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To the Devs, Thank You

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I have to agree.  I just finished the game, and I have to say that there was obviously a lot of love for this game on behalf of the dev team.  It's rare when I finish a game and think to myself, "I need to know more...when's the next installment coming out?"


Well played, sirrahs.

My thoughts exactly. People have been bashing the ending but in my opinion it was almost perfect....


Atleast somebody likes it here! :rolleyes:


I can't wait to play and replay it......my first time through has Revan as a female darksider, which is what made the last game my absolute favorite. She was so wicked....! :rolleyes:



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Well, don't you think it is a lil' unrealistic to think that the bad guys are just going to wait aroud for you to show up and defeat them? That is one of the things I liked about the game. If you don't come to the bad guys the bad guys came after you, and your home.

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Personally I think it is a perfect valid and one of the main things missing in current games. The bad guys, who you have pissed off, need to go after you. Bad guys, who have their own plans and goals, need to continue to do their work and if you don't interfere succeed.


There has to be a chance for the bad guys to win, even if it because your character is off some place else playing off a slot machine and picking up whores at the corner.

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Don't say those things about me you lil' freakmonkeys!  :thumbsup:


My favorite CRPG of all time is Fallout 1.  There has yet been a game better.




Fallout ehhhh. well I guess thats a safe choice, a very safe choice

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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