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The List of Continuity Mistakes

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The Virago Contradicts continuity. However it is continuity still, but this just means that this Virago is a version of a Basilisk. But not the actual battle ready Basilisk.


It's probably some covert spy vihicle they call a Basilisk. That or Kex didn't know what he was talking about.

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Because the article defined what a Basilisk is.

Sorry but SW Insider is not the SW bible. It has as much strength as any other licensed SW product.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Everything in that Article was created to complete the Mandalorian history-. The continuity keepers took all the info and put it in the holocron. So when you ask, "what does a Basilisk look like?" Your answer will be," A Beast."


Not the Virago Star Fighter, and Insider has as much strenght as the games, novels, and comics.


Also the BWD were created in the Sith War comics.


So now 3 sources have the Beast War Droid as continuity:


1. Sith War comics

2. Essential guide to Droids

3. Mandalorian Article



Virago only has one. Bad thing is, if Dark Horse(comics) were to get ahold of KOTOR 2 and make an adaptation. The Basilisk would indeed be returning to it's original form. Much like will happen when Dark Horse returns the VOTDL to it's original state in the upcoming Tales KOTOR comic.

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So when you ask, "what does a Basilisk look like?" Your answer will be," A Beast."

That obviously depends on who you ask. :lol:



Insider has as much strenght as the games, novels, and comics.

My point exactly. Thus, you cannot argue that just because Insider contradicts K2, K2 is wrong.



So now 3 sources have the Beast War Droid as continuity:


1. Sith War comics

2. Essential guide to Droids

3. Mandalorian Article

Only the Sith War comics are a valid reference for that, since in the other two, they are just copy-pasting what was displayed in the comics. It would be absurd if in some article they made up their info. However, for creative reasons, it's not.



Virago only has one. Bad thing is, if Dark Horse(comics) were to get ahold of KOTOR 2 and make an adaptation. The Basilisk would indeed be returning to it's original form. Much like will happen when Dark Horse returns the VOTDL to it's original state in the upcoming Tales KOTOR comic.

You don't know that.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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So when you ask, "what does a Basilisk look like?" Your answer will be," A Beast."

That obviously depends on who you ask. >_<



Insider has as much strenght as the games, novels, and comics.

My point exactly. Thus, you cannot argue that just because Insider contradicts K2, K2 is wrong.



So now 3 sources have the Beast War Droid as continuity:


1. Sith War comics

2. Essential guide to Droids

3. Mandalorian Article

Only the Sith War comics are a valid reference for that, since in the other two, they are just copy-pasting what was displayed in the comics. It would be absurd if in some article they made up their info. However, for creative reasons, it's not.



Virago only has one. Bad thing is, if Dark Horse(comics) were to get ahold of KOTOR 2 and make an adaptation. The Basilisk would indeed be returning to it's original form. Much like will happen when Dark Horse returns the VOTDL to it's original state in the upcoming Tales KOTOR comic.

You don't know that.


Sign up on the offical Star Wars board, and see for yourself. If you don't believe me.


Oh and the EG,SWC,and Article contradict KOTOR 2. Get it right.


And the Essential Guide and Article are both continuity sources used by the continuity keepers. Both are offical. SWC show the Basilisk, EG tells what it does, and ARticle defines what it looks like(and does). All are continuity sources. (don't believe me, ask LFL)


And actually I do know what I'm talking about when it comes to things being offical. Dark Horse has done it before.

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I dont know about continuity issues relating to the EU but heres some of the most annoying things i encounntered in the game that didnt add up. Some are probably faults intended to be fixed and some due to teh game being horribly rushed. Some of these points could have been cleared up with no more than one line of text and some wouldnt prehaps matter so much if the rest of the game had been fleshed out and other ends tied up.


Any way here are some of them:


Tobin died when i tried to storm the queens chamber with him on onderon yet when i borded the ravenger i found him there acting as if he was allied to Darth Nihlius.


