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heres a suggestion

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stop making all these suggestions and let kotor 2 be released. you know the developers actually read these. and instead after kotor 2 is realesed they have a bunch of patches with a bunch of add ons and fixes. I wanna play kotor 2 dammit and all this is doing is risking having the game pushed back. Please let this game not end up being like halo 2. Its because of the fans we're still waiting for halo 2. Damn them all them and their stupid make the multiplayer better so we can play online. did you know the story line for halo 2 had been finished like months ago well did you! :angry:

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stop making all these suggestions and let kotor 2 be released. you know the developers actually read these. and instead after kotor 2 is realesed they have a bunch of patches with a bunch of add ons and fixes. I wanna play kotor 2 dammit and all this is doing is risking having the game pushed back. Please let this game not end up being like halo 2. Its because of the fans we're still waiting for halo 2. Damn them all them and their stupid make the multiplayer better so we can play online. did you know the story line for halo 2 had been finished like months ago well did you! :angry:

And what r u doing, u have just done what u wanted not to happen. :p


And if that is what you believe, then why did u sign up for this board? :huh:

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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stop making all these suggestions and let kotor 2 be released. you know the developers actually read these. and instead after kotor 2 is realesed they have a bunch of patches with a bunch of add ons and fixes. I wanna play kotor 2 dammit and all this is doing is risking having the game pushed back. Please let this game not end up being like halo 2. Its because of the fans we're still waiting for halo 2. Damn them all them and their stupid make the multiplayer better so we can play online. did you know the story line for halo 2 had been finished like months ago well did you! :angry:

True but how much more rewarding will it be to wait for all this time and then play a supreme and polished game with all the things you didnt like about the first one ironed out? That is why most movie tie in games are sh*t, because they are rushed out to coincide with the movie release :huh: so im prepared to wait a little bit longer though I can only speak for myself

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stop making all these suggestions and let kotor 2 be released. you know the developers actually read these. and instead after kotor 2 is realesed they have a bunch of patches with a bunch of add ons and fixes. I wanna play kotor 2 dammit and all this is doing is risking having the game pushed back. Please let this game not end up being like halo 2. Its because of the fans we're still waiting for halo 2. Damn them all them and their stupid make the multiplayer better so we can play online. did you know the story line for halo 2 had been finished like months ago well did you! :angry:

True but how much more rewarding will it be to wait for all this time and then play a supreme and polished game with all the things you didnt like about the first one ironed out? That is why most movie tie in games are sh*t, because they are rushed out to coincide with the movie release ;) so im prepared to wait a little bit longer though I can only speak for myself

nuh uhn its because of all this bull**** wiht halo2 that i decided to not bother myself with halo 2 at all as in i'm not planning on getting it because i'm saving up for kotor2 fable republic commando and some others and my friends also agree. i just hope that they dont do this with kotor and decide to make a multiplayer or decide to release it on xbox 2 like Team ninja did for ninja gaidan 2 :ph34r: besterds :angry:

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stop making all these suggestions and let kotor 2 be released. you know the developers actually read these. and instead after kotor 2 is realesed they have a bunch of patches with a bunch of add ons and fixes. I wanna play kotor 2 dammit and all this is doing is risking having the game pushed back. Please let this game not end up being like halo 2. Its because of the fans we're still waiting for halo 2. Damn them all them and their stupid make the multiplayer better so we can play online. did you know the story line for halo 2 had been finished like months ago well did you! :angry:

LOL AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

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stop making all these suggestions and let kotor 2 be released. you know the developers actually read these. and instead after kotor 2 is realesed they have a bunch of patches with a bunch of add ons and fixes. I wanna play kotor 2 dammit and all this is doing is risking having the game pushed back. Please let this game not end up being like halo 2. Its because of the fans we're still waiting for halo 2. Damn them all them and their stupid make the multiplayer better so we can play online. did you know the story line for halo 2 had been finished like months ago well did you! :angry:

True but how much more rewarding will it be to wait for all this time and then play a supreme and polished game with all the things you didnt like about the first one ironed out? That is why most movie tie in games are sh*t, because they are rushed out to coincide with the movie release :lol: so im prepared to wait a little bit longer though I can only speak for myself

nuh uhn its because of all this bull**** wiht halo2 that i decided to not bother myself with halo 2 at all as in i'm not planning on getting it because i'm saving up for kotor2 fable republic commando and some others and my friends also agree. i just hope that they dont do this with kotor and decide to make a multiplayer or decide to release it on xbox 2 like Team ninja did for ninja gaidan 2 :ph34r: besterds :angry:

KOTOR isn't going multiplayer. They've disspelled this enough. And besides, we talk here more to learn stuff and try to influence the game, not because we think it will actully happen. The game is close enough to release that they probably won't listen to our suggesstions, so don't worry.

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stop making all these suggestions and let kotor 2 be released. you know the developers actually read these. and instead after kotor 2 is realesed they have a bunch of patches with a bunch of add ons and fixes. I wanna play kotor 2 dammit and all this is doing is risking having the game pushed back. Please let this game not end up being like halo 2. Its because of the fans we're still waiting for halo 2. Damn them all them and their stupid make the multiplayer better so we can play online. did you know the story line for halo 2 had been finished like months ago well did you! :angry:

heres a suggestion shove ur suggestion up ur a** :lol:

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together

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lol. You never know. Maybe the kotor III devs look at these too. And maybe some of these will make it in the game. I'd rather a better game out later then a rushed one.


If anything these suggestion boards are to pass the time waiting for the game .. lol. And if they help with the game(or any game), even better...

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lol. You never know. Maybe the kotor III devs look at these too. And maybe some of these will make it in the game. I'd rather a better game out later then a rushed one.


If anything these suggestion boards are to pass the time waiting for the game .. lol. And if they help with the game(or any game), even better...

as long as it doesnt get pushed back and like i said for all these suggestions can be put in the game as downloadable content

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At the present moment, I'd wager very heavily KOTOR II feature suggestions are merely for our amusement. They're moving towards balancing and debugging what's already there, by all indications; that means you needn't worry about some suggestion or other on this forum slowing them down by even a second. :rolleyes:


EDIT: Then again, if they're reading the forums in order to procrastinate from doing their jobs, I suppose we could slow them down...

Edited by Ivan the Terrible

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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