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Now before everyone gets on me let me explain. The random loot genertaor is cool because it adds to the OVER ALL replay value of the game. That is COOL!

Now here are the reasons it sucks.


1) Some areas that are a pain in the arse to get to or require a decent security or need to be blown up by something that you have to fetch from another planet end up having some very dissapointing loot in it. I tell ya there is nothing like travling from one side of the galaxy to the other so I can use a specific type of explosive to get into a special hidden area and find crap like security tunnlers and thermal detenators argh not even decent stuff to break down for componets.


2) I was in the traya acadmey and fo9ught sion. After beating him I got the Ankarres Saphire crystal for the light saber AT THE END O(F THE FREAKING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not that I would have used it for my personal lightsaber but it could have been cool to put it in Atton's or Handmaiden's something like that. But I got it at a point where you no longer have any companions. SUCKS!!!!! SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!! <_<


yeah we already had a post some1 like this.. yeah but random item dropper thing does suck sometimes except i found a dark robe on the harbinger or whatever **** right off of the mining factory


Here's how retarded the random item generator can be:


I kill some random shmuck Onderon guard when I was storming the palace, and I searched his remains, and I found a Freedon Nadd's Blaster Pistol!


Why would some random Onderon looser have this specialized blaster pistol, that "supposedly" only an ancient Sith Lord had. Plus, that blaster is restricted to dark side Sith Lords, Assassins, and Marauders.




I also love the fact that the sick man in the Nar Shaddaa Refugee Quad gave me a lightsaber crystal for treating him. If you were that poor and sick, wouldn't you pawn that thing and use the money to buy food and medicine???


The sick man on Nar Shadaa always give you a crystal.


However, I wish the random loot was a bit less random...and that planets and races were taken more into account. I am still trying to figure out what does a Gun Turret can do with pocket money ;) oil bath perhaps?


Another time I got forced to play Peragus, Telos and Nar Shadaa in the miner uniform as I got no robes at all before reaching G0-T0's ship... I was playing as a consular which makes armors kind of pointless.


At least with the PC version we will be able to fix this easily with some mods and cheats.


one word for people who complain. "wah" there were some parts of the game i didn't like (not many) but i got over it. cause i know there aint nothin i can do to change it.

one word for people who complain. "wah" there were some parts of the game i didn't like (not many) but i got over it. cause i know there aint nothin i can do to change it.



Thats a strange complaint you have there, perhaps now would be the time to sit on your hands and consider that meaning of the word irony

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

one word for people who complain. "wah" there were some parts of the game i didn't like (not many) but i got over it. cause i know there aint nothin i can do to change it.



Thats a strange complaint you have there, perhap now would be the time to sit on your hands and consider that meaning of the word irony

I'll give you credit Laozi buddy - I couldn't even manage to read his butchery of the English language.


I liked the random loot generator. It adds the element of surprise to the game; you never know what you'll find next or where you'll find it.

(Although it did kind of bother me that I could never find the dark Jedi robe again that I found early on in my first game...).


The ideal would be a mostly random loot generator, but with fixed drops for important items.


It sux that some people don't find key or powerful items at all, like the implant that gives +2 to all stats, while others do. Kind of imbalancing. That is, it would be, if the game weren't already such a cakewalk from start to finish anyway.

I find it amusing that my last game I found 5 Kaibuur crystals. My party rocked!


i've noticed the random loot gen also applies to merchants... i was on Dantooine and the scavanger lady with the jedi stuff had a robe i bought ...iforgot the name... i closed out the game without saving by acciddent and when i went to her again ... she didnt have it... on top of that all her crystals were different etc...


I'll give you credit Laozi buddy - I couldn't even manage to read his butchery of the English language.


i don't give a damn what yall think of me. reason i talk this way cause im from Texas. you don't like it kiss my ass or get over it.

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