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If you want to read all this please grab a tall beverage first...


First off I want to say I like Kotor 2. I just think some things should be brought up so hopefully k3 will feel more

finished/sense of immersion uninterupted.


I have no idea what its like playing a male pc yet so my thoughts are all from playing female.


1. Visas...I liked her voice and character except the fact as soon as you meet her she swears undying loyalty and is willing to die for me. Just didn't sit right. I still can't quite figure it out why it was done in such a hurry.


2. Romance options...Well as the game is at present this was very uninteresting. Atton is much less fun to be around than Carth. (if female)

I remember harassing/teasing Carth many many times in the first few planets. After Peragus it seems the only thing Atton has to say is talk/play about pazzak until we visit nar shadda and his past catches up to him.


Disciple would have been cool as a romance option, then again so would Canderous for those playing middle ground or darkside.

I can only hope if there are romances in K3 (Which I hope) they are more than token at the end so and so loved you from Kreia's recitation.


More options to choose who would be nice also...and have a happy ending.

It kinda gets old either you find love and leave it behind or don't really have a chance to have any at all. I remember Carth's words at the end of K2 and he was waiting for revan to return. That would be cool to reunite if we play revan again but that's probably not going to happen. Maybe we can see them as npc's be reunited?


3. The influence system was a cool idea on paper but in gameplay I don't think it works well other than turning people light/dark in alignment only.

A light side party member who was dark before you influenced them will still talk and want you to act dark same goes for a lightside party member you turned dark will want to talk and do good. Just doesn't seem to fit?


4. Adventuring with my party.

I prefer to adventure with my party. There just didn't seem enough time to adventure with anyone. Either the people I wanted to take would be replaced by plot party members, or they or myself were going it alone.

I do like that at times but not quite on this scale. The areas did not seem all the big with the exception of peragus which most people try to rush through after the first play-through. (Or at least it sounds that way)


5. I miss inter-party banter. I know there are cut-scences of party members talking/arguing etc., however maybe we can

get both in next game? Be more lively and help with immersion factor?


6. I still don't get the story in K2. I was a wound in the force...ok but now I'm getting in touch with the force again. Nihilus was the biggest wound, killing all life he passed and yet the Jedi Masters could not sense that/him/it?


That Jedi Master on Nar shadda basicaly said I was a better Jedi than he as I was out trying to help people and all he did was hide away. And yet he and my friend Jedi Master along with Vrook later try to tear the force away from me again. unbelievable. The way people treated me/talked to me throughout the game made me almost want to go darkside. egad.


All in all a good game just several niggles and places the immersion falters somewhat badly. I read some of the cut stuff and all I can say is too bad. Would have been better I think, although sad.


I haven't run into much in the way of bugs. Still has that running into invisible wall bug like in K1. (I think that's what party members get stuck on from time to time) and repeating dialogue that should have been gone a couple of planets ago.


Just my thoughts anyhow...




I agree with most of your points., especially 6! I understand my character is not on good terms with the Jedi because he followed Revan to fight the mandalorians. But after everything you do (assuming you went LS), all the good you've done to help people and try to reunite the Jedi and they STILL codemn you and want to take the force away from you again? Doh!



1. Visas...I liked her voice and character except the fact as soon as you meet her she swears undying loyalty and is willing to die for me. Just didn't sit right. I still can't quite figure it out why it was done in such a hurry.




....Of course we all loved Visas voice because that is the voice of the sexy Kelly Hu...... :p


.....close second - Ed Asner as Master Vrook...... :)


I think you have to play through the game multiple times to get to know all your party members. You have to travel extensively with just the members you wish to influence to have them open up to you all the way.

I think you have to play through the game multiple times to get to know all your party members. You have to travel extensively with just the members you wish to influence to have them open up to you all the way.


So if I didn't get any Atton/Mira banter the first time around, it might unlock itself in a future game? That's so evil of them... ;_; I didn't want to have to start over from scratch (I didn't like Peragus much), I was gonna reload a save to try things from a DS pov. :p Ah hell...


I, for one, didn't find Visas submission all that out of place. The thing that I think people easily miss about Visas and her pledging her life to you and all that right from the get go is that she's been traveling with Nihilous for what I assumed as a significant amount of time, and since he's looking for you, she's come to "know" you in a sense before you actually meet her-- it's like in HS when there's this girl who likes this boy for a long time and she finds all kinds of stuff out about him before he knows she's alive type of thing, cept that this ain't HS, it's not necessarily a romantic thing, and Visas isn't some stupid ditzy pop-tart twit.

That Jedi Master on Nar shadda basicaly said I was a better Jedi than he as I was out trying to help people and all he did was hide away. And yet he and my friend Jedi Master along with Vrook later try to tear the force away from me again. unbelievable. The way people treated me/talked to me throughout the game made me almost want to go darkside. egad.




Just my thoughts anyhow...





I think this is an excellent part of the game. It really shows that to be a Jedi is a selfless act and isn't easy. I had the same feeling while playing the game. It was extremely frustrating. In previous games being a Jedi was saving the Galaxy by waving your lightsaber around while everyone loved you for it. In this game everyone (or at least it seems so) is out to get you and good deeds aren't done for reward because there aren't any rewards. Everyone still hates you.

I think this is an excellent part of the game.  It really shows that to be a Jedi is a selfless act and isn't easy.  I had the same feeling while playing the game.  It was extremely frustrating.  In previous games being a Jedi was saving the Galaxy by waving your lightsaber around while everyone loved you for it.  In this game everyone (or at least it seems so) is out to get you and good deeds aren't done for reward because there aren't any rewards.  Everyone still hates you.



I think this is an excellent part of the game.  It really shows that to be a Jedi is a selfless act and isn't easy.  I had the same feeling while playing the game.  It was extremely frustrating.  In previous games being a Jedi was saving the Galaxy by waving your lightsaber around while everyone loved you for it.  In this game everyone (or at least it seems so) is out to get you and good deeds aren't done for reward because there aren't any rewards.  Everyone still hates you.


I wasn't really complaining about how people treated me except for the Jedi masters themselves. All minus vroook/atris were supporting and said nice things then basically turned on me wanting to strip the force away from me again. There wasn't enough explanation why they thought this was best. It was not a slap on the hand otherwise I wouldn't care.


I have to wonder if Vrook had already fallen to the DS like Atris and brought the others along the same way I infuence people in my party. I can't figure out anything else.


Oh other things that left me to go hmmm.


How did the remote survive to finish its mission of the shadow generator with "fatty" around?


Why was Mira even on Malichor V? Could they not cut that and the scene with Kreia raising the wookie to hunt Mira? It made no sense since we didn't see Mira again and yet Kreia at the end said Mira was alive.


Did Bao-Dur really die or did we leave him and the others behind on another planet since we knew this was probably the *end*?




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