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If this has been mentioned previously, I sincerely apologize. I looked around and couldn't quite find what I'm about to reveal here concerning HK-47.


People who hasn't come this far or assembled the droid or simply doesn't wish to know: STOP READING HERE!!


The rest of you, keep on reading.



This is what I found during my recent course through the game.


HK-47 is a hidden experience Cow and a stat-booster. And not a small one either.

I assembled him, as usual, and talked to him right after I had destroyed G0T0's yacht and were on my way to Dxun for the strike against Freedon Nad's tomb.


Aside from the regular jargon about the HK units and the like I managed to gain some small influence with him. I talked to him again to see what this influence would unlock in way of conversation. Well, nothing much but I did remember to ask about the Sonic Imprint Sensor, or rather not ask but answer to a question when he said something in Twi'lek-tongue.


After showing him the Sonic Imprint Sensor and talking about it for a while, I apparently received some influence, and that must've been the biggest influence boost ever from a character.


Arriving on Dxun I chose to take him and Mira with me in my party. I figured I'd try and talk to HK once more to see if he had anything else to add or if there was any information to be gained.


I asked about him not being what he's cut out to be and he simply dismissed it as "yeah, well, you know. $hit happens.." then he asked if it set me back a few credits to assemble him whereupon I answered: "Yeah, you set me back a few credits..." and he proudly states that it was well worth it what with him being such a kickass Assassin droid. This seemed to give yet another influence boost, even though I did not notice any information concerning said boost.


Then it was just general chatting. When I then said "I'll be going now." to end the conversation he grabbed hold of me and started asking me a lot of questions. Many of Malachor V and the Mandalorian Wars. The fun thing he reveals is that he was constructed after the Mandalorian Wars and before the Jedi Civil War (if I recall correctly). Then when he said that he had served under Revan is where the fun started. He said he had killed dozens of Jedi and elaborated quite vividly how he had managed to kill them so easily.


You then have the option of asking him how he did that so that you could defend yourself against him should he ever attack you. This is where the huge influence boost kicked in. He spilled his beans about everything.


How the trick is not to attack the Jedi directly but sniping them from a distance and/or kill off their disciples/apprentices to weaken them before going after them.


After asking him to reveal how many he had killed he says he can't remember how many they were but that it was plenty of them. HK also says he killed plenty of Sith too on Revan's orders. He also finds it curious that he is telling you all this since you (the Exile) and Revan were friends, sort of. Still, he continues to enlighten you.


When the conversation was done and you got to know everything there is to know you received like 2000~4000 XP +2 Wisdom and +2 or so to Awareness and +1 to Reflex and Will Saving throws.


My jaw literally dropped to the floor and my love for the rusty HK-47 grew even more.


Another fun thing: HK-47 in my current game is well on his way to Light Side Mastery. Which I find absolutely delightful. ;)


Though his behaviour is still the same. :thumbsup:


Anyone else than me who has managed to gain this information from him?

Bugs? Klingon Software does not have 'Bugs'. It has FEATURES and they are too sophisticated for a Romulan pig like you to understand!

HK-47: "Recitation: First, weapon selection is critical. If I see one more idiot attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself."

HK-47: "Answer: Select grenades, sonic screamers, cluster rockets and plasma charges. Mines are also effective, since many Jedi will run to meet you in hand to hand combat. Silly Jedi."


There are some more portable XP dispensers in your party although the attending stat/ability boosts differ in nature. T3 gives you the most XP, Handmaiden arguably the most power (depending on your playstyle). The carpet isn't bad either, the rest hardly worth mentioning. Visas' power might have been really useful if the game were not so easy.

There are some more portable XP dispensers in your party although the attending stat/ability boosts differ in nature. T3 gives you the most XP, Handmaiden arguably the most power (depending on your playstyle). The carpet isn't bad either, the rest hardly worth mentioning. Visas' power might have been really useful if the game were not so easy.


I know about T3, Handmaiden and the like. Don't know overly much about Hanharr, though. Always go Light Side.

Bugs? Klingon Software does not have 'Bugs'. It has FEATURES and they are too sophisticated for a Romulan pig like you to understand!

HK-47: "Recitation: First, weapon selection is critical. If I see one more idiot attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself."

HK-47: "Answer: Select grenades, sonic screamers, cluster rockets and plasma charges. Mines are also effective, since many Jedi will run to meet you in hand to hand combat. Silly Jedi."

if going DS Haharr is usefull for Stat upgrades.



Atton can add 1 will save to you at a key time


Yes, by asking him why he plays Pazaak in his head.

Bugs? Klingon Software does not have 'Bugs'. It has FEATURES and they are too sophisticated for a Romulan pig like you to understand!

HK-47: "Recitation: First, weapon selection is critical. If I see one more idiot attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself."

HK-47: "Answer: Select grenades, sonic screamers, cluster rockets and plasma charges. Mines are also effective, since many Jedi will run to meet you in hand to hand combat. Silly Jedi."


I got another new and very interesting conversation with HK which I'd never had before, although please note that I lost INF with him when I did it. This is with a Consular, so persuade may have some bearing.


I picked the choice, "I won't allow you to remain on the ship if you've killed Jedi." Which, if you're thinking about INF, you normally wouldn't choose.


I'm going to paraphrase here, from the best of my memory, so if you're interested in specifics, load a save game where you have some LS INF with HK. I got some INF by using Force Persuade on the gate guard at Onderon ... and lost it right afterward.




HK replies that you as Exile should think back and count how many Jedi YOU have killed, and then proceeds to tell you that Revan recognized that as a leader, you were able to inspire folks to do things that they normally would not. That after you left, Malak wanted to have you killed, but Revan would not allow it. He says that Revan expected and WANTED you to go back to the Jedi Council, because there was some power in parading a fallen leader in front of his people. Revan wanted to show them what the Jedi were capable of, and the cost. And he wanted Exile to see the hipocrasy that the Council was capable of, because he believed that they would not listen. HK assumes from your attitude and what happened afterward that this was indeed the case.


So it seems that Revan had a distinct plan for Exile to do what he is doing right now. And perhaps Kreia, as Revan's master and loyal follower, was charged with this duty, as Mandalore was charged with reuniting the Mandalorians, as Carth was charged with readying the Republic forces.



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