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it is a bug that Kreia doesn't dissapear if you help her (LS)

I found it stupid that helping a clearly DS Kreia is LS.

In the end I went nobody and "Apathy is Death" (part of the freak-out too).


I didn't "learn" anything from their either.


It's probably because Atton, Bao-Dur and T3 are determined to kill Kreia simply because she is DS, and though her alignment might prompt them to be suspicious of her and her motives, it is no excuse to simply murder her. I might have killed Hitler for his crimes, but I would still be a murderer if I did, and murder is never a good act. In fact, harming other people is never a good act, unless done to prevent them from causing direct harms to others (which would apply to soldiers in a war). It's not just a question of LS vs. DS - it's a question of motive. Standing up to evil Kreia is fine, but if you just kill her outright for being DS, then you really aren't being any better yourself than she is.


I think the designer who did that dialogue could have done it better. The lines are too ambiguous and so is the whole situation. Perhaps the fact that she extinguishes her lightsabre and they still keep gathering around and look like they're going to lynch her has something to do with the DS or LS points. Her later lines clearly suggest she's going to be attacked and so does the "what they are doing is wrong" option you get. But the beginning is also clear: she threatens Atton with a lightsabre until you tell her to stop.


Ermm... could someone please explain where the DS version of the exile is standing next to Revan.


The only time I see Revan is when he attacks with his dual light sabers, is it there and I have just been missing it?


I was going to post asking about why the door is always locked after defending kriea, but you already answered it.


I've played through the game a few times now (5-6, nearly always defending kria) and each time i've dont the tomb i had to defeat kria 3 times to win.


At first i thought it was in the game, not a bug. I was expecing a "Didnt you just say that?" or "Woah, deja vue" dialouge options to appear lol.


Anways, i think 3 is the magic number for beating kriea...

Ermm... could someone please explain where the DS version of the exile is standing next to Revan.


The only time I see Revan is when he attacks with his dual light sabers, is it there and I have just been missing it?


It's just as you enter the tomb with Revan, but before Revan responds to you. I you open the door and look just to the right of Revan, you'll see a DS Exile standing right next to Revan. The second Revan responds to you and at the cutscene begins, the DS Exile disappears instantly, though.

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