I seduced handmaiden turned her into a jedi and she was incredibly dark but desspite saying she renounced her oath to Atris she stillw ouldnt give me the codes to the telos acadamy, her text was as if none of it had never happened and she still didnt approve of my dark actions.


Cut scene involving goto and the remote at the end made no sense and didnt fit in to teh game at all. Also what the hell is a shadow generator and why didnt bao dur make any refference to it earlier on even though i had influence over him and he was as dark as me.


Cut scene involving T3 disabeling HK, what was that about, it made no sense at all and didnt fit into the game.


Cut scene involving GO-TO disabeling remote made no sense and didnt fit in at all.


What happened to ratrin (i think that was his name) the guy in the refugee sector who claims the ebon hawk is his. I told him to get lost or id kill him (something along those lines) and thats exactly what he did, got lost. Never saw him again desspite the fact he said i hadnt seen the last of him.


I couldnt enter the JekkJekk Tar without a space suit the first tiem round apparently although the game clearly hadnt realised id alread been in with just a gass mask on before i whent there to meat squid face, so thats broken.


Desspite dealing with GO-TO hijacking the hutts freighter i couldnt tell any one on telos about the fule source even after speaking to the hutt again where he paid me for my effort and told me to do as he asked. I managed to engage this conversation twice and so get paid twice for the same mission, once I threatened to beat up the gaurd outside the hutts place and the second time i got in with handmaiden dancing for me. Even after having been paid twice i couldnt complete the mission by speaking to someone on telos.


How come if i didnt have enough influence for vissas to even tell me her masters name does she suddenly say 5 seconds before i go to kill her master that shes wanted to be with me since she first saw me through the force and she wants to come kill him with me.


Whats the link about between Nihlius and vissas its mentioned for 5 seconds just before you kill him and isnt expanded on in any way. We still have no idea why she was spared by him


How come vissas master understood how to pilot the ravenger but had no clue that proton detenators could destroy his ship ??


How does kreia contact darth Nihlius to say jedi are on telos, vissa said even she didnt know where her master wondered? makes no sense i thaught he and sion cast her out so why suddenly trust her for no reason. Alternatively why not just feed of her she is strong in the force?


The game is titeled The Sith Lords so why don't we learn anything about them ? Sion is fleshed out a bit, we know he trained on korriban at the academy and was kreias padawan but what about Nihlius other than he served on malacor and hes a wound in the force we know nothing, not explained why hes in the down fall of kreia scene or why he simply doesnt feed of sion and kreia.


etc etc etc etc, game has the basis for being very good but as it stands the plot has more holes than a sieve.

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Cut scene involving T3 disabeling HK, what was that about, it made no sense at all and didnt fit into the game.


hk-47 came across proof that someone had been tampering with the hyperdrive coordinates. t3 (assumably under orders from revan to keep that secret) stopped him from telling anyone by zapping him and removing that from his memory.


What happened to ratrin (i think that was his name) the guy in the refugee sector who claims the ebon hawk is his. I told him to get lost or id kill him (something along those lines) and thats exactly what he did, got lost. Never saw him again desspite the fact he said i hadnt seen the last of him.

he was killed by those trandoshan guys who are aboard the ebon hawk (red something? i forget their name). the boss tells you he killed the guy.


I couldnt enter the JekkJekk Tar without a space suit the first tiem round apparently although the game clearly hadnt realised id alread been in with just a gass mask on before i whent there to meat squid face, so thats broken.

you sure? i dont think they allow you to enter until you get the cut scene with visquis.


Whats the link about between Nihlius and vissas its mentioned for 5 seconds just before you kill him and isnt expanded on in any way. We still have no idea why she was spared by him

she answered that. atleast in her opinion, she was spared so that he could teach her to see things his way and i suppose have a disciple.

