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My only major complaints

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I've been loving KOTOR2 so far, my only major problems with it, have been:


1. The frequent preoccupation of my main character, forcing me to use the other characters - I like to use my powerful character, and a lot of situations are very difficult without him, which really takes the fun out when I can't win, yet can't leave.


2. The similarly frequent (so far anyway) trapping me in one place. One of the things I loved about KOTOR1 was the ability to travel to whichever planet I wanted at almost any time in the game (until the end). In KOTOR2, I've been so far forced to stay on Telos, Dksun (twice now), Onderon, and Nar Shaadaa. (I've not had the chance to go anywhere else yet). I've found this rather frustrating.


Other than these, my thanks for a great game :D

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Glad you liked it, now you can sit down and wait patiently for Aurora's "cut-content"-patch like the rest of us.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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No, they're being very cautious, but they're giving progress updates, which you can get here (if you haven't already):




I'm probably looking forward to this more than to any new game release in the next few months (Dreamfall apart, of course).

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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No, they're being very cautious, but they're giving progress updates, which you can get here (if you haven't already):




I'm probably looking forward to this more than to any new game release in the next few months (Dreamfall apart, of course).


Excuse me for being Danish, but what's Dreamfall?

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I've been loving KOTOR2 so far, my only major problems with it, have been:


1. The frequent preoccupation of my main character, forcing me to use the other characters - I like to use my powerful character, and a lot of situations are very difficult without him, which really takes the fun out when I can't win, yet can't leave.


2. The similarly frequent (so far anyway) trapping me in one place. One of the things I loved about KOTOR1 was the ability to travel to whichever planet I wanted at almost any time in the game (until the end). In KOTOR2, I've been so far forced to stay on Telos, Dksun (twice now), Onderon, and Nar Shaadaa. (I've not had the chance to go anywhere else yet). I've found this rather frustrating.


Other than these, my thanks for a great game  :D


LOL. I thought the game would be more fun if it was challenging, guess that's just me.


Plus I never found my self really stuck on a planet. I would do half of two planets go to Korriban at lvl 18 with Force Storm, lvl up to like 28 and go back and finish the planets with great items and finish up the other planets.

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Dreamfall is the sequal to The Longest Journey..


It's suposed to be an adventure game..I'm kinda disapointed they renounced the point and click system...


Here's the official site :lol:


Looks cool, thx Baley, I might even spend some money on this one.

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