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I'm thinking maybe you get Atton if you're female (the article's character was female) and Mira if you're male (all screenshots I've seen have her with a guy PC) since they serve a similar role.


No you can't avoid Atton no matter what. He is the one who does to you the Revan Questions.


its cool that Bao knows of us from the war

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together


Kreia might have been Revan's master. Has anyone thought of that?

Welcome to the Pink side of the Force


Revenge is a dish best served in a warm, pink tupperware dish!


Grrrr to Atris! Snooty, stuck-up little....


Pink Side Master to Darth Gandalf, Trooper, Ronil Organ, Bokishi, Mr_Dashman, Stargate: 2000, mista_me, DarthDoGooder, GarethCarrots, Ludozee, and Obi-Wan Kenobi


Akari said there are 12 total possible NPCs and f those you can end up with a total of 10, has anybody ever thought that some of those yet unknown NPCs might actually be Darth Sion, Darth Nihilius or the 3d Sith Lord? Because of aligment restriction, you can't have one of the Sith Lords and a maybe true-lightsider, therefore 10 of 12 NPCs.

This could actually be coooool........


Maybe Atton is Dustil Onasi, only he's changed his name.... Think about it, the only thing worse than Darth Vader being someone's father would be Carth, lol

Blue lorry yellow lorry blue lorry yellow lorry blorry. D'oh.

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