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The basilisk war droid version presented in K2 was an intentional departure from the ones presented in Tales of the Jedi, and we are happy, because frankly, those look really stupid. This is much the same reason that many of the designs in K1 are a departure from the ship designs in TOJ, and with good reason. So yes, the basilisk droid version was an intentional depature from the older models, and we take full responsibility. It is noteworthy that LucasArts and LucasFilm agreed with our decision on the first pass, much as they agreed with the decisions made with K1's look.




LA's agrees to everything when it comes to continuity. Proven because they in the Mandalorian Article in issue 80 of insider, sets in stone that the Basilisk is a beast. The Mandalorians Basilisk in TOTJ might look stupid, but regardless it is a Basilisk War Droid. That Virago,which I think looks stupid, isn't a Basilisk. That thing would be destroyed in seconds by the stupid kind.


Even from Canderous discription in KOTOR he speaks of the Beast. I don't like that just because YOU THINK something looks stupid, you feel the right to change it. Of course in the end you didnt' change anything, the Basilisk is still the beast as it should.


I would hope that IF you are making KOTOR 3, you put the ACTUAL Basilisk into the game.


"Regardless, I am certain there are other mistakes. It's a big universe and a big game, you'll find them. I did try to read, play, and watch every piece of Star Wars source material I could find, but I freely admit I make mistakes. "


And the Basilisk was one of them, intentional or not.


Hmmm. Okay, I think you're making a mistake here, but no harm done.


Basically, I think you missed what I said in the previous post - the right to change something never rests with me, it rests with LucasArts and Lucasfilm. I suppose you could blame LucasArts if you want, but I think that would be unfair and frankly, another mistake - as I said in the previous post, please keep in mind that everything goes to Lucasfilm for approval. Everything.


I would strongly suggest that if you have a problem with the basilisk war droid, you don't have to stand for it - contact Lucasfilm, they run the show. Maybe they chose unwisely during the approval process when they saw the concepts. I seriously doubt it, but who knows?


And I'm saying that they agree to everything. KOTOR 2 made the Basilisk the wrong way. Approved or not, LFL went back and approved the Beast in the Mandalorian Article. Definded,pictured, and everthing.


Yet you say LFL changed it, but it was you people who made the concept of the WRONG Basilisk.


Either way there are TWO basilisk now. The Stupid mighty version, and the Virago Star fighter.


I'm sorry you don't like something, but I don't think that gives you the right to remake anything.


I hope whoever Makes KOTOR 3, will put the Stupid mighty version back in.


No actually what you said is LA agrees to everything, but if you meant to include Lucasfilm, that's fine - no problem with retrocontinuity in posts.


Oh, and well, not to point out another mistake - we actually, strangely enough, DON'T have the right to remake everything (as I said before). And I never said Lucasfilm changed it, they approved it on the first pass - again, I hate to refer back to previous posts, but it's difficult to argue a point with you when you keep making mistakes in something I've said, it casts doubt on everything you're arguing.


If your argument is "both you and Lucasfilm were wrong to change something mentioned in TOJ and have a different-looking basilisk," well, you're mistaken. It worked for K1 - they redesigned much of the look of the Republic fighters and ships from TOJ, and in my opinion, they were right to do so.

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Approved or not, LFL didn't look much into your concept art. They probably saw your design, said ok, and that's how it went. A month later they approve the Beast as the real Basilisk War droid in the Mandalorian article.


I have no problem with them changing stuff to make it look more like the movies, the games do take place 40 years after the Sith War. But stuff that already has an established look like the Valley and the Basilisk shouldn't be changed. In the end you made the Basilisk ten times weaker then the descriptions that came out of Canderous mouth, and the Sith War comics. You contradicted KOTOR by using the Virago. You could have made the Basilisk still look like a beast with a few minor modifications to make it feel modern in terms of the movies. Still the Basilisk being a beast is continuity.


You said the Basilisk looked stupid(the viraga looks stupid), but at any time during the process did you ever take into account those who might actually have liked the beast? You just said that looks stupid, drew a concept, sent it to LFL, they approved it, and that was it. That Virago isn't a Basilisk War Droid. IT's not even a droid for that matter.


