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"I'm so broken, so very very broken"

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I just loaded a save point after 17 hours into the game. When i load, there are no party members with me anymore. All my items except what my main character is wearing are gone. And when i go to the "create party" screen, at the bottom right, it says:


"I'm so broken, so very very broken."


WHAT THE F*** IS THAT??? I'm so pissed off right now it's not even funny.

If this is some sort of programming joke to wait until the end of a game to screw somebody over, then f*** you, Obsidian.


If anyone knows how to get past this problem, please let me know asap. The game crashes every time i try to go into a new area, and i have NO BACKUP SAVES.

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"I'm so broken, so very very broken."


WHAT THE F*** IS THAT??? I'm so pissed off right now it's not even funny.

If this is some sort of programming joke to wait until the end of a game to screw somebody over, then f*** you, Obsidian.




No, its a programer joke during testing to indicate that something was broken.


Another thing, the loading screens say to save often and in diferent slots, sad fact is the game was rushed and there are several issues that can lead to corrupted saves and dead ends (like doing Oderon last).

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Reminds of something I did once that slipped through testing somehow... the customer didn't find it funny at all either :ph34r:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Honestly, I can't understand why people don't keep any backup saves...there is absolutely no reason not to do so... <_<


and you have all those screens in game that tell you: save often and in different slots


I always keep a rotation of a few backup saves for every game I play, not only Kotor. If I mess up or if something happens I can go back and reload. For Kotor, I keep a save game when I am aboard the Ebon Hawk, just before disembarking on a new planet (it's better that way: the module on the new planet is still intact).

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I got the same message. Argh! I'm so pissed off...I've used multiple save game spots...but it still means redoing many of the quests I have already completed. Any advice how to fix this problem on my current save, and on how to avoid it on my previous save, would be appreciated.


Anyways, the bug occurred on Telos after I killed the Exchange Boss, Loppak Slusk, and his female associate.

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