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New Sith Lords interview!

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"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Yep, so now the planets are:


1. Dantooine

2. Peragus

3. Telos

4. Dxun

5. Onderon


Two left...

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Onderon, in the three-planet system of the same name, circles

a yellow sun and has four moons with widely-varying orbits.

The closest moon, Dxun, is home to numerous bloodthirsty creatures

who are periodically able to migrate to the surface of Onderon,

due to an annual period in which the two worlds' atmospheres

intersect. The human inhabitants of Onderon gradually evolved

defenses against the beasts, eventually culminating in the enormous

walled city of Iziz. Native life on the planet includes the

deadly dragon-bird.

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I think its saying once Kreia teaches you to regain your connection to the force, she shows you how to use certain basic powers. But again thats just my interpretation.

And I find it kind of funny

I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I'm dying

Are the best I've ever had

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Can't wait to see Hades_One's and Drakron's opinions about this :lol:

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Onderon, the grassy world, home to lush grasslands and wildlife and surrounded by four moons, was also a center of dark power during the age of the Sith. The capital city of Iziz was where the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd, self-declared King of Onderon, held his court, and where the great King Ommin and Queen Amanoa ruled. Long after Nadd's death, the Sith Lord's shade rose up amidst the ancient Sith ruins on this planet, threatening to throw the galaxy into another Sith Rebellion. With the help of two Jedi Knights, Ulic Qel-Droma and Nomi Sunrider, the Nadd uprising was halted.


The Dark Side remained strong on Onderon, however, breeding among the ancient Sith ruins there. The spirit of Freedon Nadd appeared to Qel-Droma a few years afterwards, saying, "You will be one of the great ones." The abundance of Sith artifacts on the world also caused young and arrogant Jedi, Exar Kun, to travel there seeking ancient Sith artifacts, posing as an archaeologist to gain access to the ruins. This ruse failed, but Kun returned to Iziz and found a few of Nadd's followers willing to take him to Nadd's tomb on the Dxun moon.

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I think its saying once Kreia teaches you to regain your connection to the force, she shows you how to use certain basic powers. But again thats just my interpretation.

So you don't get to choose your first force powers? They are chosen for you? That sucks, unless there are more than one... :lol:

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It doesn't say they're chosen for you, though that's one possibility. If it's not said, don't read it between the lines, unless the implication is VERY clear, and even then there will be miscommunications.


There was a lot of repeat, but a LOT of stuff was clarified and explained here that wasn't before. Thanks for bringing it up.

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I think its saying once Kreia teaches you to regain your connection to the force, she shows you how to use certain basic powers. But again thats just my interpretation.

So you don't get to choose your first force powers? They are chosen for you? That sucks, unless there are more than one... :lol:

I'm sure it depends on what "class" you choose as well

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It doesn't say they're chosen for you, though that's one possibility. If it's not said, don't read it between the lines, unless the implication is VERY clear, and even then there will be miscommunications.

True, and it says you "don't even need to", but I will continue to read in between the lines... :lol: ...you are probably right kumquatq3...

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Who knows? It seems we'll have to wait until December.

We don't. Yes, maybe we will have to wait for december.



To the original topic: There was a lot of obligatory repeat, but a LOT of stuff was clarified and explained here that wasn't before. Thanks for bringing it up.



OSW: Sorry to be a prude, but there are countless possibilities to be read beneath the lines. There isn't even the vague implication they'll restrict your force powers. It's fine that you made the mistake, as everyone does that, but why insist that's how it is?

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Hey Meshugger, there's a "modified" smiley of your sig:






"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Yes, maybe we will have to wait for december.

Or February :p

OSW:  Sorry to be a prude, but there are countless possibilities to be read beneath the lines.

I know, that's why I kind of like to do it... ;)

There isn't even the vague implication they'll restrict your force powers.

It sounds like it to me, but only in the beginning, and that's enough for me, I'm really not trying to force it on anyone... :(

It's fine that you made the mistake, as everyone does that, but why insist that's how it is?

I made the mistake of making that assumption? ;) I insist how that's how it is? I am thoroughly confused... ;)

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To put it more simply: It doesn't mean they'll suddenly stop having quality control in Obsidian. It sounds pretty amateurish of them to do that, and I don't see them being amateurish. It's an easy way to make choice in the game, putting a game mechanic in-game to be found, and I don't see them missing it.


What I was thinking is that Kreia offers you chances to train various skills, and you're given a choice (maybe limited by what's useful) of/during various situations with you either solving the problem or cutting around it with the Force, thus training you that skill. It would give you a good idea of the sort of Force Power you'd like, as well.

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It doesn't mean they'll suddenly stop having quality control in Obsidian.

I never inferred nor assumed that... ;)

What I was thinking is that Kreia offers you chances to train various skills, and you're given a choice (maybe limited by what's useful) of/during various situations with you either solving the problem or cutting around it with the Force, thus training you that skill. It would give you a good idea of the sort of Force Power you'd like, as well.

See, that's the ticket...


I just inquired, I never stated, right? right?

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All new heads?

Uhoh. There was that one head (blackish/blueish haired, blue eyed female) that I really adored. Seemed to be the best head for fems in the game. Sob!


It'd be interesting if you gained a few levels as a Jedi without force powers, and then you get your skills trained (I.E you gain the amount of force powers appropriate to your level) when you "reconnect" to the force.




Force: Please try to reconnect to the Force.

PC: Urgh! My connection sucks. I should've gotten cable. Or a DFL.

Force: I'm sorry, but you have been put on hold.

PC: Gaaah.

Force: This call will cost you $72.90. Thank you and have a nice day. *hangup*

PC: They're gonna get a piece of my mind when I can get through.

PC: *redials*

Force: Hello, this is the Force speaking. Are you a Jedi? Were you a Jedi? Do you want to be a Jedi again? How about a soft, lovable Sith? If we can amuse children, or make you buy our products based on mediocre movies, then ForceINC is for you!





It's better in my brain. Ah, well.


While I'm starting to have small, nagging doubts about this game, (Small doubts. They're small.) I will still buy it and enjoy it. I just hope they put a lot more care into the female models. Not that the majority of gamers are female, but we shouldn't be stuck with the nasty faces while men get the better deal. I want nice looking, strong looking, more female looking models and heads. Their faces from KOTOR looked quite manish.




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When you said, in response to Meshugger, "so you won't get a choice of Force powers?" ... that was insane, if I'm to take it at face value. That's how rumors are founded, and rumors drive me insane.

Sorry, that's a question, not a statement, and I happen to not parade rumors around, mainly because they bother me too... :o

When everyone says, "Maybe this will happen," it doesn't suddenly become true. Maybe this wouldn't have started a rumor, but this was irritating to me for the same reason a rumor is.

I know that, and I never meant it, I just inquired to what that specific statement meant...

Insisting that your reading between the lines was the truth (even though I'm sure you thought it would be what everyone saw) was frustrating, considering what I said above about rumors.

Of course it was... ;)

Read beneath the lines, go ahead. It's a fun thing to do, but defining such speculation as truth (even though you probably thought anyone else would've seen it as such, and thus weren't thinking that to the exclusion of other theories) leads to stupidity, as I referred to so crudely when I mentioned your "mistake".

I did not define it as truth...I merely inquired as I stated before, then gave my opinion if that were to be true.... ;)

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