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Did a guy(s) wrote the storyline for KOTOR? Or was it a chick(s)? Or both? Judging by the fact that the romance option didn't take up 90% of the gameplay, I'd say the guy:chick ratio is unproportional. :rolleyes::lol:" Not that it really matters, but I'm just curious.


[Well, romantic story lines were never really a big part of the Star Wars movies, except for Solo and Leia barely(One Kiss)

Plus, I don't think of romance when I here Star Wars


As far as I know, there are zero women working for Obsidian (correct me if I'm wrong).


I think it shows.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)


true,true,......However who wants to buy a star wars game and get all mushy? I can do that with my fiance'!!!!!

KOTOR II had almost too much girliness for me, Visas, Handmaiden, Kreia, Atris, what else can they do? Plus you can make your character female as well .


I believe I've seen a strongly feminine name or two (NOT Robin Mayne, mind you) posting as developer's, or maybe they were just CEO's and QA's and such. I don't know.


I think it shows less in bioware games than it does in certain other companies' games. I don't think "macho", exactly, when I think Bioware. I don't work there, but I imagine females would get more respect than at some places, quite possibly.


But yeah. Pretty much, it was just guys that wrote KotOR II - even the romances, female or male. I gather that Gaider was central to those romances, athough another guy actually did most of Bastila's character development and such.


Bioware has women employees; but I believe at this time like most game companies, the vast majority are male..



Obsidian is recruiting lots of new people at the moment, and I hope they take the opportunity to remedy the situation.


With games played mostly by males, with most people in the industry being male, then you can't blame a company if the majority of employees are male. But to have no women at all isn't good.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)


And at the same time there are plenty of people complaining the romances weren't fleshed out enough.


It's impossible to make everyone happy.


Well, the way i see it is that this is a star wars roleplaying game/s and your there to take up the role of a jedi, or smuggler or whatever and whatever else you get with it is a bonus, like romances, so they might as well be thoroughly thought out and finished so everyone is happy..


Although romances are an 'added extra', such added extras are what makes the game fun for every player. If you have a good set of romance subplots, people who like romance play them, and people who don't, don't. If the designers put in these extra elements and players still complain, then fine, you can throw up your hands and say "There's no pleasing these people". Alas, Kotor 2 was sadly lacking in this area.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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