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As in KotOR 2?


I don't even own that game, I was waiting for a price drop, then when it was started I decided to wait for the completion/cancellation of the Restoration Mod.


Also, why do you still have the Fanout sig, I agree it's need and all, but it's dead. :(

Because I've been talking with people about resurrecting it.





I would be down with that...I probably couldn't do much more than design though.


Maybe some testing.


If you do decide to resurrect it, I'd try and get your hands on whatever that Swedish team is using. It looked purdy, yet still like Fallout.


Maybe make it as a Dungeon Siege mod if that's feasible...I know it can be modded, and the Engine was certainly nice...I just do not know to what extent it can be modded.


What is a Swedish team using? I must have missed something.


Ultima V - Lazarus doesn't even use the combat mechanics of Dungeon Siege. They modded Dungeon Siege but completely replaced the combat rules.


Still, it wasn't the engine that was the problem. There are Fallout 2 tools. (Ideally I'd love to get my hands on the supposedly-open-source source code for Ian Out and finish the scripting portion). The problem was micro-management and personality conflicts.


One team member drove several away, and while I spent all my time trying to hunt people down, very few people did any actual work. Then when I wasn't around, absolutely nothing was done.


Nevermind the fact that there was a design document and tasks assigned. Most of team seemed incapable of doing much. There were some incredible team members like Corpse I would very much like to try and get back.


I'm finishing up a website, and putting a new power supply in my main PC (again), and reinstalling Windows, etc. I can't tell you the number of PC crashes I've had due to power problems. Argh.


But I'm planning on sending out official requests for certain team members next week. The updated design document is something I'm proud of.


If we do nothing other than a small demo, I'd be happy. If we just make this one town, I'd be happy. Alanschu is the only person who has read the updated design document other than me. Ask him what he thinks.


I will.


And I'll offer my help for testing, or even writing stories if you like.


Creative Writing was always one of my strong suits, unfortunately I lack the 1337 5k1llz0rz to do anything code or modelling related. If you needed it I could probably find a microphone to do voiceovers, but that's about it.


Fanout aside, here is a quick idea for TOMBS. Here is my initial concept for rules/character stats:


I'm thinking there are 2 attribute groups:


Mental Social


Intellgence Chutzpah

Wits Charisma

Will Manipulation



Artful Dodging - The ability to sidestep barbs, flames and the like.

Complaining - The ability to bitch and get heard.

Derailing - The ability to throw a thread off-track.

Emoticons - :darque: (Using emoticons as your primary method of posting)

Esoteric Trivia - The ability to pull random knowledge out of thin air.

Flaming - The ability to rip into someone, often colorfully.

Flirting - The ability to flirt online.

Humor - Making people laugh through whatever means online.

Kung-Fu - The ability to smite people down. Note this is different than flaming.

Lurking - The ability to sneak into a forum quietly and leave without posting.

Nanny - The ability mother the little forum rats and teach people to play nice.

Naysaying - All is doom, and you will tell us why!

Netiquette - The knowledge and application of good netiquette.

Nitpicking - The ability to pick apart the smallest details.

On-Topic - The ability to maintain a thread on-topic, and/or swing and off-topic thread back on-topic.

Private Messaging - The ability to utilize PMs as part of your TOMBS experience.

Quoting - The ability to archive and pull out meaningful quotes, from literature of previous posts.

Rebutting - The ability to deflect and parry.

Spam - Spam, spammity, spam!

Stealth - :alanschu: (I think you're underestimating my sneakyness!)

Therapist - Pscyhoanalyzing your opponents

Thread Creation - Creating lively topics.

Tip-Toeing - Dancing around the forum rules, often causing others to step on landmines.

Trolling - Volourn will explain this one.

Word-Play - Punny, very punny.



Fame - How well you are known in TOMBS

Respect - How well you are respected in TOMBS

Followers - How many people will flock to your cause

Dupe Accounts - Dupe accounts aren't always used as Followers. Sometimes they are used for more devious uses.

Net Access - Having fast, and ample net access in a given day.

Spellmar - Spelling and grammar.



Code Monkey - You can utilize UBB Code like a pro!

Moderator - By the power of Castle Grayskull, you are a Mod!

Moderator Attention - You have drawn the attention/ire of the mods!




Get creative and come up with your own merits/flaws!


I think Code Monkey needs to be a Merit/Flaw, specifically UBB Code.


Skillful use of Code can make you rpost look professional and convince others to take you seriously even though you know nothing of the matter (I know from experience, though the users generally don't fall for that here), can be used for humor, can make you able to make your posts nigh unreadable and near indecipherable, massive world eating sigs, and even branches off into the Quout Tree sub-skill, which can be used for Spam and Tiptoeing+.


It would enhance several skills, but make you generally more loathed on the board because you haven't developed your people skills as much, and many find your flamboyant and non-simplistic code usage annoying.


For example, if I understand your setup correctly, my sheet would look something like this:





Intelligence Chutzpah





Flaming: 13

Spam: 1

Tip-Toeing: 13





Respect: 1337!

Dupe Accounts; 133

Moderation Status: -133





Code Monkey




This is assuming that you get five points in each category to start with, seemed to be enough, though if there's more I would have distributed them somewhat differently, but still in mostly the same categories.


