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I was just wondering since it's been a month since the game's release and still no details on what the patch is going to fix or when it will be released. SOON doesn't cut it for me, SOON can be anytime in the next decade. Since I paid $49.95 for a "broken" game that they knew was broken and now they feel that they can take their sweet time with the patch not caring if we can actually play the game, I am going to sell mine back this week. Just wondering if the rest of you are a little put off by this.


I'm giving it untill the end of this week before I sell it back to the store to get at least something back from my hard earned money...


Then it's just waiting for NWN2 to see if that one is any good...


I don't see how it is a broken game, except for the piss poor ending that desperately needs a content patch. I do agree that putting "SOON" was a bit of a bad idea. Soon to me is couple of days. It has been more than a couple of days since the patch was announced.


*Clears throat*

*Force Screams*

*Hands trolling topic creator a nice, big, juicy can of: SHUT THE F*** UP!*

Oh, and:

*Take two of these little white pills and call me in the morning*


Have a nice day :lol:


I will also be returning mine if there is no word of a patch soon. I have actually managed to beat the game, but it was not worth the money I spent on it. Everywhere you turn, it feels like it was rushed out the door, there are broken features, bugs and cut content. It's an RPG, if you cut subplots, you take away a good portion of the game, and limit replay value. If all these problems get fixed, I would have no problem with spending my money, but the state the game is currently in, I would have been angry about it I had spent $10 on it, never mind $50. I realize that they are working on a patch (I hope) but it would be nice if they would at least communicate something to us about it, rather than just say "soon" and not say boo after that. Even if they gave us a tentative release date, or told us some of the things they are at least trying to fix (wether or not they actually can get it into the patch) anything would be better than what they are telling us now... which is nothing. I loved NWN, but if this is how KoTor 2 is being handled, I will have to seriously think about spending my money on NWN 2

*Clears throat*

*Force Screams*

*Hands trolling topic creator a nice, big, juicy can of: SHUT THE F*** UP!*

Oh, and:

*Take two of these little white pills and call me in the morning*


Have a nice day ;)




Why don't you grow up?


Maybe because I am stuck in my past with XWA and the LSF...Maybe because I was hurt as badly as the Exile was, maybe because I got exiled in the same fashion...I don't really know, and I don't really care anymore...I just exist and do what I can. It's never enough for anyone, everyone always expects more from me, but I don't care...Ah well.


I have to right to troll back if trolled...It's nothing worse than what nearly everyone on these boards has been doing since K2 PC came out!


These boards are total flamebait, so of course I'll be inticed into trolling back at the trolls because I have nothing better to do with my time because I have too much of it.


I have not only been exiled, but I've had major life-threatening surguries over the last 2 years now, and so I've been out of college for a while, and I don't have anywhere else to go, because no one else in my family understands gaming at all, and what few friends I had evaporated when the LSF fell in a huge civil war that was 1/24th my responsibility.


So boo-****ity-hoo...I've told you the truth, at least the truth I've come to live with over the last several years....There is far more to my story that I won't tell because I've already said too much, and soon my ghosts from the XWA realm will come here to haunt me because they refuse to let me exist anywhere in public within the SW gaming community...There is much that happend 7 years ago, and like me, those people I hurt back at seem to have my perfect memory, so none of us will give the other a break, and yada yada yada...


I don't care what you think of me, because nothing you can say about me is worse than what the XWA community did to me...Nothing.


Yes, I am a board-lurker, and I look for flamewars because flamewars remind me of my "golden age" that I had 7 years ago before it all evaporated in my face.


I will probably never find myself or my real purpose in life because the only thing I know how to do is exist on PC's and work with PC games...I'd make a real case for the WoW addicts, if I had my own money to play it with ;)


Yes, I come off as an ****, that is because I don't really know or care who or what I am anymore. I have been lost since XWA was betrayed by Lucasfarts and since the LSF got crushed by it's own people...


I can go on, but I won't...It does not matter to you, it certainly does not to me, I am just here because I have nothing else to do with my time...I guess I'll go to an EP3-bashing site and have some fun over there....


I posted what I wanted: I posted what fixed my game, if it works for you, good, if not, then whatever...Wait for the patch...It shall come.


