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UFOs in Mexico

Product of the Cosmos

Did you hear about the UFO happening in Mexico?  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. Did you hear about the UFO happening in Mexico?

    • Yes, I heard about the whole thing
    • Yes, but only a small amount
    • No, what the hell are you talking about?
    • No, but whatever happened, it wasn't EBE's

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"What would your initial reaction be to hearing/seeing a real live E.T? Maybe mentally and technologically more advanced than our species?"


I would firstly be wayyyyy excited, then say hi. lol.


"To be honest... My initial reaction would be sheer fear. I would think first to protect myself and my family. Even if the E.T was not acting hostile, because how do I know what if any morals guide it.

Most humans act instinctively to danger, its hardcoded in our genes.


First let me say this, if they intended on negative things I highly doubt they would just show up. They would be hidden, and infiltrate behind the scenes.


Fear is a primal trait, but it can be overidden with inner synchronicity. The only thing I would be very deeply possibly disturbed by is my peoples reaction to seeing this. Hoping they don't do anything crazy. lol. As if they came on broad daylight to invade they would know it would just be a stalemate and pretty much anything they came for would be completely destroyed in the battle for it.


We are all cosmic beings before 'human'. So it's not like they would be so alien IMO. Unless it was like an AI type thing. lol.


"Can humans as a species, that has total dominion over earth and no predator to speak of - Accept the existance of another species as intelligent, advanced as their own??

IMO instinct would drive humans to war with any species we couldn't control or destroy.

Just look at what we do to ourselves/eachother everyday... hmm?"


If we are simianistic violent ego-maniacs in abundance, maybe that would happen. lol. But I think people would be amazed, but a war? lol. If the visitor was intelligent they would just leave if it caused that reaction. lol.

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Dude i alsways think about that. I am running Seti@Home and i always think what if i am to be the one to find a signal from a diffrent species.


I would be very excited but also very scared at the same time.


Maybe we are the dominent species of the galaxy and we are the most advance. What makes me angry is that the US goverment cuts the NASA budget each hear, for other stuff. So this leaves nasa to do nothing but view the stars and build better telescopes. Human dont relise that the earths days od sestayning life is numbered. :angry:

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Dude i alsways think about that. I am running Seti@Home and i always think what if i am to be the one to find a signal from a diffrent species.


I would be very excited but also very scared at the same time.


Maybe we are the dominent species of the galaxy and we are the most advance. What makes me angry is that the US goverment cuts the NASA budget each hear, for other stuff. So this leaves nasa to do nothing but view the stars and build better telescopes. Human dont relise that the earths days od sestayning life is numbered.  :angry:


While I have a healty respect for SETI and the advancments from it that has trickeled down to us from it. I have to agree with the camp its futile. A for effort but F on being realistic.


Why do I say this? Many astronomers who speculate on this agree if other species who use some form of electronic communication are out there their forms of such are too advanced for us to pick up. We may very well, every day, be bombarded with signals from a higher communications network but if we dont know what to look for or have the technology to identify it its pointless.


To use a more human analogy. If some aliens visited us in the 1880's using FM radio to communicate, the peeps on the wired devices using morse code to send msgs across the country (in the US) would have no idea it was happening nor could their devices pick such frequencies up. Same idea with SETI imo.


Also, the frequences we are looking for, if we do pick something up they would have been traveling for so long, whom ever sent them, as a civilization, are prob long since dead. At BEST if we do pick something up its just going to prove we are not alone. But theres little chance IMO we can have any meaningful communication with them on that slim chance they use the same wave lenghts we use/understand.

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This is going to be a bunch of semi-scattered thoughts. I hope you can make out more or less what I'm trying to say.


The funny thing is, whenever an inconsistency is pointed out, "Their (alien's) motives are unclear" is almost always said, and then the person continues saying what they were saying, pushing off all their conspiracy business and talking about greys and cornfields, that happen to really like hicks or people that just seem really gullible. Never has anyone (that I know of) been like, "Well, maybe it's just a hoax... or mostly a hoax."


And as to the deliberate muddling of the waters, well... look at it this way. People like sensation. Why are we talking about this right now? It's fascinating. It's an easy way to get people's attention, even if they don't know who you are, so of course people are going to do it for the heck of it. If aliens existed, though, and the aliens were "hyper-smart" as so many allege, wouldn't they use that hype as cover?


Heck, maybe it's humans in tens of thousands of years who've screwed with time travel. In any case, to supply any race I know of with food, there would have to be a LOT more UFO sightings than they have been, and they wouldn't be in such selectively out-of-the-way or suspicious places. In my opinion, just about all of the UFO stuff is total crap. I won't say the rest of it has anything to do with aliens, but nor wil I say it doesn't.


Also, if the government (any and all government) could hide evidence of UFO's on the motivation that it would frighten people, wouldn't they also hide information that would SEEM like UFO's and still frighten people? The most plausible explanation is always technology being tested. Maybe jamming equipment was being tested on the mexicans? The Mexican's don't have any reason to demand reconciliation for possible spying/recon/military equipment being tested on them, and they're just south of the border - well within range of maybe equipment or transportation thereof, maybe even by very high altitude plane or somesuch...


But even that sounds really science fiction-y. All stuff that's been said so far of possible alien ship sightings was sketchy at best, without specifics or even phony pictures.


And seriously, what are the consequences for screwing with Mexico like that? If it really was done by the US government, well.. we're seeing the consequences right now. Absolutely nothing. Absolutely perfect.



It really amazes me the depths of creativity on this topic people haven't plumbed.


So these 11 UFO's were invisible. But civilians confirm the "sighting"? How does this happen? (taken off of one of your first links, actually)


I'm really surprised no one has thought of the possibility that the UFO's don't want to be found. Why would they be? I mean, seriously... what could possibly be more brilliant than to only abduct obscure, uneducated (mostly), gullible people?


As to the theory that governments just don't want the public to panic...


Are we panicking? In theory, yes, but not in reality. How much of a threat are they if they haven't done anything to us? No, it's like ghost stories, whether aliens are real and among us or not. Are they doing anything to us? Apparently not on a large enough scale to be noticed. Maybe they give us the Flu. Hey - we've had a shortage of flu vaccinations this year.


Maybe aliens have an agreement with governments to hold off if the governments don't mention their activity. Eh? Maybe there is something a little disturbing about the aliens, or just something they don't want known, and the aliens have agreed to lay off the big weapons in exchange for silence.


Maybe the aliens are giving us a boost to prepare us for something, or studying us to eventually do the same. Ever read Childhood's end? Creepy book, very interesting, and the only "UFO" story that really felt eerily real to me. Of course, the whole phenomena is still interesting, however made up it may or may not be.


And then maybe they've always lived on this planet. Maybe they're future human time travellers.


Who knows.

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