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Jade Empire Bombed


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Wait, if all alt-nicks of one member(let's say 4) get a warning; does that equal a ban? :)

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Thing is, if the game sold a million copies, then it sold quite well.  I can't see a game being "modestly profitable" even if it's just in the long run, if it sells a million copies.  Jade Empire has only sold 500,000 copies, albeit in a shorter time frame.


Oh, I think it could. That Fallout 1/2 Dual Jewel and the PS:T and... something one sold at Walmarts for years with a prominent place on small metal racks - I saw the same layout in multiple states. I assume other similar retailers sold it the same way. At $10 for well-known and attractively packaged games I could see them selling an awful lot of copies. Not three million, though, and I don't have any particular numbers to back my presumptions.


I suppose. I would still assume that, like most games, the majority of the sales still occurred when the price was greater than $10.

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However, it is true, sales themselves are only a piece of puzzle. Only BIO, and MS know how much JE was amde for. BIO seems to be happy with sales. I doubt they'd be happy if the game lost money. I'd need actual proof before I take someone's word that BIO is just pretendding to be ahppy.


Which is why people call you a Bioware fanboy.

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And? your point being what? People can call me whatever they want. It still doesn't make what they say true. Anyone who has actually paid any attention to my posts regarding Bioware would know the facts. Afterall, most fanboys aren't called scum because theya re too mean, afterall.




I'm still waiting for actual PROOF that 500k sales for JE makes it a bomb or a 'dissapointment'.


Even after 35 pages no such luck.


Go figure.


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And? your point being what? People can call me whatever they want. It still doesn't make what they say true. Anyone who has actually paid any attention to my posts regarding Bioware would know the facts. Afterall, most fanboys aren't called scum because theya re too mean, afterall.


So what you're saying, is that just because someone says something, doesn't necessarily make it true?

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Nice try. It's also a fact that someone saying something is true doens't make it false either so no this doens't mean the BIo rep was 'lying' in the article.


Once again, nice try; but try harder to bring actual PROOF to the thread. :wacko:


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500k copies sold does not a bomb make. I have NEVER heard of one game selling half a million copies in 6 months, and be considered a bomb. Yet all of asudden, JE is a bomb.


What's funny is by the time this thread reaches 40 pages, JE would ahve sold another 100k copies. Then another. Then another.


Show me evdience that that the BIO rep was just doing a 'marketing schitz'. I shall await for your hard evidence.


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500k copies sold does not a bomb make. I have NEVER heard of one game selling half a million copies in 6 months, and be considered a bomb. Yet all of asudden, JE is a bomb


That's not proof. It's still guessing.



At the same time, our proof is that throughout the history os business, companies have still given out positive assessments to failing products in order to try to maximize the sales out of the product. Companies still like to maximize their return on investment, and stating that a product is a failure financially doesn't do much to help make up the return on investment either.



Typical that you expect me to give hard evidence, yet speculation is all you need.


Tsk tsk.

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I have hardcore proof. 500k copies sold for a game has NEVR been considered a bomb. Period.


Your comment that some companies in the past have lied is not proof of the BIO rep lying; but proof that he *may* have lied which is not proof at all.


500k copies sold = good until someone proves otherwise.


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Troika was telling the truth when they said they were pleased with how well Bloodlines sold. And since they said so and would have better knowledge than the general public, that makes it so because company employees or representatives of the company would NEVER say something to put the company in a good light even if it weren't factual. Never.


Oh wait, Troika's now closed.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I have hardcore proof. 500k copies sold for a game has NEVR been considered a bomb. Period.


You don't know that. Please list to me all of the games that have sold 500k copies so I can verify your information.


Perhaps it was somewhere in the article where you state that Jade Empire's sales have exceeded expectations.

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"Troika happy with the sales of Bloodlines."


Can you prove the lack of BL sales was the reason for Troika's downfall? I bet the reason for their downfall goes MUCH deeper than that. And, oh, unless BIO folds within the same timeframe that Troiak did after BL was released, you lose. I believe Troika lasted 6 months or so after BL.. BIo, 6 months after JE's release, are still going strong.


1 announced game officially, and two (unnamed_ xbox 360 games). Nope. Tryin' to comapre the two companies' situations falls short.


Troika, it ncould be argued, was trying to save a sinking ship. Last I checked, BIo is surely not sinking.



"You don't know that. Please list to me all of the games that have sold 500k copies so I can verify your information."


Proof me wrong. Show me a game that has sold 500k copies within 6 months that was considered a bomb. In fact, show my 5 to at least show a trend as we all know there are exceptions to every rule. The fact that you cna't name even one off hand says it all.


P.S. JE is likely not the exception here but nice try.




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"Troika happy with the sales of Bloodlines."


Can you prove the lack of BL sales was the reason for Troika's downfall?


That wasn't my point.


My point was you keep saying that because a Bio rep states something, then that is UNDISPUTABLE proof that statement is correct and not just a marketing ploy. Troika reps said they were very pleased with how well Bloodlines sold, so using your argument that is UNDISPUTABLE proof that their statement was true also and not just your typical marketing and PR statement. As it turns out it wasn't.


Show me evidence from an impartial third party with statistical evidence that JE sold well and I'll believe it. Otherwise you can't take any statement by a Rep of a company as "fact" of anything. Unless of course you believe the Toronto Maple Leafs has a very, very good chance to win the Stanley Cup since their management says they do.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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