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To keep it short: is Carth still in KotOR 2 if you choose that Revan was a dark side female?


I think he is no matter what you choose


Ok, cheers- i just want my DS Revan kotoR2 game to follow on from my DS Revan KotOR1 game without any continuity glitches. It's simply a case of "to romance or not to romance". Though I love killing Carth as a dark fem, i love continuity between a game and its sequel more.


It's ok for my other games, since Carth can't die in them...


I think I heard someone mention that even if you don't kill Carth in KotOR1, there's still the problem of how exactly he gets off-world and back out into the galaxy at large. And its less likely that Carth would be promoted to Admiral if Revan had gone bad again.


Whether or not Carth appears in the game (I think) depends on how you answer Atton's first questions pertaining to the events of KotOR I. If you say that Revan went to Korriban and united the Sith to thwart the Republic, he will not appear, whereas if you say that Revan found redemption and saved the Republic, Carth does appear.


When you board the Harbinger during Peragus II, you'll uncover some data recordings where an Admiral is briefing the Harbinger's Captain. If Revan was the savior of the Jedi, Carth will appear in the recordings as Admiral Onasi; if Revan was an evil Sith, Carth will be replaced with an unknown Admiral Cedes(sp?).


I picked DS Male as Revan and saw him in the game...right after you meet the Disciple, if you go back to Khoonda the disciple is talking to a holographic image of carth in a brief cutscene...he says something like 'I've found the Exile, Admiral'..and that's all I saw of him.


From what I've seen, my first character I accidentally didn't answer the Revan questions properly (I just made Atton shut the eff up because he was annoying me) so Revan ended up LSM. Which made Carth an Admiral.


For my new character, I answered the questions right (Revan DSF) and Carth isn't the Admiral, but I haven't got far enough to know if he shows up or not. He hasn't yet though. Who cares? It's just Carth!


I'm just happy my voices of reason are in it :D Yay Candy and HK!!!

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