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Is it possible to get your companions to light/dark side force mastery?


I have played through and had LS mastery for the 2nd half of the game and had good influence over Visas, Handmaiden, Atton, Bao-Dur, etc. but none of them made it to LS mastery. It looked like they were close, around 98-99, but not quite.

Is it possible to get your companions to light/dark side force mastery?


I have played through and had LS mastery for the 2nd half of the game and had good influence over Visas, Handmaiden, Atton, Bao-Dur, etc. but none of them made it to LS mastery.  It looked like they were close, around 98-99, but not quite.


Yes. Yours also stacks from your previous class although it wont show on the main screen you will see it in yout stats.


You need good influence (high chr helps) and of course you need to have mastery yourself or close to it.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.



If your companians need that little boost still, and you havn't yet gone to the tomb on Dxun, send them there. If they have enough will to overcome (or relish) in the dark energy, it will help. Whoever does the dark energy thing with get the shift, but only the team leader will get the bonuses.



I tested it

I sent Handmaiden,Bao-Dur and Mira there(had all of NPCs Jedi so I had one extra even lol). There are 2 dark side pits and one dark side event(final 3 DArk Jedis)

Now..I had Handmaiden on one pit and Bao-Dur on another...later when I spoke to them ONLY Handmaiden and Bao-Dur had the line "Anything happened on Dxun? You look different" or something... Mira HAVEN`T... which states that ANY member that touches the dark side pits gains bonus NOT only the leader


I had an easier time boosting my companions to mastery with a Jedi Master prestige class. Well can't say the same for the DS aligned NPCs LOL but the LS aligned were pushed all the way up. They had +3 stat stated above their portraits BUT IT IS NOT REFLECTED ON the stat sheet. I think people stated that it is reflected in the rolls though. Sigh.

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