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Darth Nihilis: Hard boss.

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I'm sick of people moaning and complaining about how easy the game was, or how easy Nihilis was.





The first time i beat the game, i was on LS and my difficulty setting was on hard, and i found that Nihilis isn't all that easy when the difficulty is put to Hard. Most things are not easy

Like that gay Merc Camp on the Restoration Zone on Telos.


"There is no running or hiding, Jedi. Your times up."


-Boba Fett-


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If you found this game even remotely hard, then you're apparently missing a key element to combat.  It's very easy, because the enemy AI is worse than in KOTOR.  Soloing hard difficulty is a snap.


Actually I found the AI better then KotOR1 to be honest!


But yes the game is easy and its still not perfect AI (having said that, the AI still 10000 times smarter then the pvpers you find in the mmorpg's out there! )


Point is, could be worse!

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How can it be better? Force adept don't even use force powers against you like they did in KOTOR...


You never have to worry about mind attacks, force storms or drain life (cept from 2 characters which is some cheap "auto" attack, and not really a skill attack). The AI is dumber...

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Well I've stumbled upon a few NPCs and Nihilus and Kreia use Force powers a lot on me, I think Nihilus is a Consular/Sith Lord along with Kreia, whom I suspect is a Sith Marauder or Sith Lord, she seems to be good at both. While Sion is an obvious Guardian/Sith Marauder, he is very vulnerable to Force powers. I was playing around with him so much today, choking him, zapping him, crushing him, draining him, the whole package.


Nihilus was probably as easy as he was because he had not "eaten" for quite some time, his last "meal" was Katarr...

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Well I've stumbled upon a few NPCs and Nihilus and Kreia use Force powers a lot on me, I think Nihilus is a Consular/Sith Lord along with Kreia, whom I suspect is a Sith Marauder or Sith Lord, she seems to be good at both. While Sion is an obvious Guardian/Sith Marauder, he is very vulnerable to Force powers. I was playing around with him so much today, choking him, zapping him, crushing him, draining him, the whole package.


Nihilus was probably as easy as he was because he had not "eaten" for quite some time, his last "meal" was Katarr...


heheh Casting Confuse on Sion is also fun! He just stands there looking at you as you rebuff and heal up! hehehe


Actually Confuse was one of my favorite powers for Trays Academy! Id just find a Maurader and Confuse him and watch him clean out the room! LOL!


Nimus was far to easy but the story that was told during the battle is the bug pay off there! Many peices fell into place as you battled him.


PS: I had lots of NPCs use force powers on me, I just made sure I had force immunity up so the effects were limited at best! Not sure what game you playing Ep but damn near every Sith Lord, Maurader, adept in the Academy tried to use force powers on me.

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PS: I had lots of NPCs use force powers on me, I just made sure I had force immunity up so the effects were limited at best! Not sure what game you playing Ep but damn near every Sith Lord, Maurader, adept in the Academy tried to use force powers on me.


I doubt it.


The first Sith Apprentice group in KOTOR used more force powers than all of KOTOR 2's enemies combined.


Played the game through twice (since I always give a game two chances before I make a judgement on it), and the only force powers that were ever cast were.


heal by the masters

drain life by a boss that seemed to "auto" use it with his normal attack

choke by the last boss before being force crushed to death


They no longer force lightning your party like they did in KOTOR, they no longer confuse you, or breach your force immunities, they no longer force push you, they basically run at you and melee you with sabers. OH SO HARD.


Really no point in using any DS Force Power but Force Crush after you get it, and even before that you can destroy everything with your lightsaber.. if you're a Marauder that is.


Force storm owns the academy rooms though, crush is one at a time, storm is the entire group dead at once.


Crush should have cost 100 fp, to try and balance it out.

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PS: I had lots of NPCs use force powers on me, I just made sure I had force immunity up so the effects were limited at best! Not sure what game you playing Ep but damn near every Sith Lord, Maurader, adept in the Academy tried to use force powers on me.


I doubt it.


The first Sith Apprentice group in KOTOR used more force powers than all of KOTOR 2's enemies combined.


Played the game through twice (since I always give a game two chances before I make a judgement on it), and the only force powers that were ever cast were.


heal by the masters

drain life by a boss that seemed to "auto" use it with his normal attack

choke by the last boss before being force crushed to death


They no longer force lightning your party like they did in KOTOR, they no longer confuse you, or breach your force immunities, they no longer force push you, they basically run at you and melee you with sabers. OH SO HARD.


Really no point in using any DS Force Power but Force Crush after you get it, and even before that you can destroy everything with your lightsaber.. if you're a Marauder that is.


Force storm owns the academy rooms though, crush is one at a time, storm is the entire group dead at once.


Crush should have cost 100 fp, to try and balance it out.


LOL, doubt all you want!


You would be wrong yet again :)

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It was funny how I also killed Traya with Force Crush alone. My Wisdom was like 41 and I was a Consular/Sith Lord.


And yes I did Force Confusion on Sion, would have been funny if he started killing other Sith. My Force powers were never too effective on Nihilus though, he must have high Wisdom.

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