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Sentinel/Weaponmaster build

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Ok, I'm just starting this game for the first time and have chosen to play the Sentinel. Figured I would mix things up a little after playing a Guardian in KOTOR 1. :)


I've been playing around with the starting stats and came up with this...


15 - STR

10 - DEX

14 - CON

14 - INT

12 - WIS

12 - CHA


My only concern is, would I have enough skill points with a 14 INT to raise up my skills each level? Probably the only skill I will be putting little to none points in is Stealth but that still leaves me with 7 skills including 2 cross class skills(Demolitions & Repair). Are there any skills that I should not bother putting points into? Of the list of skills avaiable I would say Computer Use, Demolitions, Persuade, and Security are the most important.


Feats and Powers - Haven't gotten to this yet. I was going to make my first feat Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons and my first Power either Stun or Stun Droid but I'm open to any suggestions you all have.

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That's useally how my stats look for a Sentinal. They only thing is I don't put that much into charisma. Put charisma down to 10, and then dump the extra points in to INT. or DEX.


BTW, you'll have party members that can do a lot of the skill related things for you. You get a "Tech-Specialist" so don't worry to much about skills. I never do...

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if you want, you don't need charisma at all even for persuade because of your uber high skill points. well unless you wanted to cast lots of the opposite force powers. why you would be doing that on a combat based class is beyond me. :( I don't remember but doesn't the personal crystal add something to wisdom? and yes, take strength to 16.

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I think raising any stat beyond 14 at creation is a bit of a waste. Better to put a little into Dex, unless you plan to wear very heavy armour throughout.


As alanschu said, don't waste skill points on cross-class skills. Save the points for a couple of level ups, choose the class skill feat, then spend them.


I never put points into security. Computer, repair, awareness and persuade are the most important for opening up dialogue options I think, and Treat Injury for gameplay.


I think the personal crystal varies according to your class or alignment - it's definitely not the same every time.

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Your stats are exactly as my starting stats, except that I leave Strength at 14 (still +2) and raise Wisdom to 14 for more force points.


With Int 14 you still get plenty of skill points. I usually raise Int to 15 at level 4 and 16 at level 8, but it's usually more for the Intelligence-based conversation-options than for the extra skill point. That extra point is nice, though... :(


Decide which skills you want to build from the beginning. I usually want all of them, and since you'll be alone for a while, you really can make use of most. But Demolitions and Repair are not class skills for the Sentinel, so I usually use my first feat on taking Demotions as a class skill, and then second on Repair.


For skills I place priority on Persuade first, since only the Exile may build it. I build both Demolitions and Security early on, because otherwise there are too many containers I can't open or mines I cannot retrieve (all worth wonderful xp). I also build Computer Use and Repair, though, because that will give you some options with T3 later. Awareness is next after those, since you'll want to be able to detect mines, and at times it also allows some conversation paths. Stealth and Treat Injury are right at the bottom of the priorities for me. I do build them, but only after raising the others to 15+ ranks, and I hardly ever use them. Treat Injury is good for building stuff on the workbench, though you don't really need to. Tip: You really don't need skills (except persuade) above 20 ranks in general, but if you decide to build Demolitions, let it go to 22-23. I find that tol be helpful later on Nar Shaddaa...


Also, I've played the Sentinel/WeaponMaster combo to the end of the game, and it is good, but I actually found the Sentinel/Sith Lord or Sentinel/Jedi Master combo to be far more powerful. YMMV...

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Ok, based on the information you all have provided here's what I got....


16 - STR(-1)*

10 - DEX(+2)*

14 - CON

14 - INT(+1)*

12 - WIS(+2)*

10 - CHA


Now if losing 1 point of Strength isn't that big a deal I could make it 15 and then use the remaining 2 points to put into either INT, WIS or DEX. What do you guys think?

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I usually play a sentinel and I set myself with like, 18 intellegence, 16 Dex, and I leave my constitution and strength on 8 and whatever is left I put on Wisdom and Charisma.

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One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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Ok, I'm just starting this game for the first time and have chosen to play the Sentinel. Figured I would mix things up a little after playing a Guardian in KOTOR 1. :)


I've been playing around with the starting stats and came up with this...