Is it to much to ask that you developers at least stick to continuity, no matter how silly something looks. I mean did you ever think that the Beast could possibly look less silly in 3D imaging?


If you make KOTOR 3( and I know you won't reply to this in your next post, but keep it in mind) keep things the way they are, silly or not. It's not to hard to use both versions is it. Some people might actually like the beast, and want to see it whip some Sith ass.

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Approved or not, LFL didn't look much into your concept art. They probably saw your design, said ok, and that's how it went. A month later they approve the Beast as the real Basilisk War droid in the Mandalorian article.

That's you making random assumptions. For all I know, GL himself was flabbergasted at the quality of the new Basilisk concepts.



In the end you made the Basilisk ten times weaker then the descriptions that came out of Canderous mouth, and the Sith War comics. You contradicted KOTOR by using the Virago.

More random assumptions. And there was no contradiction regarding KotOR. The only contradiction was to TotJ, and I'm glad they did it that way. The TotJ Basilisk looks stupid (to put it mildly) and it's ridiculously overpowered just like everything else in those comics. KotOR 2 has a hundred times more SW feel to it than TotJ ever did.



That Virago isn't a Basilisk War Droid. IT's not even a droid for that matter.

You are wrong. It is a Basilisk, like it or not. LFL has supported it. It's your word against theirs.



Is it to much to ask that you developers at least stick to continuity, no matter how silly something looks. I mean did you ever think that the Beast could possibly look less silly in 3D imaging?

No, in fact I think it would look even worse in 3D. I already had 2 full dimensions of that crap, 3 would be too much for me. :)



If you make KOTOR 3( and I know you won't reply to this in your next post, but keep it in mind) keep things the way they are, silly or not. It's not to hard to use both versions is it. Some people might actually like the beast, and want to see it whip some Sith ass.

Well, if you aren't happy, you can always try to do better yourself. :rolleyes:

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Approved or not, LFL didn't look much into your concept art. They probably saw your design, said ok, and that's how it went. A month later they approve the Beast as the real Basilisk War droid in the Mandalorian article.

That's you making random assumptions. For all I know, GL himself was flabbergasted at the quality of the new Basilisk concepts.



In the end you made the Basilisk ten times weaker then the descriptions that came out of Canderous mouth, and the Sith War comics. You contradicted KOTOR by using the Virago.

More random assumptions. And there was no contradiction regarding KotOR. The only contradiction was to TotJ, and I'm glad they did it that way. The TotJ Basilisk looks stupid (to put it mildly) and it's ridiculously overpowered just like everything else in those comics. KotOR 2 has a hundred times more SW feel to it than TotJ ever did.



That Virago isn't a Basilisk War Droid. IT's not even a droid for that matter.

You are wrong. It is a Basilisk, like it or not. LFL has supported it. It's your word against theirs.



Is it to much to ask that you developers at least stick to continuity, no matter how silly something looks. I mean did you ever think that the Beast could possibly look less silly in 3D imaging?

No, in fact I think it would look even worse in 3D. I already had 2 full dimensions of that crap, 3 would be too much for me. :)



If you make KOTOR 3( and I know you won't reply to this in your next post, but keep it in mind) keep things the way they are, silly or not. It's not to hard to use both versions is it. Some people might actually like the beast, and want to see it whip some Sith ass.

Well, if you aren't happy, you can always try to do better yourself. :rolleyes:


Actually on the first part their is no assumption. If it had been up to the continuity keepers, it would have looked like the beast.


Actually it does contradict KOTOR. Canderous says he rode his basilisk into battle, and reentered the atmo with only his armor as protection. Clear signs of the beast being used. He rode, and wasn't in a closed cokpit. You have to ride the beast, and there is no cover. Only the Mandalorian armor protects you in space.


Funny, LFL license supported the beast in 3 sources to KOTOR 2's one. Not to mention approving the beast Basilisk after KOTOR 2 in the Mandalorian article.


