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Well, for one thing, humans can't even live in temperatures near the boiling point of water, let alone in boiling water. If that's not fragile, I don't know what is.


And bateria that can live in that water would mostly die near instantly in cold water. Something we can at least survive a several minutes or hours time in.


Or, get this: only 3 days without clean water and we die!


Your boiling bacteria can't go nearly that long I'm going to venture.

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"And bateria that can live in that water would mostly die near instantly in cold water. Something we can at least survive a several minutes or hours time in."


But, get this: there's no danger of it's ecology seeing such a drastic change within at least the next few hundred millenia.


"Your boiling bacteria can't go nearly that long I'm going to venture."


I bet the water it lives isn't exactly "clean".


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But, get this: there's no danger of it's ecology seeing such a drastic change within at least the next few hundred millenia


But that doesn't apply to the fragile arguement! :)


I could start arguing that human brain power will allow that to survive just about anything. At least some humans. It is outside the scope of the debate tho.


I bet the water it lives isn't exactly "clean".


If we all consumed "less clean" water from birth, those of use alive would have a MUCH greater tolerance. So maybe you and me are fragile in that sense, but our post-apocalyptic kids would not be at that same disadvantadge.




Don't get me wrong, for several reason bacteria can out last us, but we are not as weak as you suggest

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I don't know about you guys but I can tolerate a great deal of things, after all I grew up in Boone. In any case human tolerances are fluidic and adaptive. Such as take a person from southern California and place him in the middle of -20 below Iowan winter. He will be a walking like a sumo with all the overcoats he would be wearing. Me, I would be wearing a light jacket.

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"But that doesn't apply to the fragile arguement!"


It does in the sense that unlike ours, their ecology is not vulnerable to change. Thus making them not vulnerable.


"Don't get me wrong, for several reason bacteria can out last us, but we are not as weak as you suggest"


What I suggest is that humans are able to destroy all human life on Earth. We can't destroy all life.


"I could start arguing that human brain power will allow that to survive just about anything."


Too bad we can't with current technology. The rest is just fiction until it becomes possible.


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It does in the sense that unlike ours, their ecology is not vulnerable to change. Thus making them not vulnerable.


Your changing the arguement still! :)


It was how fragile is a individual being. How vunerable thier enviroment is not the same.


What I suggest is that humans are able to destroy all human life on Earth. We can't destroy all life.




I think it might be harder than you think tho, hence my arguement.

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Why are we so hung up on the looting? A bunch of people who had been shafted by the hurricane dash out and try to come out ahead by squirreling away a couple of TVs. Big deal. I'm a fairly law-abiding citizen, and even I'd have a crack at it under the same circumstances.


BTW, looting of food isn't going to help for long.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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No. That is how you chose to interpret it.


sorry, the correct word was "species".


Sure, it's downright easy to make it inhospitable for humans, but hey, we're a pretty fragile species.


Still, you called the species fragile. You didn't say the species was in a fragile position. You suggested we don't adapt well. I suggest we wern't any more fragile than most species. Most life would die due to Nuclear holocaust.


"Fragile" is relative.


I can't see how else you could spin your comment. Certainly not to include the species current enviroment factors. That has nothing to do with how fragile the species is. If you took a species that was literally a lead block and through them all on the sun, do they become fragile compared to humans? Nope. Just in a worse position, but still better equipped to withstand the heat.


but even if you did, we are still WAY more hardy than most mammels, reptile, fish, etc. After all, we live EVERYWHERE.


Nuclear holocaust would work.


I can see a hand full of rad resistant peeps popping up in areas that didn't get creamed or from bunkers. Much like Anti-bacterial stuff kills 99.9% of the bacteria, but those that remain have greater immunity to it.


I'd don't know for sure if thats possible, I'd have to do some research.

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I'm nothing but a bacteria factory. No, really, where humans go, they bring bacteria with them. We've got some sort of weird co dependancy or something.

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"Still, you called the species fragile. You didn't say the species was in a fragile position. You suggested we don't adapt well. I suggest we wern't any more fragile than most species."


Yes, I do concider a species that lives in a very specialized environment suspectible to sudden changes a fragile one.


"If you took a species that was literally a lead block and through them all on the sun, do they become fragile compared to humans?"


If their ecology was such that contact with the sun would be a plausible risk factor to them, yes, I'd they would become fragile compared to humans.


"but even if you did, we are still WAY more hardy than most mammels, reptile, fish, etc. After all, we live EVERYWHERE."


Then again, mammals, fish et all don't form even a considerable part of Earth's biomass. As such, even when you're the the top of the class when it comes to survivability, it tends not to mean much in the big picture.


"I can see a hand full of rad resistant peeps popping up in areas that didn't get creamed or from bunkers. Much like Anti-bacterial stuff kills 99.9% of the bacteria, but those that remain have greater immunity to it."


Radioactivity is nothing like antibiotics.


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If I remember right from science, radiation breaks down the connection strands of our DNA thus disintegrating us on a cellular level which can also lead to abnormal mitosis (cancer) that can kill us.


In order for a species to develop radiation resistance it would need a tighter more durable genetic spiral than humans currently have.

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Why are we so hung up on the looting? A bunch of people who had been shafted by the hurricane dash out and try to come out ahead by squirreling away a couple of TVs. Big deal. I'm a fairly law-abiding citizen, and even I'd have a crack at it under the same circumstances.


BTW, looting of food isn't going to help for long.


I believe some of the intellectuals among us have used it as proof that mankind is reverting to the "state of nature."


So how about it, Obsidian fora-dwellers? Is it Hobbes or Rousseau? Is man born evil, chock-full of sin, or does civilization make him that way?



baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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Neither. It is a matter of pleasure. Humankind tries to do what he or she finds pleasurable but before pleasure is achieved basic survival needs must be fulfilled. Good or evil are irrelevant. It is instinct that is still within our animalistic nature that takes over in times like this.

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Oh, evil, schmevil. You're just either hungry, horny, in need of rest or any combination of these three. What doesn't fit in here either fabrication of your delusional and undertaxed brain or proof that you're a burden to your species.


Yikes! Well, that's the last time I try to pose a philosophical question around here. I'll just go back to burdening my species with my existence.

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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Did he mean you personally or just man in general? I mean, I took his comments to mean mankind, since he really couldn't have known you personally were hungry, horny, or in need of rest at this moment.


Oh, I see, he's trolling. Bad Sarj. Stop trolling and attacking the good members of the fora. I think you need to go take care of your needs.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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