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Do you guys think the items you could get on yavin were TOO GOOD? My character had both of the special crystals with two sabers and I could kill pretty much anything with 1 force jump (even the rancors on unknown world). Will there be items like that in kotor 2? and will they take the fun away?

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Personally, I think that you as the player should choose between the options given to you. That is the heart of an RPG, and especially KotOR2. If you feel that "insta-gib" is not fun, you need not make such a powerful option. For Sith fans however, this should be a possibility as well if killing everything in sight is fun for them as a character choice.

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Given that KOTOR II is going to let us go over Level 20 with the same combat system, I think any further talk of game balance is moot.


Give us phat l00t, please.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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I think all light sabers should be that powerful, in the movies bad people always get on edge by just seeing one...that is the fear that should be instilled with a lightsaber...what's the point of going jedi without an all asskicking lightsaber anyway...those first few hours as a soldier were pretty darned frustrating and a complete waste of levels that could be spended on being a jedi...

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You did need some place to spend the ridiculous amounts of credits you "earned" throughout the game.


Hell, the first time I played through, and I didn't know about the special crystals, and I did just fine. I think I only visited Yavin once and didn't buy anything from there. I hoarded all of my credits for some reason.


I say give the powerful items. If you want them, they are available, and if you don't want them, then don't buy them.

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