Oh, and that's your opinion on the matter of the Basilisk looking stupid. But that stupid Basilisk would make short work of that Virago.

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Actually on the first part their is no assumption. If it had been up to the continuity keepers, it would have looked like the beast.

You don't have proof. Thus, it's a random assumption.



Actually it does contradict KOTOR. Canderous says he rode his basilisk into battle, and reentered the atmo with only his armor as protection. Clear signs of the beast being used. He rode, and wasn't in a closed cokpit. You have to ride the beast, and there is no cover. Only the Mandalorian armor protects you in space.

As somebody pointed out earlier, you may 'ride on' in your car. And Canderous doesn't specify that the armor protecting him was actually body armor. It could be the c0ckpit's armor. (freaking censor!)



Funny, LFL license supported the beast in 3 sources to KOTOR 2's one. Not to mention approving the beast Basilisk after KOTOR 2 in the Mandalorian article.

So? That doesn't change the fact that it was approved.



Oh, and that's your opinion on the matter of the Basilisk looking stupid. But that stupid Basilisk would make short work of that Virago.

I know. And the fact that a Basilisk could deal with fleets of warships is a testament to how lame and overpowered everything was in TotJ. :rolleyes:

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Actually on the first part their is no assumption. If it had been up to the continuity keepers, it would have looked like the beast.

You don't have proof. Thus, it's a random assumption.



Actually it does contradict KOTOR. Canderous says he rode his basilisk into battle, and reentered the atmo with only his armor as protection. Clear signs of the beast being used. He rode, and wasn't in a closed cokpit. You have to ride the beast, and there is no cover. Only the Mandalorian armor protects you in space.

As somebody pointed out earlier, you may 'ride on' in your car. And Canderous doesn't specify that the armor protecting him was actually body armor. It could be the c0ckpit's armor. (freaking censor!)



Funny, LFL license supported the beast in 3 sources to KOTOR 2's one. Not to mention approving the beast Basilisk after KOTOR 2 in the Mandalorian article.

So? That doesn't change the fact that it was approved.



Oh, and that's your opinion on the matter of the Basilisk looking stupid. But that stupid Basilisk would make short work of that Virago.

I know. And the fact that a Basilisk could deal with fleets of warships is a testament to how lame and overpowered everything was in TotJ. :wub:



You can ride IN your car, I don't know many people who ride ON their cars. Be a little dangerous. Oh and Canderous does say that it's his armor protecting him, 6 centimeters of armor that is. Canderous also speaks of how his Basilisk squad destroyed an entire section of a fleet. Those Virago's couldn't have done that, but the weapons on the beast could.


I never said anything about it being approved, of course it's approved, but it's also wrong. They've done it so many times in the past, and have messed with continuity each time leaving the keepers to fix everything. The keeper's will fix this as well, and just make that Virago a version of a Basilisk nothing more(Oh I'm assuming, until it's done of course)

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Oh and Canderous does say that it's his armor protecting him, 6 centimeters of armor that is.

No, he doesn't. He says something along the lines of 'only 6 cm of armor between him and the atmosphere', but he doesn't state clearly that it was his personal armor. And a body armor 6 cm thick would be a bit... cumbersome.



Canderous also speaks of how his Basilisk squad destroyed an entire section of a fleet. Those Virago's couldn't have done that, but the weapons on the beast could.

Since it's not a Virago (it's a Basilisk in case you didn't get it the first 100 times), you don't really know how powerful that thing is. It passed through the blockade around Onderon, so it must have been at least moderately powerful.



I never said anything about it being approved, of course it's approved, but it's also wrong.

You don't decide what's right and what's wrong in SW, mind you.



The keeper's will fix this as well, and just make that Virago a version of a Basilisk nothing more(Oh I'm assuming, until it's done of course)

Unless you can put forward proof of something that hasn't happened yet, that's another random assumption on your part.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Oh and Canderous does say that it's his armor protecting him, 6 centimeters of armor that is.

