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Okay before i start i just wanna say that KOTOR 2 was an amazing game and I enjoyed it very much, but for KOTOR 3 the repetitiveness of many NPCS should be adressed.


On Dxun when you see the onderonian agents in the jungle they are male and females with different skin colors. On Onderon when you fight the soldiers when Onderon is in civil war or even when you just see them around town they are all in the same uniform (which is understandable) but they are all white men with the same face. I was really looking forward to seeing a female in that armor, i really liked it. In the cantina one of the officers was murdered and she was a female, yet i saw no females at all. There were female onderon soldiers on dxun but they were undercover but you never saw any in uniform on onderon. This has nothing to do with storyline of the game but lazyness of the devs.


Twilek males- All twilek males are brightly green skinned and have that same ugly face with the big bumps on their head. I really want to see more distinction between them in KOTOR 3. SWG proves that male twileks can possibly NOT have bumps on their head and can actually be attractive (like the females)


Rodians, Duros, Trandoshans and Gran- Trandoshans look like crap in KOTOR and they all have the same face and body. SWG has a good Trandoshan model, in KOTOR they dont fit..they look too cartoony and paper-ish, not 3d.

Rodians pretty much all dress and look the same no matter what proffession they are. Hell even the FEMALE rodian on Nar Shaddaa looked IDENTICAL to all the male rodians. The movies and SWG prove that rodian women look alot more feminine than KOTOR 2 had them. They have hairstyles, boobs and a figure. Good choice on the female rodian's voice though, too bad it wasnt used on more models. Duros all look the same and Gran need to be detailed. Good job with quarren and bith though, they were well done. All aliens in the game also have no female versions.


Anyways those are my complaints about repetiviness. Human NPC models in KOTOR 2 had such an improvment from KOTOR 1 but the rest of the aliens (minus quarren and bith) were completely ignored. Oh and i liked how all aliens had their individual native languages rather than all of them sounding the same saying "mutcha shaka paka" and taking 4 years to say something. (minus the rakata and selkath who had their own language)


It was indeed nice to see (or 'hear' as the case may be), that Quarrens, Aqualish and Nikto had their own languages this time around, instead of various inflections of Huttese. :luck:

Rodians, Duros, Trandoshans and Gran- Trandoshans look like crap in KOTOR and they all have the same face and body. SWG has a good Trandoshan model, in KOTOR they dont fit..they look too cartoony and paper-ish, not 3d.

Strange, I never thought the Trandoshans looked paperish. I rather liked how they were done. Oh, well, maybe I didn't notice or maybe you played PC and its different there...


All aliens in the game also have no female versions.

What about Twi'leks? :luck:


Actually, though, it would be kind of cool if in KOTOR 3 (which they would be insane not to make considering the money opportunities there) you had a female Wookiee on your party. I've always wondered what they look like...


Oh and i liked how all aliens had their individual native languages rather than all of them sounding the same saying "mutcha shaka paka" and taking 4 years to say something. (minus the rakata and selkath who had their own language)


It was indeed nice to see (or 'hear' as the case may be), that Quarrens, Aqualish and Nikto had their own languages this time around, instead of various inflections of Huttese. :)

Don't forget Wookiees! Heh.


In any case, the chances are good KOTOR 3 will have improvements. After all, look at how much TSL improved variety. There's about one Quarren in the entire game of KOTOR and that's on Taris. You never see any[/g] Gran or Trandoshans (at least that's what I remember and I've played it pretty recently) and they even use the extra Revan models you aren't using for NPCs. If that's not lame I'm not sure what it is.


Not to say that either game is bad or anything :D.


I'm more interested in an alien race PC in kotor 3 than the models...any way you go you're going to get a mix of models..its just more cost effective to re-use models than to design individual ones for all the npcs...


As long as they allow an alien pc I'd love it. I cant wait to play a twilek, or a Wookie, or Rodian or Cathar or anything like that...It would certainly add to the re-play factor too. ^_^

I'm more interested in an alien race PC in kotor 3 than the models...any way you go you're going to get a mix of models..its just more cost effective to re-use models than to design individual ones for all the npcs...


As long as they allow an alien pc I'd love it. I cant wait to play a twilek, or a Wookie, or Rodian or Cathar or anything like that...It would certainly add to the re-play factor too. ^_^


I'm not too interested in a non-human NPC but it wouldn't be any better or worse really.


And of course it would be stupid to make an individual model for each NPC, but more alien models would be good considering how few of them there are and how many human models there are.


I could care less about playing as an alien...


In all of the Star wars Movies the MAIN jedi or Sith was a human, and when I play an RPG I'd like to play a human so I can picture it as myself, and I dont have three eyes, green skin and 4 ****'s...altho the latter would be kind of interesting...haha



I really hope they make better PC face models for k3...like some cool looking longer haired jedi men, and more facial hair, and etc....


and I wish they'd have much different contrasts with them as well....all of them had similar features (for the most part) how come none of them had a bigger nose....look at Qui Gon's nose haha

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