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Visas Marr and Handmaiden CAN be in the same party together.


There are several (at least 3, probably more) HK-50 droids hunting you.


Handmaiden's name appears as "Handmaiden" in the footage from Gamespy.


G0-T0 is not Bao-Dur's droid, which looks like Luke's lightsaber training droid. G0-T0 looks like Vader's interrogation droid.


Maybe "Goto" of Nar Shaddaa IS G0-T0, a droid crime lord who joins your party...

"You shall not pass!"

That is neat. Just wonder what PC gender and alignment leaning will allow us to obtain that result? Visas Marr is already a Jedi sentinel so I think we can discount her as being the apprentice. I think Handmaiden or Disciple are the possible apprentices. Could be wrong though :wub:

That is neat.  Just wonder what PC gender and alignment leaning will allow us to obtain that result?  Visas Marr is already a Jedi sentinel so I think we can discount her as being the apprentice.  I think Handmaiden or Disciple are the possible apprentices.  Could be wrong though  :wub:


no not at all :wub:

Where is the bell, wait for the bell, k i need the bell, wait the bell! Ding bonda dong! Ding bonda dong! Ding bonda dong! Ding bonda dong!


Kazic wants you.... to join the pinkside!


Handmaiden does not start as a Jedi. Read the Echani Handmaiden bio on KOTOR2.com -- the 5 Handmaidens were not trained on purpose!


However, there are sceenshots of her with a lightsaber, so I believe she CAN be trained. As for Disciple, I think it reasonable that he could also be force sensitive, as he is searching for Jedi.


It may be a Disciple of Handmaiden choice... If that is so, forget Disciple!

"You shall not pass!"

I'm getting the guide, and apparently, according to Gamestop, the guide was released on the same day as the game; but as far as I know, I haven't noticed any confirmation from them.

G0-T0 is not Bao-Dur's droid, which looks like Luke's lightsaber training droid. G0-T0 looks like Vader's interrogation droid.


Maybe "Goto" of Nar Shaddaa IS G0-T0, a droid crime lord who joins your party...


Well. I guess Ive been wrong. Meh. Doesnt matter. Thanks for letting me know!


Hey I got another spoiler for ya


Guess who Atris is



Revans former Jedi Master and a Member Of the Jedi council on Dantooine



If you want to know about Goto



when you get captured by Goto all he says is that he wanted to capture you in order to make sure you bring order back to galaxy cause otherwise the republic will collapse. But anyways as you leave Nar Shaada he gives you a droid that is tied to to him to join your party as his way of keeping an eye on you. He actually offers you money to try and stabalize the republic


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