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OBS-05 Diplomacy


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It is Thursday, I posted in a hurry when heading out of town. I've barely touched a keyboard the past few days, save for running the Vamp session in IRC. I haven't touched the forums really or my email.


I encourage players to post press releases by emailing them to me.

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Given that the deadline is approaching and I only received orders from one player, I assume some of you need an extension. Eru also asked to join the game, and now I need to verify that he is in fact taking Alanschu's place. I also want to make sure he has an ample opportunity to establish diplomatic ties and play a full turn. So I will extend the deadline a couple days to the 4th.

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Dear Sovereign Ruler of the glorious Austria-Hungary Nation,



Your neighbor Italia wishes to harbor no hostility between our two great nations. Given our central location, I feel an Italian-Austrian partnership would promise great mutual success for the future of our countries. Not only can we assist each other in the capture of neutral supply centers such as the Balkans, but we are also strategically capable of launching coordinated strikes on both Germany & Turkey.




As such, I propose we reveal ourselves to each other as we can then work together as one new world order.




However, should you choose to turn down your open armed Italian neighbor, I suggest we declare our shared border of Tyrolia & Croatia a demilitarized zone

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Assuming someone can explain to me how important things such as supporting units, convoys, giving orders, etc. etc. all work, I am up for playing in this game.

Eru, buddy, there are a bajillion articles here, and they are all easier to read than the manual.


Try reading through your country's opening moves, read the logic, who your natural enemies (and friends) are, and then progress onto the meatier stuff.


Basically, the central tenet of the game is that military units will stand-off against each other (it's not like Risk, where you can build up your army and sweep through a continent). The point is that you need more than your own country's units to survive the first part of the game, and so you need to decide who you can trust to partner with, and when you can turn on them (if necessary) before they turn on you.


It's all about the diplomacy, as in the original Byzantine and French-type of whispered secrets that are only partially true. ;)


At the end of the day, you need to make a risk assessment of who is actually going to be doing what they tell you, and who isn't, and plan contingencies accordingly.


Unfortunately, there is very little a single player can do against multiple players (even if you know for certain some events will transpire), so there is a downside. However, this only more firmly puts the emphasis back onto building good relations with your allies, and fooling your enemies into thinking you are their friends.


Also, don't think you have to win or bust. It is very likely that most countries will not be able to win after the first few turns. But these same countries can still affect the balance of the game, helping to shpae the board and possibly even deciding who will win.


Above all, it's all for fun, so don't take any backstabs personally.




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As a friendly reminded, PM me or even better, email me at my GMAIL.COM address. Someone sent an email to me through the forums which goes to my spam account. I wouldn't have seen the email or the moves except I use that account to sign up things and had to check it for a validation email.

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"Dear Russia,


Seeing as how our centralized neighbors have sought alliances, I think it would probably be a good idea to get our own alliance going so as to defend against their future hostilities. An alliance betwen Austria and Italy could mean the death of my fine country, and a strong Austria could prove dire for you as events carry on. Therefore I request we reveal ourselves and start strategerizing immediately. Not to mention that if we spend our time bickering over the Black Sea, it leaves us both open to attacks from the west.


From Turkey with Love"

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To all whom it may concern,


The humble leader of Austria wishes to express his thanks for the offer of

partnership with the nation of Italy, however he feels that at the current

time the political climate in the area is not conductive to an alliance

between our two nations. We wish to keep the doors open however and would

not object to a simple non-agression agreement between our two nations for

the first year.


At this time we wish to extend the hand of friendship to our Northern

neighbours in Germany and Russia. It would be well recieved if the German

people would be willing to keep a military presence in the area in order to

insure the continued peace between Austria and Italy in this time of

instability throughout Europe. If possible a German army in Tyrolia would be

the perfect answer to this request and would be very much appreciated I'm

sure by both myself and and the honourable leader of Italy. Should one or

the other of our two nations begin hostilities between the two of us then

Germany could step in to diffuse the situation before it gets out of hand.


With regards to the powerful Russia, we would like to say that like with

Italy we have no interest in either early hostilities or alliances. We would

prefer that for the time being, dealings between our nations remain cordial

rather than distant. We wish to say that you should be wary in your dealings

with Turkey as the Sultan is regularly the cause of trouble for Russia,

whether directly through quick stabs into Russian territory, or indirectly

through things going too well for you in the south, forcing the northern

powers to work together to dash all hopes of your aquiring Scandinavian

supply centres in an attempt to stop the Russia-Turkey juggernaut.


Finally we come to Turkey. While we wish you well in your dealings with

others we do ask that you keep any scaremongering to yourself when there is

no clear evidence to support any of the claims that you have made.


While we have nothing further to say to either France of England at this

time we would like to wish them well in their future endeavours.


His Royal Highness

-The Archduke

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