Conversation terminated, meatbags.


You know what else? The other day, I went to the supermarket to ask for money back on the groceries I'd bought yesterday, and they wouldn't give it to me! I was outraged!


You see, I go to the supermarket every day and I buy a bag of chips. The number of chips in the bag tends to average at around 70, and this bag only had 62 chips in it! Of course, I wasn't about to stand for that, so I went back to the story and demanded they give me my money back. What made it worse was that the cashier pointed out that I had already eaten the chips - what, did he expect me to not eat the few chips they gave me?!


I argued with him for a while, and he finally said that perhaps I should be more careful in my product selection, because there was always a risk that I might have expected something from the product that wasn't going to be there, and that that sort of error was a fact of consumerism.


That's when I slapped him for his impertinence.

Feel free to steal this sig.

*Clears throat*

*Force Screams*

*Hands trolling topic creator a nice, big, juicy can of: SHUT THE F*** UP!*

Oh, and:

*Take two of these little white pills and call me in the morning*


Have a nice day o:)




Why don't you grow up?


Maybe because I am stuck in my past with XWA and the LSF...Maybe because I was hurt as badly as the Exile was, maybe because I got exiled in the same fashion...I don't really know, and I don't really care anymore...I just exist and do what I can. It's never enough for anyone, everyone always expects more from me, but I don't care...Ah well.


I have to right to troll back if trolled...It's nothing worse than what nearly everyone on these boards has been doing since K2 PC came out!


These boards are total flamebait, so of course I'll be inticed into trolling back at the trolls because I have nothing better to do with my time because I have too much of it.


I have not only been exiled, but I've had major life-threatening surguries over the last 2 years now, and so I've been out of college for a while, and I don't have anywhere else to go, because no one else in my family understands gaming at all, and what few friends I had evaporated when the LSF fell in a huge civil war that was 1/24th my responsibility.


So boo-****ity-hoo...I've told you the truth, at least the truth I've come to live with over the last several years....There is far more to my story that I won't tell because I've already said too much, and soon my ghosts from the XWA realm will come here to haunt me because they refuse to let me exist anywhere in public within the SW gaming community...There is much that happend 7 years ago, and like me, those people I hurt back at seem to have my perfect memory, so none of us will give the other a break, and yada yada yada...


I don't care what you think of me, because nothing you can say about me is worse than what the XWA community did to me...Nothing.


Yes, I am a board-lurker, and I look for flamewars because flamewars remind me of my "golden age" that I had 7 years ago before it all evaporated in my face.


I will probably never find myself or my real purpose in life because the only thing I know how to do is exist on PC's and work with PC games...I'd make a real case for the WoW addicts, if I had my own money to play it with o:)


Yes, I come off as an ****, that is because I don't really know or care who or what I am anymore. I have been lost since XWA was betrayed by Lucasfarts and since the LSF got crushed by it's own people...


I can go on, but I won't...It does not matter to you, it certainly does not to me, I am just here because I have nothing else to do with my time...I guess I'll go to an EP3-bashing site and have some fun over there....


I posted what I wanted: I posted what fixed my game, if it works for you, good, if not, then whatever...Wait for the patch...It shall come.


Conversation terminated, meatbags.



Dude or dude-et, get a life,please for the love of all that is holy, get a life.


No, I haven't taken mine back and I don't intend to either! (Is it me or is this forum suffering from a massive overdose of Counter-Strike Forum syndrome?)


as far as i know it is not possible to sell back software you already opened here in germany, most stores won't take this software back..


but even if it would be possible i would not sell KotOR2 back, ok the end was disapointing, but it is not a bad game at all, perahaps we'll see the true end some times, maybe not but that doesn't really matter to me since there were many things in the game i really loved...


for example, i was wondering all the game what the exile could have done at Malachor to cause such strong effects on the force...i expected almost erverything but when the crushed planet of malachor came to screen i was really shocked...


call me sensible but i feel with most of the rpgs i played, that is what i like on these kind of games an because i'm german i know what cruelty a war can bring up, but this destroyed world really touched me...


hope the patch will fix the bugs, i'll wait starting all over as Sith until it is released



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