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Tackling the online issue...

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  I think the fact that the Xbox had a downloadable map in the first KOTOR got our hopes up for new content downloads but it hasn't materialized.


- Plano


The devs said a looong time ago that there would be 0 content downloads for the XBOX in kotor 2. They didn't have enough time/didn't see the need for it. Now, even if they want to add online content, they won't be able to. Games have to be MADE to support xbox live. Kotor 2 wasn't, so what you have is what you will always have. (From what I've read, what you have is quite buggy)


Thats why you wait for the PC version :ermm:

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  I think the fact that the Xbox had a downloadable map in the first KOTOR got our hopes up for new content downloads but it hasn't materialized.


- Plano


The devs said a looong time ago that there would be 0 content downloads for the XBOX in kotor 2. They didn't have enough time/didn't see the need for it. Now, even if they want to add online content, they won't be able to. Games have to be MADE to support xbox live. Kotor 2 wasn't, so what you have is what you will always have. (From what I've read, what you have is quite buggy)


Thats why you wait for the PC version :ermm:


Well, the idea that the Xbox would get a major RPG release either before or simultaneous with the PC platform was huge in the first place....I'm sick and tired of upgrading my video card, etc.....I want this stuff on consoles...


Hopefully, MS will campaign hard to make sure the next SW RPG is Live enabled.


- Plano

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Look, scrap all your complicated ideas.


Let's just get some online/splitscreen co-op for KOTOR 3. I would love so much to beat a few levels together with friends.


Well, I personally hate split screen....I would say System Link...but same idea, I hear you.....


Basically, there are 2 camps: those who want multiplayer options and those who want new content....hopefully we'll get both next time around.

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There's never going to be Multiplyer option in KotOR series (even if they'd make KotOR III and IV), and there's never going to be Toolset either.


So deal with it.




This like all other of my posts is IMO only.

"If at first you don't succeed... So much for skydiving." - Henry Youngman.

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KOTOR was made to be a single player game. It was never designed to be Multiplayer. IF it is multiplayer, it is not KOTOR anymore.


Actually, I generally agree. There is sometimes a fine line between an RPG and an Action/Adventure with RPG elements. KOTOR is supposed to be a true RPG. Still, that shouldn't stop content downloads.

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Well, I may plunk down the $15/month one of these days...maybe for WOWC, I don't know. But let me say that I'm glad you cleared some things up for me.  Yes, indeed, if KOTOR could come up with a MMORPG that did not have PVP and had a really good engine and a really good stream of new content, a main storyline (for those interested), then, yeah, I might go for that.


Still, I prefer the idea of paying for new content on a *PER INCIDENT* basis rather than on a subscription basis.  I think the fact that the Xbox had a downloadable map in the first KOTOR got our hopes up for new content downloads but it hasn't materialized.


- Plano


As a experienced and knowledgeable player of MMORPGS (as I said before, they are my choice when it comes to games altho to be fair KotOR series and its return to story driven content rather then FPS content thats driven the market for RPG these past 10 years has made RPGs one of my favorite genres again) I would be admiss if I didnt warn you.


DONT purchase or play WoW (World of Warcraft). Its a poorly designed game that is the apitomy of weak content in todays MMORPG market. Its a prime example of Developers useing PVP to hide the lack of end content (thats why it claims PvP is its end game). When ever you see a developer claim PvP is the end game you know right away they have put next to no effort in presenting and ensureing there is high end content for those players of that level.


It takes less time to max out a character in WoW then it does to play from start to finish KotOR 1 or 2, and then you are left with a underdeveloped and simplistic watered down pvp game based off of DAoC's RvR system (which at one point was the BEST PvP system on the market ever but has fallen dramatically as explained below).


People rave about WoW because its supposibly casual player friendly (meaning it doesnt take long to max out so everyone stays equal in level) or because they have bought into the Blizzard propogama marketting machine (makes my skin crawl everytime someone says WoW is great because Blizzard made it, people shouldnt be lemmings and should judge the product on its strenghts and weaknesses rather then the reputation of the developer IMO. Starcraft, Warcraft, Diablo were all great games, I loved each and everyone of them, but thats doesnt mean WOW is a great game! No company is perfect and Blizzards entery into the MMORPG genre is proff positive of that fact). Quality MMORPGs should be challenging and have a detailed storyline filled with quests and activities at the end game. There should be a feeling of fullfillment when you do manage to reach max level and still things to look ahead to to keep you occupied and entertained.


This is why I think KotOR series would make a good MMORPG, upon completion you have that feeling of accomplishment because of the well created and developed story lines. You quite simply will not have this feeling in SWG, UO, or WOW.


You will have this feeling in games like DAoC, EQ 1 and 2, and FFXI. However those games themselves do present their own problems. FFXI is totally dependant on grouping which really causes it to be a weak game (by grouping I mean a full 6 person group, if they toned it back to requireing 3 person groups the game would be much stronger). EQ 1 and 2 are Level driven which can (if you treat it as such) feel like its to grinding orientated (its a player mentality issue but many cant enter a game and feel successful with out feeling they are in compitition with other players). DAoC is item driven and extra ability driven sadly. The inclusion of god like powers and high end powers really destroyed the game which is a real shame as the original DAoC had a very good and balanced original system to work off of.


As you can see, the genre is still waiting on that one game that can supply a solid story line, solid skill tree, solid questing game with out being to easy or to hard. Seems simple but for what ever reason MMORPG developers just havent been able to create it yet (I think its mostly because they allow themselves to be side tracked and influenced by those with less knowledge/experience but the persistance to post alot until their failed concepts start to sound good).

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