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Light-saber trick??

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I've heard a dozen or so times the trick about adding crystal's ability's onto each-other and being able to add on a different crystal(Three light-saber crystal trick or whatever). Does it work on the X-Box? I've tried it a few times(might be doing it wrong) Can anyone confirm or deny it for me?


If you have no idea what I'm talking about I can add on the description on how to do it if it helps....

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Basically the trick is supposed to go something like this.


-make sure that you only have your color crystal in the saber

-leave workbench

-put a crystal in the top bracket


-leave workbench

-put another of the same crystal in the top bracket(the other one will have moved to the bottom)


-leave workbench

-repeat with however many crystals you have that are the same

Note: if you remove that crystal, you will loose your other crystal


It SUPPOSEDLY allows you to stack crystal's on your lightsaber..but I havent been able to get it to work on the x-box. I'm not sure if there has to be a specific number of crystal's or what..

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Normally you can't add two of the same crystal into the same lightsaber - usually it won't appear in the list. However I have had one situation where I have been allowed to pick the duplicate crystal (I think Upari, or something with 1-6 damage), and what happened was that when I selected it, it would appear, well, normal, as if both crystals were there for a 2-12 bonus.

I hit assemble, and once I re-entered the workbench, the duplicate crystal wasn't there, but the damage bonus remained in the stat window. When I put another crystal into the now empty spot, the stats all reset to normal.


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)

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