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Kotor 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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actually dathomir isn't New Alderran. it's Dathomir.... New Alderran was a place that they stored their kid's for a while when they were toddlers. it got attacked by imps and so they went somwhere else. (see Dark Empire 2)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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imps, short for imperial. it's somthing me and my friends (yes i have real ones) do.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Here is an idea I posted somewhere else incase this thread happens to get locked up soon due to the uncalled for spam going on.


Add a new main enemy in K3 other than Sith


Well, I guess K3 should take a change in it's repetitiveness of the first two games in the series of having the ultimate goal in those 2 games to fight the Sith and/or Jedi throughout the game in the never ending war of Light force users vs Dark force users.


Why not give the Sith a break and develop a brand new enemy, say an invading hostile alien force, or droid army, or invading supernatural Force ghosts curse, or invading demons from some hell in Star Wars, some virus like the flood from Halo with special morphing abilities, or

  1. . You may fight Sith or (if you're playing Dark Side, Republic/Jedi as well for that matter) occasionally on side quests, but maybe both the Sith and the Jedi Council/Old Republic have to become temporary allies to defeat the new alien threat? Then after the threat has been defeated, you turn on each other at the very end as a twist or form a permanent alliance until the Clone War-era or something more creative.


The new threat has to be badass, with new ways of fighting other than force/lightsaber combo as the Sith and Jedi does. You may fight with your Force powers and lightsaber against... say a legion of plant-beast terentatek look-alikes that uses long tentacles to whip you, or heck, maybe soldiers from Earth using M-16 bullet projectile rifles at you that are unblockable by lightsaber (even though the beginning of Star Wars states that it takes place a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away from our place and time, but maybe we Earthlings delevop some teleportation device to travel through time in the near-future?), or some other more creative idea.


That might be who Revan went to combat. Thoughts?

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I would like to see where Light-Side Revan went off to and you should communicate with Revan, one of the two, Revan or the Exile has to be a male and the other female, no romance between the two but still some interesting storyline on how Revan is trying to defeat the ultimate Sith threat that is more than just Soldiers in uniform and a few dark jedi.

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no she has a line like "Echani sheild how i love thee, i love the more than anything (other than my weapons and armor)... I hope you will love me back." It's wierd

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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