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Hello There :p



Warning!!! his explaination may contain minor spoilers!!



I just can't help my self but I am going to give my theory of might happened to Revan.Obsidian explained Revan dissappeared after he went to korribon? I find it hard to believe such a powerful Jedi who weildard the power of the force and who found and owned the star forge to be long dead,I find this highly unbelieveable, look closely at Revan, he was a commander or somthing in the Mandalorian wars right? and he brang victory after victory for years against the mandalorians until one day Revan took advantage of the weakened republic and seized the title of dark lord of the sith for himself and he had a powerful peice of technology in his hands for quite a while right? until our beloved Bastilla Shan caught Darth Revan and manipulated the powerful Jedi knight in to another person,now during KOTOR it had been said time and time again that Revan was strong in the force and he had th power to either save the republic or doom the republic...now what ever happens to Revan is up to the player in kotor, so what ever path the powerful Revan took light side or dark it still leads up to Revan going to korribon and dissappearing in kotor 2, and everyone says Revan is dead? hmm I just get this funny feeling that Revan is alive somehow...possibly.So the ebon hawk comes back from the outer rim in a reck? possibly Revan is being held by somthing powerful or he may be possessed by a spirit being or somthing.




Ok lets here your view of what of might have happened to Revan.





Starting a lot of topics aren't you? Keep them coming and I'll keep answering them :(


With the Jedi being hunted down, I'd imagine that Revan is searching for a powerfull item to turn the tide. If he was lightside Revan would want to help the Jedi, if darkside to find something to kill them all and to control the sith lords as well.


We may actually meet Revan on the last planet. We know we are searching fo jedi masters on the worlds we visit, so we could meet Revan either as a master or as a sith about to kill one.


Just an idea:


You know that snow planet in the screens? What if that is the planet Ulic dies on (in the chronicle sections)? Lucasarts must have a reason for putting those chronicles there, so what if that planet had some special power on it. It helped Ulic become one woth the force, even though is connection was severed. What if that planet had some power field to enhance the force abilities for those who know it's secrets? Revan could be studying to become more powerfull, either to save or rule the galaxy.

Starting a lot of topics aren't you?  Keep them coming and I'll keep answering them :(


With the Jedi being hunted down, I'd imagine that Revan is searching for a powerfull item to turn the tide. If he was lightside Revan would want to help the Jedi, if darkside to find something to kill them all and to control the sith lords as well.


We may actually meet Revan on the last planet.  We know we are searching fo jedi masters on the worlds we visit, so we could meet Revan either as a master or as a sith about to kill one.


Just an idea:


You know that snow planet in the screens?  What if that is the planet Ulic dies on (in the chronicle sections)? Lucasarts must have a reason for putting those chronicles there, so what if that planet had some special power on it. It helped Ulic become one woth the force, even though is connection was severed. What if that planet had some power field to enhance the force abilities for those who know it's secrets?  Revan could be studying to become more powerfull, either to save or rule the galaxy.


that is actually a very very interesting idea there! I have never thought of Revan possibly going to the snow planet for a very powerful artifact...i just have this funny feeling that maybe whatever Revan was searching for an iten or somthing may of have been so powerful...it may could caused some chainevents or somthing?...surely what you were saying before OrganisedChaos would be in chronicals of the old republic. :p

Revan is dead that for sure...i read it somewhere....



Thats not true! Thats impossible! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


I read that too. I'm not sure whats happed, maybe Revan was taken over by a force spirit. Though that would be a repeat of the Exar Kun thing. Revan could have underestimated the strength of the power.

Revan is dead that for sure...i read it somewhere....



Thats not true! Thats impossible! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


I read that too. I'm not sure whats happed, maybe Revan was taken over by a force spirit. Though that would be a repeat of the Exar Kun thing. Revan could have underestimated the strength of the power.


i think that may depend on path which you selected in kotor1.....but i think neither that he is dead ,maybe hunted down by other sithlords or jedis or something like that


Revan is assumed dead after the massacre on Korriban. He is not dead however and is working in the shadows to either save the galaxy or destroy it. Revan has set in motion events that will propel you on a collision course with the Sith, the Republic and Revan himself . You are nothing more than a pawn being manipulated down a path in order to confront your destiny.




I'm pretty sure he is alive somewhere, and he will make quite an impact on the story. I don't know how or what, but it's just a feeling... :ph34r:


Like Obi Wan said to Luke: Trust your instincts :(


I would love to see him/her in the sequel.. but alot of people believe it would be silly condsidering he/she 'could' have multiple faces, and had no voice in the original.. but what i think is important is whether or not people will recognise him/her.. my idea is if he/she is dark, he/she has his/her robes from the original, and if he/she is LS, have the white version of the same said robes (looks awesome, i have a mod of it for the original on PC).. and just use a the universal voices from KotOR.. just an idea, rip it to pieces if you wish..


He might have put himself into a self imposed exile, or perhaps he discovered his true past (if he does during the 5 year interlude), he might have discovered something traumactic about it, or is searching to peice together his past.


Or we could have:

LightSide - searching for someway to defeat the Sith, and save republic.

DarkSide - searching for a way to destroy rival sith lords, take control of sith, then crush the republic


They don't tell you if Revan or the crew is dead, because that's a major spoiler right there. ;)


If Revan went to Korriban, she must've taken backup with her. Even if you can defeat a sith lord by yourself, you can still be taken by surprise.


And that, children, is the story about why you're supposed to go to your school with friends! Eh. . .what was I saying? Oh, right.


I would imagine that Revan left the Ebon Hawk, let the people left on it go where they want, etc. And somehow, you, Kreia, and maybe a few other folks (who are all dead by now, thanks to YOU!) get on it. Wow. "But that still doesn't answer what happened to Revan!?"


I have complete and utter faith that Obsidian wouldn't kill such a, ah, "well loved" character. If I'm wrong, the devs can come over here, steal me away to their little hidey spot, and perform evil torture on me. :)"



The logistics of Revan being alive and the PC meeting him/her seems too difficult to implement to be a realistic possibility.


We can't see Revan's face because he/she may have had up to 20 or so faces.


If Revan is wearing robes and a mask, how will he/she identify him/herself as Revan other than saying 'Hey guys, I'm Revan.' Does this mean that 'Revauun' (added 'u's to signify imposter status, like Luuke and Joruus) isn't an imposter?


I hope Revan's dead, because nothing else will explain to me why Revan isn't out being Revan.


Except another mindwipe in which case, I'll probably kill myself.


he was going to another planet again when Darth Sion saw him and shot his ship, hmm doesn't that sound familiar?

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