No, he doesn't. He says something along the lines of 'only 6 cm of armor between him and the atmosphere', but he doesn't state clearly that it was his personal armor. And a body armor 6 cm thick would be a bit... cumbersome.



Canderous also speaks of how his Basilisk squad destroyed an entire section of a fleet. Those Virago's couldn't have done that, but the weapons on the beast could.

Since it's not a Virago (it's a Basilisk in case you didn't get it the first 100 times), you don't really know how powerful that thing is. It passed through the blockade around Onderon, so it must have been at least moderately powerful.



I never said anything about it being approved, of course it's approved, but it's also wrong.

You don't decide what's right and what's wrong in SW, mind you.



The keeper's will fix this as well, and just make that Virago a version of a Basilisk nothing more(Oh I'm assuming, until it's done of course)

Unless you can put forward proof of something that hasn't happened yet, that's another random assumption on your part.



IT's a Virago. A Virago up against a fleet of ships wouldn't do anything. A Beast has those generating robs that can charge and fire a powerful beam. Which goes along with Canderous in saying that he and his squad took out those ships in little time. And the Mandalorian article says that the Neo Crusader armor was thick.


Oh wow it passed through the blockage, Yay.


and according to continuity it is wrong. That Virago doesn't looke like a Basilisk, therefore it isn't.


And I already said it was an assumption, for how long is the question.



That Virago is a Version of the Basilisk nothing more. Even Chris said it was a version.

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IT's a Virago.

Uh, no. They don't refer to it as a Virago, and the game's lead designer has already confirmed it's a Basilisk war droid. Since he is supported by LFL and you aren't, he wins by default. End of story.



and according to continuity it is wrong. That Virago doesn't looke like a Basilisk, therefore it isn't.

Nope. They don't say 'this is a Basilisk and all the Basilisks are like this and anything different isn't a Basilisk'. So it can be (and in fact it is) a Basilisk.



That Virago is a Version of the Basilisk nothing more. Even Chris said it was a version.

This contradicts the statement I quoted before. :wub:"

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Actually as it stands to continuity the Virago is wrong, but will none the less become continuity. However it will only be looked at as a version of the Basilisk, not the actual Basilisk itself.


Most likely it will be looked at as a stealth model. Know what, I think it is a stealth model. I the Mandalorian Article makes mention of it. And concidering it's lack of weapons, it clearly isn't a battle droid.

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new mistake


According to KOTOR, HK was built before Malachor. However according to KOTOR 2 HK is built after Malachor. Which can't be correct because HK is supposed to fight Mandalore the Ultimate, and since Mandalore the Ultimate was killed by Revan at Malachor Hk couldn' t have faught him.


Unless of course HK got beat by a Dead Man

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new mistake


According to KOTOR, HK was built before Malachor. However according to KOTOR 2 HK is built after Malachor. Which can't be correct because HK is supposed to fight Mandalore the Ultimate, and since Mandalore the Ultimate was killed by Revan at Malachor Hk couldn' t have faught him.


Unless of course HK got beat by a Dead Man

This would have been fine until the whole "Candy was the ONLY Mandalore after Mandalore the Ultimate" continuity calamity in K2.


If we igonore that, then HK could possibly have been beat down by the 'Kashyyyk Mandalore', hmm?

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I caught an ingame error. May have been reported already.


In one of the options Kreia gives to Exile in telling what he can do, she says he can stay on Malachor(and train new Jedi).


However, even if this option was available, Malachor still go boom. Now is


A) Kreia thinking Exile to be stupid enough to stay on a doomed planet?


B) this line might have meant to go with the original ending where Malachore not go boom, but is intead used as an academy?

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In one of the options Kreia gives to Exile in telling what he can do, she says he can stay on Malachor(and train new Jedi).


However, even if this option was available, Malachor still go boom.

uh? this is assuming a darkside ending, is it not? therefore the planet doesnt blow up when you choose the darkside ending. all it does is pan out through the core of the planet, up to space then the credits roll. :devil:

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