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My thoughts of KotOR2 and hopes for KotOR3


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The Good-


1. First and foremost, the Shyraak Caves on Korriban. This was brilliant, and by far the best part of either KotOR or KotOR2 because it gave so much depth to the character and explored the emotional and mental side of Star Wars, rather than the generic

TSLRP Closed Beta Tester

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1. The Rushed Ending - Blame LucasArts. If LucasArts allows for a lengthier development cycle with KOTOR:3, then you won't see that.

2. Areas were too small - The game was designed around the limitations of the XBox. If the sequel is on a next-gen console, then you won't see this problem.

3. Weapon Upgrading. - Frankly, I disagree. I like choices.

4. Changes to the interface. - This wasn't egotism. Akari asked the fans for input on interface changes.

5. Bao-Dur

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just so you know, The mods will be closing this because it has to do with kotor 3, If they don't close it because of the other stuff they will at least move it to the Spoilers pile... ok on to the responces...


If you looked around here at all you would notice that the ending was cut due to time constraints. It's a simple fact and the TSL:RP (The Sith Lords:Restoration Project) is running around trying to fill in the gaps. a lot of the content is there it's just hasn't been put together.


About the Lightsabers, several people like walking around with a red lightsaber and still having light side mastery, to restrict powers to what the movies showed would be rediculous because of the already expanded color pallet in both Jedi Academy, and in the Extended Universe. I do admit that the double bladed lightsaber seems a little overpowered but hey, you can't get everything right.


I agree with you on the areas, but I think that you visit more territory in terms of area overall.


The weapon upgrading is almost unneccisary and I think it was put in for those hardcore players, those of you who read this feel free to contradict.


The interface is understandable and actually made some things easier for me. They added several things to the tool bar and made it so the portraits would take up less space. I felt these contributed a lot to the experiance.


Bao's inability to wear robes is semi-understandable. How on earth could he wear a robe with that arm of his. He'd probably burn through the sleeve and later the side of the robe very quickly. Because you can't destroy items like in some blizzard games Bao couldn't use the robes. (Notice everything else displays his arm quite promenantly?)


On the things you wear. I only noticed that in one instance of the first game. It seemed important because this armor is what's going to get you down to the undercity. here there is nothing that is equal in importance to the Sith Armor, thus there is no reaction.


Bug's are due to the short amount of creation time spent because of LucasArts time constraints. The RP is trying to fix as many as they can.


yeah Paragus is the most boring place around, but you can find a mod that will allow you to get everything from it but not actually go through it and you start at citidel station. I almost wish there was one of these for Taris.


It's very difficult to have 100+ hours of gameplay because the game can only have a beginning middle and end. It's not like a MMO where you live in a static world and things never change. The game has to continue movie otherwise you loose a portion of your gaming audience. 50 is the most I've ever been able to play in one game and that was on the epic known as FF7. (I don't remember what My Xenogears time was but it may have been just a tad bit longer)


The making generic weapons is not a bad Idea, making the idea plausible is another thing (this is for those like me who have to understand how the char. can actually do these sort of things). The reason a vibroblade is called that is because it vibrates at a very high rate, these things are pumped out by factories, but factories know how to make the minute ajustments to get the blade to vibrate at it's highest possible level and not shatter. The blasters you would have to find components for (blast pack, basic shell that sort of thing), but Lightsabers you could make a zillion of and still be able to make more. All you need is a cylinder a focusing crystal and perhaps a few pieces of extra stuff. For all the details on how to produce a lightsaber read I, Jedi by Michael A. Stackpole.


It's a given that there will be a new council. But having the Jedi from K1 could be a little problematic because you could have Revan and Bastila kill the other two jedi on their team in the ds ending. While the ls ending is considered cannon, the fact that you could choose to have revan be DS is indicidive of the fact that Juhani and Jolee might not still be alive...


Anyway here's my responce, welcome to the fourms, hope you enjoy your stay.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Scmarth - what can I say, i'm a film purist ;)


I also see what you mean with Heal/Drain Life - good idea, but i'm still not comfortable with the idea of Jedi using Force Lightning.


Calax - well, my only aim in creating this thread was to express myself and hopefully try and get through to the people who matter. I doubt this is going to happen, but if the Moderators decide to close, there's nothing I can do about it.


I know the ending was due to time constraints, but the problem still exists and there seems to be no moves by LA to fix it.



Wiggin -

3. I never said I don't like weapon upgrading - i do. What I don't like though is the massive amount of different upgrades and different upgradeable weapons - to me, it's just confusing.


As for a Council in KotOR3 - who said they would live for long or have much to do with your quest? Either way though, I would like to see some recurring characters like Mira and Bastilla - for some reason I just found them compelling.

TSLRP Closed Beta Tester

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The beauty thing of the upgrading though, is that it isn't really essential.


I loved playing with the upgrades, and it made the skills much more useful and applicable....something that was not the case in KOTOR 1.

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I agree that skills are good, and adding them into dialogue and using them for upgrading/creating items was good as well. All I was saying in respect to upgrading is that they could tone doen the number of upgrades, it just gets a little confusing.

TSLRP Closed Beta Tester

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The Bad-


1. Overall, and this has been said many times, but the worst thing about KotOR2 was the rushed ending.


2. Areas were too small.


3. Weapon Upgrading.


4. Changes to the interface.


5. Bao-Dur

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Well, I got the impression that that was just scripted, and only if you didn't have your weapons out.



Mind you, I didn't have skills in awareness, so.

True. It was a plot triggered event.


I like to encapsulate the concept we are all dancing about as: consequences.


There should be many and varied immediate, mid- and long-term consequences for all aspects of the character chosen by the player. If you want to play a smarmy scoundrel? Fine and dandy for the ladies, but against a a Hutt, expect to be squashed, etc. Maybe that female character might become disenchanted with your lecherous behaviour, and become an asset for the opposition; similarly, the Hutt may not help you with a simple task and make you do things the hard way ...




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I love the fact that a Jedi could use force lightning and all the dark side powers for once i mean when ever i got out numbered i always fall back on to my dark side powers for help. i mean when do you ever get to see a Jedi evening up to a sith using the siths own powers to defeat the evil B*****d

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