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Interface skins

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Players have different preferences - larger, smaller, more functionality, less obtrusive, spartan, customisable quickslots, traditional (exactly the same as the original game) etc. Would it be feasible to have seveeral interface skins out there so players could choose which they prefer the most?


I'm not just talking about different tiling colours - I mean rearrangements of buttons, look, etc to suit the preferences mentioned above. Not only that, could we customise what we want/don't want. Say something similar to microsoft's View -> then selecting/deselecting toolbars etc. Maybe something like a toolbar that fades when not in use like the Start taskbar and pops up again when we touch the bottom of the screen etc.


Maybe we could even drag things around or have fan modules - a lot like winamp.





Btw - please have customisable quickslots with hotkeys, say 1 to 0, then switching to a different group member (F1-5 keys?) would have their own quickslots. :blink:

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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How does winamp3 manage skins? Because they could load it with one default skin, then just let people make their own skins like with Winamp. Winamp 3 let you rearrange so buttons were in new spots and everything.

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all you need to do is let players reconfigure all hotkeys, resize all interface windows, and move them around as you like, sticking them when they get close (like winamp sticking to top of your screen). morrowind was on the right step.

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I would be happy with just an option to choose from a set of interface skins, a fully customizable interface would be a pain to create and use if you ask me.




Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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