15 - STR

10 - DEX

14 - CON

14 - INT

12 - WIS

12 - CHA


My only concern is, would I have enough skill points with a 14 INT to raise up my skills each level? Probably the only skill I will be putting little to none points in is Stealth but that still leaves me with 7 skills including 2 cross class skills(Demolitions & Repair). Are there any skills that I should not bother putting points into? Of the list of skills avaiable I would say Computer Use, Demolitions, Persuade, and Security are the most important.


I usualy find that the Sentinel fights better than the Guardian in some respects. But I think for starters, the Guardian is best. But if you are a Sentinel, then here is what I would suggest:










Charisma is useful, but I have always left it at ten, and gotten force persuade and the persuation implant. This is all you need. Strength does not have to be as high, because you can get some very good meele weponds. I would probably take away some strength and give it to constitution. Intelegence is alright, but you can go higher if you woulf like. Wisdom you only worry about if you are a Consular(NOT recomended for beginners!)


Hope this helps! :o

(Marine Axiom)

Sweat Dries

Blood Clots

Bones Heal


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Ok, I'm just starting this game for the first time and have chosen to play the Sentinel. Figured I would mix things up a little after playing a Guardian in KOTOR 1. :lol:


I've been playing around with the starting stats and came up with this...


15 - STR

10 - DEX

14 - CON

14 - INT

12 - WIS

12 - CHA


My only concern is, would I have enough skill points with a 14 INT to raise up my skills each level? Probably the only skill I will be putting little to none points in is Stealth but that still leaves me with 7 skills including 2 cross class skills(Demolitions & Repair). Are there any skills that I should not bother putting points into? Of the list of skills avaiable I would say Computer Use, Demolitions, Persuade, and Security are the most important.


I usualy find that the Sentinel fights better than the Guardian in some respects. But I think for starters, the Guardian is best. But if you are a Sentinel, then here is what I would suggest:










Charisma is useful, but I have always left it at ten, and gotten force persuade and the persuation implant. This is all you need. Strength does not have to be as high, because you can get some very good meele weponds. I would probably take away some strength and give it to constitution. Intelegence is alright, but you can go higher if you woulf like. Wisdom you only worry about if you are a Consular(NOT recomended for beginners!)


Hope this helps! ;)



an INT of 14 will give you 5 skill points per level. When I play sentinel, I go with 16 INT, and ignore stealth and persuade.


When you switch to weapon master, btw, you won't get as many skill points per level, and will have to choose some skills to ignore (or not focus as much). Go with Sentinel/Watchman if you want the skills all the way through.


My usual Sentinel/Watchman build starts at:


16 DEX

16 CON

16 INT




Level 4 and 8, take +1 CON for the implants. Every level thereafter, +DEX to maximize attack bonus (finesse), and defense. Having a DEX bonus of +16 (DEX of 42) by the end of the game is doable with stuff that drops in game, making robes the armour of choice by a long shot. Final AC of 55 is within reason for a lightsider.


One thing to keep in mind is that you don't get finesse (sabres) for free in K2, so you'll need to take that feat if you want a dex-based build.

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I don't think keeping strength at 8 is a good idea.:s well to each their own. I wouldn't ignore persuade at all. it's one of the skills that I think you should max out. very useful. I agree that going with 16 int is a good thing. since you're going weaponmaster make the most out of your skills before level 15. you might wanna just save points for demolitions and ignore another skill like stealth since you won't need it at all for any part of the game so you can put a bunch of skills into it when you become a weaponmaster and get demolitions as a class skill.

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I usualy find that the Sentinel fights better than the Guardian in some respects. But I think for starters, the Guardian is best. But if you are a Sentinel, then here is what I would suggest:










Hope this helps! :*



That build isn't possible. I could do..


15 - STR

12 - DEX

14 - CON

14 - INT

12 - WIS

10 - CHA

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Here is my advice. Demolitions isn't that useful that your main character needs it. I'd focus on Persuade, Security, Treat Injury, etc.


Other party members can focus on other skills.


Everyone says WIS is really important, but I think I went with a 10 or 12 WIS and never ran out of Force Points even with a Sentinel/Weaponmaster.

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