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I thought of this after all a lot of stuff from the K3 after K2 thread in General Discussion.

There are a lot of similarities between the start of the game of K1 and K2 when your player wakes up and I know people think it's practically the same; you as a gamer have your player wake up and you not knowing much at all.


But I think there is a big-ish difference between the two starts. In K1, you choose your class and all that and you know there is a Sith/Jedi/Republic war, and when you start playing on the Endire Spire and Taris, you (gamer view) don't notice anything out of the ordinary or missing because you are being the character you picked. In short, you know who you are, and with all games, you can't cover the player's full history.

In K2, the start matches the description of amnesic Jedi and can't remember much before, but then the game persists with the Mandalarion war stuff and many times it doesn't have the "I don't remember going to war" type answer, like when you first talk to Atris. And so throughout the game, you cop all these Mandalorian war questions which you can't effectively answer because you don't know, where as in K1, you only get those questionss are you find out you're Revan, but by that stage, you have sculptured the a new character and the game characters recognise that.


I guess the main point here is that in both startings, you don't know your history, yet there is no problem when you're playing K1.


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)

I thought of this after all a lot of stuff from the K3 after K2 thread in General Discussion.

There are a lot of similarities between the start of the game of K1 and K2 when your player wakes up and I know people think it's practically the same; you as a gamer have your player wake up and you not knowing much at all.


But I think there is a big-ish difference between the two starts. In K1, you choose your class and all that and you know there is a Sith/Jedi/Republic war, and when you start playing on the Endire Spire and Taris, you (gamer view) don't notice anything out of the ordinary or missing because you are being the character you picked. In short, you know who you are, and with all games, you can't cover the player's full history.

In K2, the start matches the description of amnesic Jedi and can't remember much before, but then the game persists with the Mandalarion war stuff and many times it doesn't have the "I don't remember going to war" type answer, like when you first talk to Atris. And so throughout the game, you cop all these Mandalorian war questions which you can't effectively answer because you don't know, where as in K1, you only get those questionss are you find out you're Revan, but by that stage, you have sculptured the a new character and the game characters recognise that.


I guess the main point here is that in both startings, you don't know your history, yet there is no problem when you're playing K1.


You dont start KOTOR with anmesia. That would be a neon light the most obtuse gamer couldnt miss.


Because in KOTOR II you start off with amnesia and you fill in your memories over the course of the game. It's really more selective recolection than amnesia though. Your identity is never hidden from you , you simply shape it as it fits your character concept over the course of the game. It's your character, you should know your character well enough to answer those questions with ease.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.



What amnesia?


You don't know how you got from the Harbinger to the medical bay on Peragus, because you were unconscious at the time. You don't know what has happened in the last ten years (Jedi Civil War) because you weren't there, you were in exile in the unknown regions.


You know who you were, Jedi, General in Revans' army, and the one who brought the final battle to its conclusion at Malachor. The only point where you apparently don't know what is going on and maybe should, is the introduction of Bao-Dur. But it has been ten years, and the name has been forgotten, and one Iridonian is much like another, and you commanded a fleet so why should you immediately recognise him?


What KotOR II does is lay in the plot for the future of the game by revealing the past as you go along rather than spoiling it all by having too much exposition at the beginning...

"We were hoping we could bring the Xbox platform into December but didn't want to make the formal announcement until we knew an earlier ship date would not compromise the quality of The Sith Lords," says Producer Mike Gallo.

I think the Exile just spent his days wandering the outter rim, not the unknown regions. I think we got there in k3.


Anyway, my roommate is a disabled vet from Afghanistan and other places I forgot/never hear about. If I ever try to ask him stuff about it I get answers like "I don't remember". When playing Kotor 2 it was an eerily close resemblence to that. Maybe when he shut out the force he shut out all the bad memories of war too? So the selective memory idea might be closer than amnesia.

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