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I can't get enough influence with mandalore.... why? I've sided with that bad guy on ongeron, genreal vakklu, I think, and i took him everywhere, but i can't get him to talk... can anybody help me? Also, i got influece up the bum wit di and atton, Atton became so evil that it hurt, but i cant get them to fight each other...

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okay, yeah... sone done and done, I as i've said, I did all the onderon influence, and I was darkside, so of course i killed tobin.... Mandalore will not talk... do you need a certain amount of charisma or other attribute, like with t3, where you need a +15 int?


but. thanks for the help anyway...

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You might try killing a few of the people on the "Dark Side Hit List" to gain even more influence with Mandalore.


I can't remember all of them but I know that you can kill...


Lootra (Nar Shaddar)

Lassavaro (Nar Shaddar)

Guy in the Apartments (Telos)



There are some more but those are the only ones I can remember for now. Try to only have only Mandalore with you. If you have HK, Visis, Atton or Hanarr they might get the influence rather than Mandy...teehee, Mandy!


I know influence is quite finnikie, I'm pretty sure it's impossible to get full influence with everyone, so you kind of have to dicide who you really want to have influence over close to the start of the game.


I've yet to get Bao-Dur to turn Jedi cause there just aint' enough influence to go around.


Cheers to you all.

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if you want inf from somebosy just take them out on their own, cos sometimes more than one chracter has teh potential to get inf from the same event but only one will actually get it.


For me getting hk and mandie to open up helped to understand the story more and also you get some stat boosts from hk

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Also, i got influece up the bum wit di and atton, Atton became so evil that it hurt, but i cant get them to fight each other...


If you're referring to the cutscenes where Atton and Di bicker and such, those are triggered by having MORE influence with Disciple than Atton (cause, y'know, Atton gets jealous if you show 'ol blondie more favor...).


Somewhere around, say, 30-40% more influence on Di's side (ie, around 2 influence encounters worth).

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I've yet to get Bao-Dur to turn Jedi cause there just aint' enough influence to go around.


I haven't either. Atton and Bao-Dur mostly share the same events that give influence, and I always chose Atton over Bao-Dur. :)

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There's plenty of occasions to gain influence in the game.you can easily influence everyone.

most of them can be influenced when you talk to them.

Mandalore and hk are a bit more difficult because you need to take them with you.even then,it's far from being an impossible task.

As long as you don't mind getting dark side point if you re lightside and the opposite it is fairly straightforward.

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Vader speaks the truth. He really is your father. Errm, no. It should not be hard to gain enough influence with everyone. It certainly isn't hard to get enough with both Atton and Bao, as you can have enough influence with Atton (and some influence with Bao as well) even before visiting your first planet after Telos. There's an influence guide at gamefaqs.com which lists how you can gain influence with the different party members.


Apparently (I've been ignoring these characters during my previous games, so I can't say for sure), with enough influence HK will give his tips on how to kill Jedi. This gives your character a bonus to some stats/abilities.

G0-T0 gives you a backstory and some XP, and you can also get rewards from him for stabilizing the different planets (through dark side dialogue options).

As for Candy-man, I don't know. Anyone?

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