Instead of using dots like in WoD Character sheets, I figured 1337! would be more appropriate, with each sequential character representing another level, and 1337! being a maxxed out attribute.


We could go with 1337!


And instead of saying that you get a limited number of points, I was going to simply average how people rate you on each of the various attributes, skills and backgrounds. I'm debating whether or not you should be able to rate yourself as well.


And what should the minimum be? Should it take a minimum or say 3 or 5 people to rate you for you to get a character sheet posted on the website?


I think UBB Code is a good suggestion! Are there any other skills or attributes you would add, take away or change?

We could go with 1337!


And instead of saying that you get a limited number of points, I was going to simply average how people rate you on each of the various attributes, skills and backgrounds.  I'm debating whether or not you should be able to rate yourself as well.


And what should the minimum be?  Should it take a minimum or say 3 or 5 people to rate you for you to get a character sheet posted on the website?


I think UBB Code is a good suggestion!  Are there any other skills or attributes you would add, take away or change?



I would maybe move Moderation Status to the Merits/Flaws bit, as it can totally go either way, for instance, I'm definitely pretty firmly in the negative opinion of the Mods here. Not on moderated post watch, and not banned, but I'd better utilize my Tip-Toeing skills to teh MAX and slack off on refining my flaming until the I lose the heat!


Though I'm not sure if any of these stats would be able to fluctuate. One like Moderation Status would almost have to.


We need a few more suggestions for merits and flaws then. For the time being, people can rate each other and either post said ratings publicly here, or send them to me in email.


I'm curious to see how people are going to rate me.


But, what are we really going to do with our skillz and points?




..and why is there no "baiting" skill? Or is that part of trolling?

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "


One Trick Pony.


I'm totally giving this one to Baley.


Basically, you're really good at something, but this means you'll have a helluva time becoming someone else if you ever find need for a Doppel, and people may end up tiring of your same old shennenigans after awhile.

..and why is there no "baiting" skill? Or is that part of trolling?

I think trolling is baiting. The purpose of trolling is to illicit a response.


What do you do with the points?


Well, you can't play a simulator without a character sheet. I think it would just be fun to have the sheets to show. If people come up with good ideas for character progression, let me know. Maybe when you go up a level on the forum you get to apply some new points around.






Intelligence: 13

Chutzpah: 1

Wits: 1337!

Charisma: 133

Will: 1

Manipulation: 1





Derailing: 1337!

Humor: 1337!

Spam: 1337!

Thread Creation: 13





Fame: 1337!

Respect: 13

Net Access: 1337!





One Trick Pony: +1

Moderation Status: +13


I'm going to rate Eru for an example since he was the first to give feedback. Attributes should be on a scale of 1-5 as you can't have a 0 in an attribute. Skills are on a scale of 0-5. You don't necessary have a rating in every skill. I'll try to make pretty character sheets, but if someone would like to put one together who has nifty artistic skills, they will get bonus XP.



Intellgence - 3 - Above average intelligence

Wits - 3 - He responds faster than most and thinks quick on his feet

Will - 2 - He requires sleep and wears out

Chutzpah - 4 - He is not afraid to question mods, or Feargie himself

Manipulation - 2 - Eru has a strong personality, but follows more than leads

Charisma - 4 - Extremely likeable



Artful Dodging - 2

Complaining - 2

Derailing - 2

Humor - 2

Netiquette - 3 (He makes his posts quite readable!)

Private Messaging - 2

Spam - 3

Stealth - 3 (I don't even know either of his dupe accounts)

Thread Creation - 2

Tip-Toeing - 2



Fame - 4 (Not a top-10 poster but I keep assuming he is)

Respect - 4 (Never heard a bad word about Eru)

Followers - 2 (While he has no real detractors, I don't see people go out of their way to get his back that often)

Dupe Accounts - 2

Net Access - 1

Spellmar - 3







Intelligence: 1337

Wits: 1337!

Charisma: 1337!

Will: 133





Derailing: 1337!

Humor: 1337!

On Topic: 1337!

Private Messaging: 1337

Rebutting: 1337!

Spam: 1337!

Tip Toeing: 1337!

Word Play: 133





Fame: 1337!

Respect: 1337!

Followers: 1337!

Net Access: 133





Attached: -13



I just thought up attached. You are attached to something, usually of an emotional nature, it could be a significant other, family, a pet, work, or even a favorite sport you follow religiously. Naturally your Net Access and other time intensive attributes will decrease if you are not careful.

I am going back to edit the post and add naysaying...


Who has a higher naysaying skill?  Visc or Groin of Despair?



Visc, they both crack me up, but Visc can be depressing because some if not all of it is serious, whereas GoD is too overblown to think any of it is serious.


Groin of Despair...


G... O... D...





It's a secret message!

Groin of Despair is God!

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.





I should be granted one special merit/flaw: Role-Player's Gimp

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds


No, you've got it all wrong. I'm going fighting in the dance war.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.






Intelligence: 3

Wits: 5

Chutzpah: 4

Will: 3

Manipulation: 1

Charisma: 5




Derailing: 5

Emoticons: 3

Humor: 5

Spam: 5

Thread Creation: 3

Tip-Toeing: 2



Fame: 5

Respect: 4

Followers: 5

Net Access: 5



Spam God: +3

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