcore RPG players that don't care about graphics, yet can't look past the poor graphics of Geneforge.

I still fail to see how this claim to be hardcore RPG player that doesn't care about graphics, yet can't look past the poor graphics of Geneforge, relates to me.

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Actually, Hades has said specifically that he rates the value of his game based on the dollar to hour of gameplay.


This only relates to real money spent, so if he could get a game for $25, he'd expect 25 hours of gameplay. There was never any discussion about the market value or anything of the like.


I would also doubt that Hades constitutes a part of hte common PC game market demand, as he has stated many times that he would only play CRPG games. Although he's clearly not part of the common PC game market demand now, as he has sworn against PC games now for console games.


Besides, Hades considers himself a hardcore RPG gamer, which is exactly the type of gamer that Geneforge markets to. The only thing missing, is the willingness to purchase a game online. However, I suspect this to be a convenient excuse simply to not buy the game.



But to go back to the original point, Hades' barometer is about real dollars spent to hours of gameplay. KOTOR was a poor value because he did not get 50 hours of gameplay, yet Baldur's Gate 2 was an exceptional value because he got more than 50 hours of gameplay. Based on Hades' definition alone, he would need 25 hours of gameplay for Geneforge to be a good value.



Also: The book bundle with shipping and taxes is clearly around $100 if I'm not mistaken.


I don't recall a bundle, but yes you are correct. I never disputed that. Individually, each game is $32 with the book bundle, so you'd probably get the three games for around $100

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There was never any discussion about the market value or anything of the like.

Not ostensibly, but yet it was a factor. Hades stated he doesn't/has never/will never buy games online. That straight aways implies his market demand criteria.




Besides, Hades considers himself a hardcore RPG gamer, which is exactly the type of gamer that Geneforge markets to.  The only thing missing, is the willingness to purchase a game online.  However, I suspect this to be a convenient excuse simply to not buy the game.

Willingness alone does not constitute market demand, although it is one of the the two necessary components. Willingness AND ability to purchase puts an individual in that market.

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Hades stated he doesn't/has never/will never buy games online


He's also stated that he's going to be playing PC games for a very very very very very very very very very long time.


Willingness AND ability to purchase puts an individual in that market.


I'd be surprised if he didn't have the ability to purchase the game.

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Hades stated he doesn't/has never/will never buy games online


He's also stated that he's going to be playing PC games for a very very very very very very very very very long time.

People's opinions change, as do their financial diversity. Although he might have quoted the above previously, he most definately stated the above-above in this thread.




Willingness AND ability to purchase puts an individual in that market.


I'd be surprised if he didn't have the ability to purchase the game.

The ability to purchase online differs from the ability to puchase off retail shelves given the intrinsic nature of credit cards and e-commerce.

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The ability to purchase online differs from the ability to puchase off retail shelves given the intrinsic nature of credit cards and e-commerce.


Not sure what you're saying. But if he has a credit card, then he likely has the ability. Even if he is a grown man without a credit card, there are alternatives to purchasing the game without a credit card.


Like I said, I doubt he lacks the ability to buy the game. He may not want to because of whatever reason, but that does not restrict his ability to purchase something online. He may not be able, but I highly doubt it, given that e-commerce tries to make itself as available as possible.

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E-commerce is a good way to get you numbers out on the web.  No thank you.  I tried it once and twice and got burned.  If its not at a store shelf I don't  buy it, period.



You tried it once and got burned twice?


How so?


Besides, you don't need credit card numbers if you're paying via mail or via Paypal.


E-Commerce is only a good way to get your numbers out on the web if you're an idiot with your numbers. You're just buying into the unsubstantiated ph34r of teh 1d3nt1ty 7h3f7.


What site did you attempt your e-commerce purchase?

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Most of the scams that arise from Paypal is that your money is TOO secure though.


People have purchased expensive items using paypal, and then report that the account had been cracked and had the financial part of the transaction reversed, while still receiving the goods.


Many of the scams revolving around Paypal are also emails that come out from scam artists saying "You're account may be compromised, come here and enter in your information so that we can fix it" type scams.


Maybe I'm optimistic, but Hades One doesn't seem like someone that would be stupid enough to do that.


But if Hades went and bought an item from "OMGZ0rs, ph4t lewt here Emporium, give as j00r credit cardz please!" then he got what he deserved.



My credit card reverses transactions if my number is stolen, so I don't lose money to begin with. I'm guessing this isn't unusual, because my Dad has been burned (he has his own computer store) by credit card fraud, where he doesn't get any of the money because the credit card used was stolen.


Even if I "got burned," the only cost I'd have would be learning a new credit card number.

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